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The gas fever has struck Chelsea. Dexter has a eider mili in full operation n o w. Prof. Hern is the new principal of the Milán schools. P. H. Squires has opened a store at the junction, Milán. Chas. Carven of Saline is tobuild himself a new house. E. A. Hauser of Saline will market 500 sheep this fall. The Chelaea crearaery has been booming on butler lately. Wilbur Booth of Dexter has "struck a ob" at Cloquet, Min. Tho eastern part of Milun is building np rapidly this glimmer. Miss Lottie Inman, of Nora, teaclies 32 pupils music in her vicinity. Win. Barrett, of Lyndon is putting up a new wind mili on his farm. C. H. "VVines will live in Chelsea hereifter, having rented his farm. The I. O. G. T. lodge at Saline h:i3 gone the way of all good - up. The Saline Baptists made $11 by an ice jreain social a few nights since. A Stockbridge man ships ashes to Florida to be used as a fcrlllizer. l'lonecrs should remember the meeting next Saturday at Whitmore Lake. Manchester lishermen have got on to a brook with speckled tront therein. Murdock's jewelry store has been moved in with J. E. Cheney & Bro's. ü. W. Begoleof Ypsi. has been granted i patent on a fence huilding machine. Prof. Bellows, of Ypsilanti will condurt I t.mrhcrs' institute at Monroe next weck. Teacberi should remnaber the cxamination at the court house, Fridiiy, Aug. Mth. There is a cry for more Hxht on Chellea'i streets- wait for natuial gus, genlle men. A (to#d portion of the big mnrsh jnst east of Uuudilla btirnod over before the rains. The Eaterpriaa wants the Manchester city dada to build a reservoir rtght away rjuick. The Sun appeals to its citizens for more and better protectlon f rom lire in Stockbridge. Mrs. A. Clark will not teach in the schools of Saline agam this year, having resigned. Henry Gardner of Sharon has boen taken to the imane asyhnn at l'onüac for the tlilrd time. Of course cverybody will remember fie farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake n 'xt Haturday. Mrs. A. J. Boyce of Lyndon, sold 30 spring chickens averaglng live lbs. each, at 8 ets. per lb. The water in the Saline river is so low, that the water milis run on half time and less.- Obscrver. It will only cost 75 cents for the ronnd trip from Manchester to the Adrián G. A. R. encampment. Editor Smith of the Milan Leader is writing up his upper peninsular trip for the benefit of his readers. The new jail and sheriffs residenee. for Livingston county will be ready for oconpancy by October next. It lias been so dry this season that horse power threshers have been preferred to englnes by farmers. The Huron river ia solow that It oan't get out of its bed.- Ypsi. Commercial. It is a long ways down - stream. "The Ogden" is the name of a new society orgauized by the young people of the M. E. Church at Manchester. Mrs. Kate O. Reeve, a former resident of Dexter, eister of "Norm" Allen, dtod recently at a Clnclnnati water cure. The 27th of September approaches, and with it the requirements for a license to get married. Ilurry up boys- and girls. Sevcral Milan people wero to go to Niágara Falls on the illfated excursión train. They took a regular train instead. Mr. and Mrs. P. Guiñan of Freedom, weie surprised by their neighbors last week to celébrate their 30ch wedding day. Mrs. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, arrived here from Petoskey yesterday morning, and is quite sick. - Manchester Enterprise. Ttie Stockbridge Bnptists hold rcligious services and Sun'day School over a store and have a bell thereon to cali the tlocks together. The Manchester school board advortise their excellent schools by circular and throiigh the columns of the Enterprise. Sensible board. The wife of Hon. S. D. Bingham of Lansing died at Dexter Aug. S after a lingering illness. She was a daughter of the late Judge Dexter. A young elght pound rooster now gladdens the home of Fred Henne, one of Saline'a business men.- Ypgi. Commercial. That's what makes Fred crow so. Eighteen of Saline' G. A. R. boys will attend the encampment. A round trip ticket from Saline to Adrián will only cost $1.15 at that time- Aug. 30 to 8ept. 2. A. K. Rouse of Saline has secured the general ageney of the Gale Co. 's farm goods of Aluion, for Ohio and West Virginia, and has gone to commence business. An Ypsilanti man lost his coat on the Street the other night, and is quite anxious to get it back ngaln. Query- What oondltion must a man be la to have his coat drop olí hiui ? ly the way, the CouniKR does not say anything about Chelseu knocking the Ann Arbor club out - Herald. That's anothcr. Put on your specs and read the CouiUKK overagain. It's there. Potatoes and corn will prove a fallara this year, tho long continued drouth has about used botb up. As a cousequencc farmers wear long faces. It will effect every brauch of business.- Stockbridge Sun. K. T. Van Valkenburg and his daughter and her husband, Charles C. Cooley, left here on Tuesday for Colorado. Vau owns a 000-acre ranch near Pueblo, and his son-iu-law will taku charge of it.