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The oxritenuint on the Colorado frontier ovor the movoiuonts of Colorow's band o Utes conUnued o iha 16lh. lt was roportcd ut K.wi nstliat l"0 of thom wero fighting flflcen mi M from Mocker. The settlors with thoir f.imiües woro flocklni IntO that Iihvii, und the country was 8ai( to bo "all on ürj" bctwoen tlie White an( tho Boar rivers. Hirscii & Bkotiieii, of New York, importcrs of veao is, failed ou the lfilh for $100,000. A carkiacie oontaining a man, two ladies and a boy was struck by an oxprosa train on tho lrtth noar New Havon, Coun., and the four peraom worj killed. Richard Skaman Scott, wbo in June, 1885, absconde.l with H(i ,000 bolonginj: to the Manhattan Bank of New York, has been hcard froiu. He conlessoi his guilt before United Stat 's Consul-Qensral Wal Ier, at London, and lm pi catei John R. Duim, a New Yo k broker, who was arrcstod on the 16th. The üro losses In tho Unitod Rtates during the flrst saven months of 1837 are compute l at 178,938, 1 0. An analysis of tho nu vaiiiarisra is rosponsible for a largor i('entage of tires than any othor kuown cause. Detective fluoí come next. At Ch uit mqua, N. Y, on the 16th ten large ice-hous's bel n?lng to Colonel C S. Barrett, of Clevolan 1, wero doitroyed bv fire, In vol ving a lots of $100,000. bucoviKiii oí irmi ore have boen mado neir Waukoo, Ia., and a eompany was organizud on t ie lttth in Uockford, 111., with a capital of M.OÜO.OOÜ. to opérate the mines. Catti.k o r! on the lüth boing driven from the contra! and soutlicru parts ol Iowa to tuonorthwest countiea toget pasturage. The National ancamptoaot of Sons oi Veterans began al Des Moines, Ia., on the 16th. Walmt, in tho eastern part of Pottawattamie Coimty. Ia., was the scène of a most disast fiie on tho lölh. The Rock Island depot, thro larsje grain elovators and other building woie destroyed. Loss, $100,000. Stewkt Jackson, president of the Dispatch Transf r Coinp uiy, disappeared on the 16th frm Kansas City, Mo., and it with hiin about $17,0JJ, which he obta aed by fraud. The Society of American Florista began its third annual meeting in Chicago on the 16th. The Auditor rf Sta'cof Indiana declined on the lüili to luoe a certiHaate to the Standard Life Association of Fort Wayno, a "gravo-varu" concorn of the worst type. Wiiilb George B irtlett, a farmer living near Van Wart, O., was üriving with his wife and c'.nl l on the lüth his team ran away, and Hrs. Bartb'tt was killed and her husband fataliy injured. Tho chlld escaped unhart A ci.ih D-iii itgr on thn IGth n?ar Benkleman, Neb., an I a great many cattle caught in the canyons by the suddn risa were drowned. lt ïvported tliat a family of six inimirants cimping on tho bank of the Rickareo i'ivor wuro drown d. James Codï, a boiler-maker aged twentythree years, dioil oa tho ltSth at Sodalia, Mo., of hyJrophobia. lie was bitten by a cat six weaka ago. The current assessmont of tax ïbles In California shows . o iücreaaa OTar lastyoar of $KÖ,OJO,000. Tne total assessmeut of San Francisco Coumy is (251,962, 4ïu EionT parfonaaaoM wiil be givon at the Columbia Theater in Chicago during the week of Soptembor l'J for the benentof the sufferera by Ihe Chauworta (111.) railway disaster. As alte'iipt w:is male late on the night of the lTili to ivr ¦ ; a passenger train on the Ohio & M isis .i i track near St Louis. A coupl'i of pk s ha 1 been driven into the fioi of the track, but thjy were discovered jut ia timo lo provcnt au awf ui wreek. A dispatch of the lTth from Zanzíbar again announcs the death of Henry M. Stanley, but th! nwslickod conHrmation. Mrs John Biunokh. of Charlotte, Mich., fe'.l on a sharp knife while pick.n? cueumbers on the 17th and die 1 in a fow inmute, tho kmfo her brejst. The St. Louis & Cincinnati limitad express train on the Baltimore & Ohio road was thrown from tho track on the 17th on a curve near