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Only a gata Bent wlth tlie welght Of a youth and a malden n-swinglng ; Only a word, Zephyrs have lieard, Yet lt sets botu thelr young heurts a-sluglng. Only a dad, Dreadfully miul, SVliose volee starts the malden a-crylng; Ouly a youth Llfled forsoolli, And sent down the avenue flylng. Only a mald, (Irlef unallayed, Our sympftthy's Rolace demandlng ; Only aswaln Doomed to the pain, Jmt now, of partnklng lunch standing. Dog days and cat nights. Court meets again to-morrow. Tlie evenings grow longer very fust nowadays. Tlie Morgan hoinsstead has been rcnted for a boarding house. The Suinmer School of rausic has s:ruck its last sunimcr nole. Nelson J. Kyer starts in this week wlth twj houses on Summlt street. The opera house bas been given a fresh coat of paint, and looks bctter. St. Andrew's Sunday school and society will picnic at Geddea to-morrow. A new front is being put into the Jewe'.t store uext south of the opera hoose. Dr. Frank Krnft, of tliis city. Is a candidate for the position'of court stenographer of this circuit. At the Schutzenfest Sunday and Monday a Toledo man took lst prisa and Mr. Armbiustcr of this city the2d prize. Union service will be held at the Presbyterian churoh ncxt Sunday evening, Hev. Mr. Childs occupying the pulpit. This yenr's oats bring 28 ceuts. Old oats are worth 32 cents. New erop not of good, plump berry. Too much hot 611 II. The losses on the Dufly block are being made good by the insurance companies, who huve put men at work to repair the same. Tliis is the montli In which the housewife should start all slips of liouseplants for winter if she desires to have them thrive. Mary E. ilarlett applies for divorce from Charles Marlett, on the grounü of adulttiy. Mury lives here but Charles lives in Chicago. Every little girl can commence now to make some fancy artiele to bring to the hir, and by so doiug iuiprove herself as well as lulp niiike a good fair. The Cholsea baseball club is to tackle the Ann Arbor club at the fair grounds next Friday. As both clubs are good playera a good game will certainly result. Prof. A. B. Prcscott gave the American As8üciatiüii for the Advancement of Science a talk on Chemistry, wliicli is pronounced very exliaustive and entertaining. The lo.lge room of Washtonaw lodge No.'J, I. O. O. F., over J. T. Jacobs & Couipany's store, is being enlarged, repaired and tlioronglily renovated, and will bu a beauty when completad. On Monday morning Aug. 8tli, A. 8. Montague, a well known farmer of Unadilla, and a pioneer of Livingston Co., died of cáncer of the throat. He was a man greatly respected and belovcd. The electric light lamp on top of the pole wbich Mr. Kin;; had erected at the corner of Monroe and 12th stieets is burnIng dimly. What'i the matter? Poor carbons or a put up job to bring tlie pole system into disrepute f Stephen .F. Keegan, eharged with setting lire to the stable in which sheriff Walsh's horse and carriages wcre burned no, had a partial examination before Justioe Pond Monday, wlien tlie case was adjourned anti] next Monday. The A. M. E. Chnrch will have a basket meeting next Simday, in tlie grove near Ht. Thomas cemetery, at 10 o'clock a. m., praise meeting at 1 o'elock and preaching at l o'clock p. m. Iiev. I. Burdine, of Lafayette, Ind., will be present and will hold the forenoon service. The fact that two widow ladies have been married off of División street recently has caused a lively demand for houses on that avenue. Bnt new corners should not build their hopes to high. There are eighteen genuine widows yet left on División st., not counting the grasa widows and old maids. Couuty Clerk Howlett bas received the blanks necessary to carry out the new IW in relation to mnrrlage licenses, which commences on Sept. 26th. Truly, are we not governed too much ? Is it not a shame that the boys and girU cannot get married now without those uwful, liorrid newspaper men all eetting hold of lt? The grand excursión of the Musonic and Odd Fellow lodges of this city takes place on Wednesday, sept. 7tb, the train leaving the M. C. R. II. depot at 7:30 a. m. sharp. Upon arriving at Detroit the excursionists will take the steamer Garland, and go through the ship canal to Htar Island, returning to Belle Isle, making 100 miles of water trip. A caterer will accompany tlie excursión. Tickets, $1.25. The Student's Christlan Assoclation has had a windfall, some kind friend having given $15,000 toward the construction of a new building, but