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Kalamazoo is to doublé its water supply...

Kalamazoo is to doublé its water supply... image
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Kalamazoo is to doublé its water supply pu'mping Trom 3,000,000 gallons daiiy to 6,000,000 gallons daily. Quite a prohibition town, cli? A yonng lady wriles the Ilepubllcan from OsceolasayiiiK thnt iluriuit the hot weather last week corn popped In hor fatheri neld. But she must b nilstaUeu.- Howell Rciu . hcan, She prob;ibly ineant "feet" Instend of .'fields' _ . Only 0,000 names out of 200,000 pop Lition were obtaincd to the iuvitation to President Cleveland to visit Detroit. And Detroit is a thoroughly democratie burg, tliu home of Don Dickinson. Does that look like a second term ? Tliere is not a page of the record of the republican party that any true patriot woiild have obliterated. How is it with the record of the democratie party ? Are there not several pages that tbey keep planed togethcr lest theyoung of politics read too mach thcrein. Rev. Win. Dawé, i Detroit divine, in :i sermón last Sunduy, is credHed iili ixpresaing the sentiment that all lovers of base ball and other sports are fools "who forfeit the bliss and joy and crown of cternity for the momentary plea&ure of sin." What a great collection of secondhand "crowns " the re will be to auctiou oiV! Next Monday is labor day, and the la boring men of Detroit are preparing for a grand demonstraron. Hundreds of woikmen from various portions of the State will join in an immense demonstration, and it is thougbt that 10,000 laboring men will be In line. The power of the laboier can be shown lo no better way. Too many eitizens of tbis natiou are derehet in their dnty as citizens; they are anxious to accept of favors, but loth to help shoulder burdens. If thjs sort of feeling is not checked it will eiulanger the life of the republic. A good fattaer jealously guards the welfare of intire household; a good oitizou must guard the welfare of the stnte as jialously. The solid south will present the name ofeither Gen. Lamat or Senator Garland for vlce-oresklent on the next democratie ticket. Will the northern ing dare to deny the request ? Hardly. The south will not be put off any longer with the scare about nominatiuj; southern menTbey will want a part of that pit', or the chickens to m ike it with will notbe forthcoming. The ministers of I.eroy, . Y., have uolted In assertiogthal neither iiulividually or collectivtly will tbey attend any more funerals on Sunday. And ministers elf'jwhere are prottsting vlgOfOtuly asainst Sunduy fiinerals. Tliey are not to be blamed for their ai tion In the matter. A good live minister bas plenty of regular duty to perform on Su'iday witbout taking ujion liimself any extras. WIU Ihe Ann Arbor and Ypsllun i eililors ever cease qunrrellng over thelr agricultura! borse trots?- Saline Observer. Ycs. We are told that tlie day will come when Gabriel shall blow li is triimpet aml tlie millcniuin shall be upon us. Then, and not till thcn, will this difl'erence of opinión ce.ise to exist, and peace smile like a forty cent watermclon at the email boy, and evcrytliing be dovc-like and serene. Will you be on linud to witness the spectacle and Observe ? Slowly but surely England's greatest Btatesinan approachessucct'S'. l)uiy the Kiijjlish pcople are crowdinw to Gludstone's baooer, and icknowledging hlm to be In the right, and tue crusliin ol Ireland and the Irish people by tlie Knrlish a grievous sin of tlie EuglU gaverament. EnglamJ, stronfr, powerful and grand, a peer among the govcnuiRiits oí the world, can wcll afford to be generous toward poorlreland, and a uder the leadership of one of the wisi'st statisnien tlie world has ever produced she is grulually reaching that point. If some of our republioan friemls desire to help along the prospecta of their party in Michigan, a pretty good way woukl bc to subscribe and pay for the Detroit Tribune, eitlier d:iily or weekly. We ib stront, healthy, trida awake pnper in Detroit, and the way to make the Tribune sucb is by it. The present proprietors of the Tribune have been building it up gradually, and they deserve tbe hcnrty support of their own party, at least. You will find the Tribune mi excellent paper, woith doublé its subscrlption piicc. Mr8. Cleveland is coming to Michigan later than ihe October trip of the President, so Grover told the Detroit dtlegation. If 8he will come to Ann Albor she can have the keys to the jjates of our city; she can even Bwing on the gale; she may chew gum if shc wants to; slie m8y romp around in the Chíllese collectlon ; slic may walk all over the grass (in the court houne lawn ; slie in ly batbe In the delicious spring water of tbe publif; reservoir; in fact she may elide down on our toboggan slidi: and i-kute all over the stone walki oi our new clepot, if she will only oome.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News