Washington and crashed through a brick building. The onzineer was ki.led and several passengors fataliy injured. TmtEB men were drowned in the Ohio river at Cincinnati on the 17th by the capsizing of a skiñ Jake Pettijohn', of Forsythe County, Ga., was sontenced to death twenty-seven years year.s ago for murder. He made hii escapo, and h s wherabouts were unknown until the 17t!i inst. when he was arrested in Indian Tcsrritory. He would be taken back to G org.a for execution. The total membersliip of tho order of Bons of Veterans, holding its annual enrampinent on the 17lh at Des Moines, U 3,8O6, an increase of 17,'-'49 during the last twelva monlhs. Senator Fute, who ha just returned from a flve month's sojourn in Europe, said on the 17th thal what most impressed him while abroad was the extreme poverty of the masjjs and th j irightful prevaljnce of the dr.nk evil. Et a fall of rock on the 17th in the Lake Ruperior m ne at lshpeming, Mich., two men were killed. The tenth annual meeting of tho American Bar Association openuil at iSaratoga, N. Y, on th; 17lh. The atteudance was very largo. Destrcctive forest flres wore raging on the 17th in the coast m nm tains of Oregon. Over throe hundred porsoas in the viciuity of Nashville, Tcnn., had on the 17th been indicted lor niauufacturiug crooked whisky. I)i kino the last flu-al yeir the rand Aruiyof thj Rspablio expende! Í253.936 for charilaOle pur. oses, relieving 25,606 persons. Secretaut Wiutnky decided on the 17th that Uoagraai sliuull be called upon to decide whetlior or not tho famous battloship Hartford should be repairodor turnod into junk. TiiEold and well-known jewelry firm of N. Matson & Co., of Chicago, failed on the lSth for$17J,030; assets, $2)0,0)0. The recent death of Mr. Matsou was given as tho causj of the (allara. The inquest on the bodios of tho victims of the wreek at Cliatsworth, 111., August 10, was concluded on the ISth, the coroner's jury holding Timothy Coughlin, Bectiou boss, to the grand jury. The company was not mentio'ied in the verdict, and the jury thouglit "the bridge was fired from tires left ünrnlng by Coughlin." A vkeiqht irain uu the Baltimore & Ohio road ran iuto the rear of anothor freight train on the lülh tear Ivli ott City, Md., wrecking sevenlei-n oan ant fataliy injuring four of th) train m -n. Eigiit porforiaances be (jivon at the Columbia Theater in CaiougO durillo the week of September 19 forthe beiMlltot the suffurers by tho Chatuvonh (III.) ra lway disaster. The dUiinmrtrted Betree, Kta Lillian Lowi-., luis b rn i xrciy engaged, togothor witli h.-r ncw cuinpany. Lyinun J. Oage Ihih fotttmé'rel to ti t as treasurer. TM PWSB pi I Will be turned ovor to Mayor Roche, and w.ll be foiwarded to tho poor suft t.ts. Rï"i klicav Ciiv, Nnl., was visited by a hurncune on tbe ISth tliat almost destroyod tho town. Houses wore blown away and tho in mat 's buiio i In tno dcbrls. Two men were killed imd many pcrson were fatally and soriously injured. Tun sweet potato orop of tho eastern shore of Virginia was esüinatod on tho 18th at 4Oü,(XX) barrate. Mrs. William Ooi.r, of Newburgh, N. Y., who diid on the lSth, was the mother f ten childrcn, six of thom deaf-mutes. Neithor of th paro its was thus ufflicted, The Chicago express on the Fort Wayne road was wreckoj n:;ar Bayard, O., on tho 18 th by tho sproading of the rails. The porter was killed anl sevjial persons were 9eriously injured. Advicks receivcd on the 18th in Ban Francisco from China state that an inciplent robellion which was browing In the King Yu district quelled by bohead ing about one hundred Tavist priests. Bt the fall of an elevatur in a building In Now York on tho 18th ono woman was killed, a man fatally hurt and a dozjn girls woro more or loss injuriad. Dukiso the three years ended July 30 there wcro 4-".