who the genereus donor is cannot be ascertalned yet, for H Is a profound secret. But the associatiou is wakmg up, and proposes to put up a new building, commencing operations at once. ArchitecU will be called upon tlus week for plans, and just as soon as })ossible ground will be broken for the new structure. The aesociation is to be congratulated upon thla happy streak of good luck. This charitable friend will ade.'i receive his reward for so noble What Is known as the Gretton foundry, on W. Hurón st., has been purchased for fC.OOO by Jamen Barclay and Richard Keeves who will glart a foundry, boiler and machine shop there, uuder the firm name of Barclay & Keeves. The new finn took possession Monday, and will at once crect a bnfkHng for the boiler works, 40 x 84 feet In size. Mr. Barclay is a practical boiler maker of 15 years experias fort-man of a large factory, and Mr leavlnff ' Vr,RCticil machinist, each one l„craUve positions in Pennsylv.i . Ilereafter Ann Arbor people will Paris Banfield has commenccd a new house on Second streel . J. M. Stafford has fttted up a dandy dressing room in the rear part of his place of business. Will Henne is to start in tlie undertakiug business in conncction wltli Richmond & Treadwell's store. Nelson Sutherland has traded his extra house on Madison st., witli Chas. Boylan for his house on División st. Carrier No. 5, Jas. A. Polhemus, takes the route of Frank O'IIearn for a couple of weeks, during his vacation. Geo. F. infant son of Andrew and Charlotte Peterson, of the 3d ward, died Aug. 11, of cholera InfiiiiUim. O. L. Matthews tells us that over 200 new applicants for pensions have been addcd to his list within a few weeks. Mrs. Moe has comuienced the erection of a new resldence on the north side of E. Washington st., next lot east of 8. Fifth st. If you can't get a dollar's worth of reading out of the Couriek theee ilays, (let alone a whole year's issue) theu you are hard to please. The 22d Michigan infantry holds ÍU reunión at Northville on the 25th of thls month. Seth C. Randall, of this city is secretary of the association. A full load of furniture, piled on a hay rack, was tipped over in the street near the corner of División and North sts., yesterday, making quite a crash. Phil. Stimeon goes to Kast Saginaw this week or the flrst of next where he will start a new grocery store, on Potter st. Lots of Phil's ftiends will wish him success. Dr. Vaughn of this city read a paper on "The Use of Cows Milk in tlie Feeding of Infanta," before the American Medical AssociutioD, at Washington, D. C , last week. Fred Schleede 8ays it was all a mistake ¦bont his going to Coldwater. He went there and looked over the ground, and feit pcrfectly contented to remsin in Ann Arbor. About forty or fifty of the O. A. R. post of this city expect to attend the Adrián encampnient, going thereto on the 30th inst. They have made requisition for six tents. Witman J. Hall for many years a resident of Northfield, now of Luzerne, Osceola Co., has recelved a pension tlirough O. L. Matthews of this city, his claim having taung fire about four yearj. In the Circuit Court last Thursday Susan Cathcart was granted a divorce f rom John W. Cathcart- Chelsea parties. Geo. Blaich was glven a divorce from liig wife Kinoia Blaich- also Chelsea parties. The 20th Michigan infantry reunión this year will be held at Tecumseh, on the 20th of August. Gen. R. S. Granger, one of its old commanders, now on the retired list nnd living at Ravenna, Obio, will be present with the boys. The Washtenaw State Teacher's Institute was a fiiilure as far as attendance was concerned, but few of the many teachers availing themselves of the opportunity to be present. Several ladies who had prepared to entertain a number of persons have 8ome ;?ood meals ieft on their hands. An employé of the M. C. R. R. named James B. Poner, died at Exinger & Boes hotel last Monday night, of rheumatism of the heart, being ill only a few minutes. He was 02 years old and had been in the employé of the road asa laborer for about thirty years. The remains were taken to his home in Marshall. It looka as i f the new road from East Saginaw to Interaect the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan, will sldetrack Durand some two miles to the northwest, at least it looks that way now. The reason assigned for tuis is that the Durandites have falled to pay their obllgations to Mr. Ashley, given in aid of the T., A. A. & X. M., and that the lattersaid he would get even with