- Manchester Enterprise. Oman Clark met with quite a severe accident Monday. He was leading his mustang beliind the wagon, when tha brute pulled back, pulling Orinan out of the wagon, he striking on his head and shoulders very nearly breaking his neck. -Stockbridge Sun. In a few instances corn growera are cutting up their erop, it having been by drought rendered unflt for anything but fedder. Reports say that the oorn erop of Indiana and Illinois is also a failure, wtiicli promises to inake tlie article acaree tliroughout the country. Stewed apple9 are botter for constipation tlian pilla. Tomatoes are, as we have so often pointed out, also valuable for dietetlc purposes, as tliey act on the livur and bowels aud a man who eats plenty of these "red apples" wil] seldom or never nced medicine, reiuarks the Horticultural Times. Coldwater has just found gas at a depth of 1180 feet. Port Huron at 500 feet. South Lyon lies just midway and on a direct line between the two points, and by adding the depths of these two points together, and dividing by two, we have 840 feet, the depth of gas at South Lyon, don't you see. - Excelsior. It is none too early to begin inaking preparations for the county fair at Ann Arbor this fall.- Dexter Leader. That's trutli, and the managers of the fair, being rwaro of the fact, have already com[ïienced. If every farmer would only save sometliing to bring in, what a glorious fair we would have. Wliy not try t it once ? For several days past extenslve fires have been raging in the woods about us ind the air has been fi!ld with smoke Iherefrom. A large amount of fences liave been burned also a considerable standing tiniber. The greatest damage lias been done in the section known as Bear Swamp, In Milan township. - DunJee Reporter. It will cost you ten cente, onedime, the ;enth part of a dollar to see the lean men nd the fat men of Ohelsea knock eacli Bther out at base buil to-morrow. Walk iip, tunible up, any way to get up, only jon't fall to come down with your two nickels. We'll bet a yaller cat and a IDOtted buil terrier pup on the Jeans. Put up or sluit up. The $0 liiw snit of D. A. Killens vs. A. E. Hullock, to recover well subscription, was conrludtd to-day by a verdict of the iury of "No cause for action." Watts aml ihielda attorneys for plaiatift' and Sam imith for defendant. Enough good money goes out of town, as lawyer feea. over thia "fö" to start :i gas well. - So. Lyon Excelsior. Well said. But Imven't lawyers got to live off of somebody v While jockeys are Ketting f1,000 for winninr a single race and $10,000 isgiven for a base hall player for one scason, many deserving ministers are working all the year round to save the souls of their stingy parishioners on beggarly salaries of $500, and country editors are advertising for watermelous and blackberrits on 8iibscrlption aecounts.--So.Lyon Picket. Serves thein right. They have no business to be editors. Several cards with little natural scenery views drawn upon them with a pen and tinted with water colors, the work of Byron Briggs, have been exhibited at the übservcr olh'ce. The views were nicely executed and shows the designer to be posaessed of considerable artistic talent, which he will do well to cultívate. lie seems to be a real natural artist, and draws pen pictures of people and places true to life. - Obseiver. The Hamburg correspondent of the Uowell RepubliCAD saya.: The lirstgrain barn built in the town of Hamburg, we believe, is still standing on the farm of Henry Olsaver 1}L miles north of this villano. It was built 50 years ago and has been filled 51 times. Mr. ülsaver is one of our oldest citizens, coming to Michigan In 1M1Í5. He lms seen the county trom the Indian trails to its present prosperous condltion. Mrs. Henry Doane, of Silver Lake, showt tl the fuiiny soldiers at Island Lake, a trick with a hole In it, Monday. She was sittiug in her buggy watching the busy i-ceue about her, when suddenly several of the smart jays grabbed the buggy and started up the road with it. She ]roinptly pulled the whip out of its socket and before they realized what was going on she had whacked three or four of them about the head and shoulders. They sueaked off in a hurry and it is needless to say they let her severely alone. - So. Lyon Picket. Tuesday evening of last week a child about six months old was ahaiidoncd by some unknown person, on the porch of Mr. Bradley's dwelling on Kiver street. The child was neatly dressed, healthy, smiling and promising, but it had to be shipped to the poor house in default of a christian heart to whom its helpless condltion could appeal. Perha)8 the poor house has a soul to hear the plaudit, "Iiia8much as ye have done it unto the least of one of these, ye have done lt unto me." - Sentinel. Ypsilanti Sentinel f course. It is not neceseary to state Uut, however. The Whitehall Times glves a somewhat circumstantial account of au enterprising agriculturist, with much economy of type: There Is a larmer who U Y's r.nuimti to tuke hls E's, And