íiHJ postuiastors appointod. Tho total nuinber of post-offloes in the country is 58,157. TnE Society of Amri-ican Forists concludod its conviMition m Chicago oa the 18th. E. U. Ui 1, of lUohtnond, Ind., was chosen president for tho oasu ng year. The "White Capí," or regulators, had so greatly Mrrorlsad people living in the southwestarn part of In that those who were unabl to leave tlio country were on tho Wth ftppealinj to the üovoruor for protect.on. Tuk British M nist ir at Washington on tho lSth a9koJ an expliin ition of the Unitod States Govornmunt of the recent soizures of British vessels in Behring soa. Ir was ruport d on tin lSth that E. H. Morse, of SL Cloud. M;nn., agent of the Minnesota Loan & Trust Compiny, had fled with $15, M) belnn ;mgto the company. Tbe Amere in B ir Association closcd its tcntii annual session at S. iratoga, N. Y., on the l'Jth. George C. Wright, of Iowa, waieloctel prjsident. A San Francisco dispatch of the 19th says Mackay aud FlooJ lost 18,000,000 in tin rocont disastrous wlio it deal in Uut citv. At the clo" of the National encampment of Som of Vctorans at l)es Moines. Ia., on the 19th General G. B. Abbott, of Chicago, was elected Conim Chief. Whilb tho North Germán Lloyd's stoum t Travd, from Bremn, was landing in New York City on the 19. h sho crashod into ths pier, injuriní a number of por sons sovertfly. Aliiindkii Robin'son, a colored man arrestad at Youngstown, O., charged with criminully assaulting a white girl, died on tho ïyth from fearot' lyn hing. After hls de .ith the irirl sui l he innocent, and that a man namud B shop wis the criminal, who thr .t -ne l to kill hor if she did not fasten the sjuilt on R ibinson. The white man had flo I. F. A. WniTE, cashier of the Putnam County Bank at C rmel, N. Y., was on the lílth said tobe a defau.ler to the extent of f-io.OOJ. Kherifp Kendii.i. and h;s pose of nino were ambush)d on tho 19tn by the beligerent Utos n';ar Glonwood Springs, CoL After a hard flifht tln;y escaped with a loss of threc horses kiKed and four mon woundjil. Tha sottlers were fleeing for their lives, and the hostiles were being rein f orced. Tnn M line fishermen were unanimous on the 19th n their approval of the cour9e pursueJ by Admiral Luce, of the North Atlantic squadron, for which he was eensored by Becrotary Whi ney. Threb nuxDRED worïers at Connellsville. Pa., struck on the 19thagainsta declino in wii'sf. There w re nearly four tlhiusan 1 men idle in the Pennsylvaaia coke reg.on. Charlks HAionT.'of Hammondsport, N. Y., shot lus wife dead on the 19th and then committed suicide. A buby a few months old was loft to strangors. Theke wore 13j business failures in the United States during tbeseven days ended on the 19th, against 151 the previous serea days. Thb steamer Atlas colllded with the schooner Lizio Wilson, of Barnegat, N. J., on the l'Jth. The sailing vossel went down immediately, and the wife and daughter of the captain and two seamen wore drowned. Seven persons were injured on the 19th by a cannn explosión at the soldiors' reunlon at Enfield, I;l. Interviews on the 19lh with the leadlng firms in various tranches of trade in New York City showed that eenera! business was in a very satisfactory condition. A heavy wliite froston tho mornUig of the 19th did considerable damage to vinos in the v cinity of Eist Tawat, ilicli. Advices of the 19ih from Cheboygai, Mich., say forest üres were raging to an alarming extent on the othor shore across the straits. PERSONAL, AND POLITICAL. Complete re'urnson the lfith from the recent e ection for tiove nor in Kentucky give Bucker (Uem.) 17,U15 pluraüty over Bradley (Rep.) At a meeting of the Ohio Republican State Committje on th) leith W. B. Capellat was sjlccteJ as Chairman and John M. Uoane as Troasurer. Jcdge B Boyer, of tho Montgomery Countv couit, .md an ex-Congressman, dei sudleniy of apoplexy at hls home at Norristown, Pa., on the 18th. Tiie Rei ublicans of Pennsylvania held their State c o iveiition at Harrisburg on the 