them. S. State street Is having a boom in stone walks. The Congregational Church is to put one down In front of its property, the lstward school building will have one and probably the Student's Christian As sociation also. Then skipping to Judge Cooley's residence we iind another being put down contifiulng past James Clements'. These walks are all six fect wide. Soon the south end of State street will be quite s-toney. The management of the American Exhibition in London, Eng., seiids us n list of distinguished personages who have Tisited the exhibltion during the first two months. A close inspection of the list reveáis the names of many princes and princesses, lords and -ladies, but none of our fellow-townsmen who are over the water visiting. This is to be taken as the cut direct, and when we go over there we sha 11 not visit the show. There is to be a special meeting of the Board of Managers and the various standing committees of the County Agricultural and Horticultural Society ,on Tuesday, August 23d, at 3 o'clock p. m., in the Agricultural room of the court house. Business of importance will come before the meeting, and It Is to be hoped that every metnber will be present. The county fair occurs Oet. 4th to 7th inclusive on the grounds In this city. A gentleman of this city who has generaly a level head, on a late pleasure and business trip a way up north, took out at some hotel one set of lus teeth and put them in hls vest pocket, as they hurt li is mouth; he continued his travels and after a while put hls hand in his pocket and found his teeth gone; he at once sent postáis to his different landlords and when he got back to Ann Arbor he found his teeth in our P. O., sent by mail. The ( assessment of the Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co. will be declared on the 31st of this month, by the board of directore who meet on that date for that purpose. The capital stock of the company has ben considerably increased during the past few weeks, it now hnving reacbed the amount of $4,517,570. The nuraber of members is 2,248. Secretary Childs now keeps a daily record of all the aflairs of the company. The board of dlrectors of the Washtcnaw Mutual Ing. Co. met Saturday at the office of Secretary Childs. Jaa. L. McCormick, of Salem was allowed $12 for damages to bis building by lire; Chas. Treadwell of Ann Arbor town was allowed $116.66 for his norse struck by lightning. The claim of Vedder Shankland of Superior, for wheat burned in the tack was laid over because the property burned was not on hls own land. The claim of the Finleys of Scio, for hay burned iu stack, was left to the decisión of John F. Lawrence as arbitrator. One good thlng. the dry weather has dried up the "skeeters." Prof. Demmon's bay pony has straycd or been stolen from its pasturo. Dr. Winchell has been rc-elected director of the Bay View Assernbly. All the rain we have had has not wet down in the ground over three inches. Spccitications for the new T , A. A. & N. M. R. R. depot wlll have to be completed by Saturday night. Waguer & Co. are niaking extensivo chanjfes in tlie iuternal arrangement of thoir store. According to tiie Sccretary of State there is six per cent. of the old wheat erop still in the hands of farmer in this county. Louisa, daughter of Win. and Phoebe O'Riley of the 3d ward, died Aur. llth, 1887, at the age of 1 year 6 mos., of cholera infantuin. The ï., A. A. ál X. M. R. II. In a few weeks will be running cars over 234 miles of road. Nearly a3 long as the Michigan Central. Thirteen of the seventeen milis and clevators in this county reported 7,248 bushels of wheat marketed durinc July, and 731,998 bushels during the year. The average yield of the various products of this county is estiniated as follows : Cora C4 per cent., oats 23, barley 24, clover and timothy hay, 93, apples 4G, potatoes 43. Ilutzel & Co. have the heating apparatus for Mr. Kempfs new house on N. Ingalls st., for two houses on Ann St. of Evart II. Scott and for Jas. Clancy's house on William st. The whole people, we believe, without exception, rejoiced when the rain carne down last ïhursday night. If a rain was ever appreciated that one was. Uut we ouglit to have more. When Ypsilanti gets free delivjry- which may happen some time- the editor of the Sentinel wlll learn somelhing, and that í, why people eau not retain their boxes at the postoillce if they desire to. Mrs. II. A. Nicholg, formerly Mies Ada Robinson and a resident of this city, was on board the ill-fated train at Chatsworth, 111., together with her husband and daughter, but all are reported safe. The live stock in this county, as footed up in the Secretary of State's office, is as follows: 10,865 horses, 10,837 milch cows, 11,196 cattleother than milch cows, 12,832 hogs, nnd 123,644 sheep. Eaough to keep a large population a long time. They say when the boys !n Ann Arbor want to go flshing they saalch the garden hose turn on the water ond let her spout a íew mliiuteH, when the ground Is covered wlth llttle iiiiniiows, and they eau Just plek upall the balt they want.