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"Wliat Drug wil! Scour These Engllsli Heiice" ? Wicked Macbeth, who murdered good Kin l' Duncan, asked this question in his despair. Thousands of victima of disease are dailj' asking "What will sconr the impurifies from iny blood and brinj; mehealth''? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Plscovery will do it. When the purple life-tide is sluggish, causinr drowsini'ss, headache, and loss of appctite, use this wonderful vitalizer, whlch never fails. It forces the liver into perfect action, drives out auperfluous bile, brlnfrs the glow of health to lhe cheek and the natural sparkle to the eye. All druggists. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor kecps lhe liair soft finil pliant, imparta to it the lustre and ireslmess of youth, causis it to gTQW ïuxiiruiutl.v, aradioalei Dandruff, curef all scalp diseases, and is the most cleanly of all hair preparations. AVFR'Q 5Iair vi-r"r lias íívo" me Mltri O perfect sftttafaction. 1 was nearly tialil fir six y art, uring wliicli time ï naed nuui; luui preparaUon, but without suooesa. Indeed, what llttle hair I hii'l, ;is rowin thiuner, uutil I tried Amm'.-. Salí Vigor, i osad two bottlet oi the Vigor, aiul my head is dow well co -ereil with u ni'W KTOWth of huir. - JuiUun 1!. Chalet, PeModjTi Mass. II AID tliat bal beoamt vaak, pn, rlMín and fuilcd, niay have new lite and color restored to it ly the use of A ei 's Hall V%or. My liuir was tliiu, faded, and drv, aiul ícil ont i" lar'o quantities. Ayir'.s Ilair Vigor Btopped ti' fallinvr, aiul restoreil my huir to its oriK'i'al color. As a dressing ïor tho hair, thia preparation has no equal. - Mary N. Ebumnónd, Btillwater, Mlnn. VIPflR y"utn' n"(1 ''aity, In the wlUUrij appeanuuM d the hiklr, maj he preierved toi an Indeflnlte perlod bj the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A diseaso of tile sealp eansed luy ll; ir to 1..-COme harsh and dry. and to fall out freely. Nothlng 1 tii.-d serme. l to do an' good until I coinmeneed usin Aver's Hair Vigor. Three hottles of this preparation rastored my hall to a lualthy eondition, nnd it is now soft Biid píiant. My sralp is eured, and it is also free fioiii dandrutï. - Mis. E. 11. Mllwullkre, WÍ3. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by DruggiMU mul lVrfumers. rKitKKiT URTTi proinjit aetion, and wonderful ouiative prnpei tii s, i asily place Axer's l'ills at the lnad of the list of popular r edies for Sirk and Nerv(ins Headaches, Constipatlon, and all ailinents originatlng in a dlaordered U ir. 1 have lieen a preat sufferer fiom Ileadarlie. and Ayer's Cathartlo Pilla are the unly niedieine t lint lias ever given me relief. One (lose ol tllese PlUl will qulckly move my bowel, and tree my baad from pain. - William L. l'age, Itichinoad, Va. Ayer's Pilis, l'niisred liy Pr.J.C. Ayer & Oo.,l.owell, Ma. ulJ by ull Deuicn lu lUdlDt.


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