17th an.l DOmlnated William B. Hart for State Trcasurcr md H. W. Williams for Supreme Judge. The platform favors the submission o( a prohibitory amend' ment to the voters of the State; indorses the protectivo tarilT; deuiands restrictlons UDon immigiation; ilenouncs anarchistic doctrines; rei-onime iJs an enlargement of the pension ro'.ls; tenders sympathy to Gladstone and Parnell for their brav struggle, and i idorsjs Mr. Blaine for President in 1888. TnE ivebrasiia Piohibit onists met in Btatc ccnvention at L ncoln on tho 17th and nomínate 1 J. F. Abbott for Suprema Judge. Tho pi; tform adopted declares that oonstitutionul aud st.itniury prohibition is the vital questiou of the Jay and denouncea high llcensa. Rev. Elijah Buck, a Presbyterian dergrman, who had conducted more than one hundred successful revivals, died at Centra ia. 111., on the lTth. agel eighty years. Rev. Dr. Dakiil Ciruy, one of the editors of the VhrWta AUnucile, the official organ of the Metho'ist Episcopal Church in the, die l in New York City on tho 17th, ng )d serenty-nine years. Prof. O. S., tlie notod phronologist and lecturor, di;i on the lSth at hls resiilenco near Bharou Station, Conn., after a short illness. Ho wasaovjnty-eight ye irs old. Rev. Christian BiiacuiLL, aged sevou yoars, b alaritjriaM of the Bocletjr of Frlendi dropped üead oí heart-dlsease in Chicago dopot on tho is;h. Hmvihoí liis way froin hli home, Chaniborsburg, Pa., to bes Moni'M, la. rm-iuiN i ( i.i ii ind'9 sul stituto duriiit; tlio wiir, i' ¦¦ Brnske, dielofconsumpüon al ti"' Bold.era' Homo i:i Bath, N. Y., on tlio l'.MIi a :! l oi'íhty yeurs. Alvan Clákk Iha fámoui asironomor and tclcscoi o-buillcr. led it ('ambridgo, Mass., on Uie l'J b, ín his cihty-fourth ve. ir. At New f.ondon, C'.nn., on tho lUth Charles P. liltter, a wrllkuown New York lawyer, and his wife, died of pncumouia withln a few hou s of eacb othor. ÏHK Uinti'il Labor p .irtv in convention on the lílth al Kyracusí, N. Y., numiuatel Henry George for Beoretary of Stato and a full Stato ticket. Tlie split in the Socialistic party npp iardd to bo llnal, an 1 tho anti-George p ople ero getting up a now party. Prof. BpiSCÜI F. Haiku. president of the Unitc I States Fisli l'oinmission, diod on the l'.Hh at Woodj Uoll, Mass., aged sixty-four ycir.i. FORE1GN. It was aiinoin-ol oí thc 15th thnt the uttor (allure of tho Labrador tishario wouli malte paup-vs of tho flfty thousand peoplo who form fls1! colony Ín Nevvfoun tland. lt U their only indus'ry. ASTIOIS of ih i lOth s ly four Brltlsh soalers hai le a lilssd by the American crulsors In the lioiiriug Boa. Thoy wora woll load -il with skitift, which, with tha craft, were turned ovor to tho United tStates Murshal at S, 1 1 i. A iiriiiic-AXE ontholith at Bordoaux, Franco, do itrored a amount of property. Durinj the storm two excursión trains collided at Archacon, sevonteen persons b.'i ISf injurtid. Two dynninito cavtrldgM ware exploded on the West Clare raí I way bridgo at Ennis, Irelan I, on tho 16. h, but no sjrious damage wa9 don Two othor cartridges which had failei to expióle woro found. Tue Fremicr of Nowfoundlpnl on tho 17th dentad tbat i.estitution pro valled throughout tliat provlnos, and salí! tha general outlook was botter than it was at tho correspon lm perio 1 last year. Sevkki: thunder-itofdn prevalled all over Encilaml on the 17. h. and nowhera was tho ruin-fali heavior than in London. Ir was anuounco 1 on the Wth that heavy loss of Itfe and i rpor v attended the tn cent storm in Londou an l othcr parts of EAgland. The Br;tish Cabin-t dici led on the 18th to convelió Partían nt for un autumn sesson. Is a labor Hot in Franco on the lSth one person was killed and a number injurod. Fifty-sevon arresta wjre made. AnvicEs of thu lSlh say that the cholera epidemie to Sicil.v has bean stampad out Tbere werj ninoteen new cases of cholera and fivj deaths in Catinla, Italy, on the 15th, nnl twe:ity-flve n;w cases and sixteen deaths In Palermo. The Ainoer of Afghanistan, having boen unsuccessfully trentad t y the court physician for a boíl, ord;rel tne inUnnldeeapitation of the nn'ortunate doctor, and the order w:is cér ied out on tho Hih. Thï Bank of Ion lo-i, Can , failol on tho 19th. lt had a s'ibscr b d capital of tl, Üüi),000, of which 133 888 was piii up. Ths bill-holders wo.ild HO". 