stmly nature with hls I's And llilnk uf what he U's. He hears the ohatter of the J's Ah tliey each other T's, And . that when a tree D K'd lt mukos a hume for U's. A pair of oxen he will U's With many lutws ntnl G's, And thelr mlBtakes he win XQ's While plowiiiK for hls P's. The executive committee of the base ball associatlon and about all the men and boys who take pride in the national game, have been at work here the past week building fence, clearing the land of stones and laying out a diamond on the newly leased grounds between the railroads. At the present writing the grounds look nlce and we think that we shall have as good grounds as can be found in the country. A grand stand capable of seating 125 people bas beenerected and everything put in order for theaccommodation of playera and spectators. - Manchester Enterprise. A thickly paddcd suitshould be bought for the umpire, aml then things will bo in great hape for a good game. Spcaklng of antiquities, there are few collections iu the state of Michigan of more interest or value than the one of anelent coins owned by Mr. I). Richards, trutliered by his brother in diatant lands. lt comprises hundredsof ditt'ereut piowt of money iu use before and soon after the beginning of the Christiau era, a few of them dating back to about 1,000 years before Christ. Home contain the "bust of Pallas" of which Poe dreamed, mul plenty of them bear the images of the UNan and other designs of ancieut and ptculiar Interest. The collectton Is the woik of a skilled antlquarian and well worth years of study. lt reveáis volumes of history. - Piiickuey Dispateh. "Your correspondent hot four wild erftnen at Portare Laku lust SiUurday."- lilrkett correspoudenoe of Register. Well, you ought to be ashamed to teil of it. What injury wero these cranes doing to you, or anybody, that you should take thfiir Uves? Tliey had the same right to existence tlmt you have, and had not forfeited it by annoying or Injurlng any one. They were tilling the purpose for which God made them doubtleas better tlian you werc, for tlieir presence gave animatlon, interest and pleasure to the scenery and landscape, where you for the irratilication of a destructivo propcnsity, were scattering wounds, pains, anddeath. Miserable, thoughtless, wanton wretch, do you think those four cranes, "feil to the ground without your lieawiily futher's notice? " - Vpsi. Sentinel. A fire warden is the latest. A man is roiag through the country represen ting liiniMlf to be un oftlcer of this port. Wlien he Soda a farmer with a fire opon his premisos he informa the ;uileless granger that he must accompany blm to the nearest magistrale and consider liimself under arrest. The farmer does not want to be arrested or go to the trouble and expense of a trip to the official, and after a little talk the bogW ollioer kindly consent.", lor a consideration of a suin of money, to let the farmer off and gtves hlm a receiptstating that the tiro is purely one of accidental orijjin. This seenis to be so Otttrageoai a scheme that it could easily be seeu through, but there are several insttiuees throuijhout the state whcre honest grangers were made dupes of the above swindler and wish their name to be withheld from the press. - Ex. The city council are having a regular Killkenny cat flght over the location of the electric lightplant,six membere fiivoring the pu rehuse of the site mentioned last week, adjoining the gas works, and four members opposing that location, Two meetings have been held this week. Monday and Wednesday evenings, but the matter is still seemingly furtheraway from a satisfactory settlement than it was a month ago. There are charges of ".-ell outs," "personal interest," and such imchri8tian insinuations. Oue meraber moved last evening to drop the entire electiic light arrangement and settle witli the Jenny company for the expense thus far incurred by them, but the sarcastic eloqueuco of the senior member of the second ward soon silenced him. 80 far as we are concerned, we wonld inuch prefer to Uke our eleclric light in water works. - Ypsilantian. S. R. Wheeler, station agent here, has invented and put ia use at the depot, a machine for automatically tallylng the cart loads of wheat as they are wheelcd from the scales into the freight car. Omissions are sometimes made in tallying the weight of the loads, and wheu the grain is received at the milis, and the miller tinds he has more wheat than is billed to him, he kecps "mum," and the railroad company has to stand the shortage as reported at the station. By the use of this inveulion it is impossible to get the cart from the scales into thu rar without tallying the load, and if an omission is made in setting down the weight, it is 8hown by the register, aud the average weight can theii be taken, and little if any loss be sustaiued by the company. Mr. Wheeler gays the shortage of wheat which the company had to stand the past year would pay for the manufacture and putting in one of his registers at every station on the road. It is certainly a very