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1I0W TO BE HAPPY. Keep 3'our temper. Practice strict teniperunre. Go to Goodyear for ginger ale and ledt water. Never bc in u itnfitting hurry. Buy all your drugs of Goodyear. Persevere ugalnst discouragement. Rise early and be an economist of time. Never acquiesce in Immoral (ir pernicious opinions. Maintain diguity without tlie appcarance of pride. Have your prescriptions aocarately pot up by Goodyear. Be guarded in dUcourse, atntive a:id slow to speak. Think nothing In conduct unimportant or indifferent. Marnier is something witli everybody, and everythiug witli souie. And good, cle;m, nice gooda a're everytliing to a buyer. tioodyear keepe tin-m. Preserve self-posseraion, and do not be Ulked out of conviction. Be punctual and methodiral in business, aud never procrustinate. Be not forw.-ird to aseign reasons to those wlio llave no right to ask. But ask fnr what you want at Good. year's and yoj w i 1 1 he politely waited on. Ofttimes the blacknew wljici ue believe we see in others is only our own sbadow. Live within your income; be saviiiff, avoid as niucb as possible either borrowinff or lendinjf. Go to J. J. Goodyear, the druggiít, for anytliing in bis line, and you wil] be ?o well pleased tbat you will nlways tnule witli lilm afterwards ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, Next door to the Farmer'B aud Meclianic's Bank. HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPOONINÖ ANU DYEING. PUe best of Workraen and SatlsAntluK Uuaranteed. RINSEY & SEAEOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY. AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conitaotJy on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wholesale and K.t.ii! Trade. We stwll also keep a npply of SWIFT & DEUBKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kye Flour, Buckwlicat Flour, Corn Tlal, Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock oí GEOCEEIES lli PROVISIÚNS Constantly on hand, wbich will be sold on as reaaonable tering as at any othtr house In the city. ('ali pald for BUTTER, KOGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCK Kemrally. Goods dollvered to any part of the cuy wiitmut extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. SMOKING TOBACCO 1 Home Comfort, 20c per Ib. Apple Jack, 20c per Ib. Oronoco, 20c per Ib. Genuine Durheim, only 50c per Ib. CHEWING TOBACCO! AT 25c, 35c, & 50c Per Ib. OÜK KNTIKE HOOI NT TOBA0GO BELOW 0OST AT 23 S. MAIN ST. HANGSTERFER & CO. GET YOUE MAGAZINES! B0UHD HOW AT THE COURIER BINDERY!


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News