1 se hoavily. The reports of Ktanley's murder wero discie'.ite 1 on tha 19th by the best-, nformod pcople at Z inzibar. The City of Montre 1 an Iuman line steamer, burneJ to the water'a edgo when four hundreit miles off the Newfoundland coa-it. Tno pttisengavt an 1 crew, numboring over four humtr.'d. toofe to the boats, whlch were all piek -d up m one containing thirte;n persoiü by tho stoamer York City, wblch lan led tliein at Quoeus town on tho l'Jlh It supposed that all on bOHr I the inisiiii,' b ;it p Wlabéd. A total oclit-s9 ,t liie suii occurre 1 at Berlin on the I9lh. Tiinmanis of pjipla from different s ctlon of tho empire wltnessed th" p lenomen n. Lord Balisbuut, m tho House of Lords, and Mr. Balfour, in tlio Commong, announceJ on the lilth that the British Government had proclaiincd the Irisli National League. LATER NEWS. Ths raoorü of th! baso-ball clubs In tha National League lor tlio week endod on the COth was ;;¦- followa: Detroit (gamei won), 52; Uhtmfti, 51; Now York, 49; Philadelphi i, 48: H..s(on. 47; Plttsburgh, 86; Wiish 'iiirioii. 84; IndliwiapolU. 7. The villace of Pe (ïraff. Logan Gounty, O , a placo ol Uvvlvj hun Irod n labitants, was iilmost em.roly destroyed by flro on the 20th. Mkm F. A. Anihíews and Mr. Hinith woro killed on th ")th at Terry villa, Conn., wh Ie attamptlag to e. oss the track i front of a tra n. Rev. Thomas G. Kren, a prominent Baptist minister, del at Evansville, Ind., on the üls of i aralysis, ageJ sevouty-two years. In an altercation over orno farm work on ths 20th near Jnliani, Pa., Wllliam Byen, atol nineteen years, shot and killed hls fbtlie . J. C. Usi ky an I son and Peter Honson triedtodrve across the railway track near LawieMoburg, Tenn., on the 20th, whe:i thi y wciv atruck by a traiu and all were killed. Rev. Aauon Woon, D. D., who had been in the Methodist pulpit sixty years, died on tbe 20th ai his homo neur Crawfordsville, Ind., ai;od eighty-flve years. Durisg a picnic on the '2Uth at North Adams, Mass., a platform containing two hundred p ;ople feil, and uiany weie sorlously hurt. TuKEu boys wcro lierry-liunting in New Jersey on ttie SDth wtien they were met by a narty of ydung touKhs who demandod thoir biTciis, an t, on a rofusal, p ppared the lads wilh buckshot, badly wounding all three. A 9EVHKF. r:vn and hül-stor;n paased oversectois ofMis.o.iri, Kansas and Nebraska on the 20tU, doing great damage to buildings ind crops. The Agr cultural Departmont at Washington was on the 20th prosecuting investigatious intoadullerations in winoand beer. Dk. N. A. Ak iii:it, professor of hygiëne in the Univ.Tsily of Pennsylvania, was drownod at Atlantic City, N. J., on the -Nt while sui'f-bathiig Two men named H irris n ani Graham becamu involvej in a quarre'. on tha Mth in tho Chick isaw nalion, which resulted In tli! fatul shooting of each and a son of Uarrison. The E glish st a nship Madrid, valued at $150,0 0. and cari y n ,' a crow of twentyüve mm, wasgiven up for lost on tho 21st 8he saileJ from I h ladulphia May 25 for London. Up to the 21st thero hal been 254 cas"!i of yollow fover at K -y Wen, Fla., and 53 deaths. AuorgT Wi nMiiiii.i), a wellknown resident of Davenpur . la., shot a id killed himself at hisd iu 'hter's ¦. r.voon the 20th in the pr s 'nee of h:s wi(e. TuKcnioui! Malkh, aged thirty-eight years, of Boston, in a quur el with his wife on th ¦ ','( h shot anJ fatilly wouudad hor aud th ;n killed hlmsjlf.


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