- öentlnel. And suckers bito awfully down the Hurón about nine miles. The Plymouth base ball club played a game of ball with the Ann Artior Browns' last Thursday p. in., and were beaten ly a score of 35 to 4. It is but just to state that the Plyniouth players were niuch younger than the Ann Arbor boys. The proposition to vote f5,000 for the purpose oí booming this city is received quite coolly by some of our citizens while Owosso goes on and votes $25,000 for the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. shops alone, and gives 20 acres of laad n the btrgaln. Prof. Henry Wade Rogers has purchnsed the homestead of Jolin Ferdon, corner of S. State and Madison sts. Prof. Rogers wlll expend a considerable sum of money in improving and beautifying this propertj-, and will make it one of the finest places in the city. The Michigan erop report for August figures ii the yield of wheat for this county as follows : From 152 threshing jobs reponed, covering the erop from 3,586 acres, the yield is 89,759 bushels or 11 09 bushels average to the acre. The probable yield for the entire county at the sanie average is 828,112 bushols. The capsule factory in Ann Arbor employs some half dozen young ladies, and the Uooming Association is holding on to it like grim death with one hand, while it grabbles around for something else with the other.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. If Bro. Woodruff on ly bt-louged to that association what a grabble it would lic!! Postmastcr Duffy is raaking great efforts to secure an additional carrier, so that better satisfaction may be given with our tree delivery. If Uncle 8am proposes lo do this city a favor he ought to do it right or not at all. He should not hold out a bunch ot bananas to us and when we accept repluce theni with a string of sausages. If the supervisors will approve paying for the scalps of the pesky little Engllsh sparrow, as the lavv passed by the legUlature last winter provides, the boys will see to it that the increase of this uuwelcome little upstart is shut off right Sharp. A penny a head bounty would dcplote the sparrows and not injure the treasury very much either. Senator James S. Gorman was uiarrled yesterday (.Tuesday) a. m., at the Catholic church in Chelsea, by Rev. Dr. Iiellly, of Detroit, (Sccretary of the Land Leaeue of America) to Miss Jïellle E. Hingham, formerly of Dundee. Immediately after the service the couple left for a tour of the lakes via Grand Rapids. Many well wisliers in this county will wish the Senator and Ii is bride a long life filled with happiness. On Wednesday of last week, Chas. II. Worden and wife of this city together with Emory E. Leiand and wife, Hascall Larawny and family, Mrs. Heningway and daughter, J. B. Laraway, Orson Leland and wife, and other relatives of Northtield, went to Pinckney toassist Mrand Mrs. Amasa Leiand celébrate their golden wedding. The golden bride and groom carne to this county shortly after marriage tifty years ago, and lived in Northtield many years, from whence they went to Pinckney where they have since resided. Mr. Leiand is a nephew of the late Joshua Leiand, of this city. "Ann Arbor Illustrated," is the title of a modest pamphlet in grey covers, issued by the business men of that place, to cali nttention to its advantages. It is a plain statement of facts illustrated with neat cuts of the most notable buildings in the city, and every Ann Arborean should supply hliuself with a number of copies to send to distant frienda. One great attraction would have been added If the authors could have said : "Ann Arbor has half-hourly conimunlcatlon with Ypxllautl. the Buat of the Htate Normal Hchool, and tho best sanltnrlums In the state, by a Hlreet railway. In the latter city, whatever 1h lacklnic in the Une of pure water, goed HtreeU und handHomn drlvea In the Tonner, In abundautly Hupplled." I'rr!iaj)s the next editlon of the pamphlet will note this among expected