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A Few Stock Liars

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"I said in my liaste, " remarked the psalmist, "all mon are liars." That thcrc aro more liars iu tho world toilay than thorc woro in David's timo gocs without saying, bocauso thero aro more men. And with this increaso of population, thcrc has sprung into bcinga now lino of stock liars with whom David was tinacquaintcd; fair, arerage liars, who do a plain, everyday buainoss, and only go on in star parts when the star liar of tho combination is sick or tired or something. Among these steady professionals may be mentioned: Tho man who "never reads tho newspapers;" Tlic man who never seos tho editorial cutting him up, until bis "attcntion has been called to it;" The candidato who is "out of politics and wouldn't take the nomination if it were offcred him;" The ma. who "put Cleveland where he is." The man who "never had a day'a sickness in his Ufe;" The man who says the captain told him "it was tho worst storm ho had ever expcrienced;" The family who was in Europo three weeks, "and wont every where and saw everything;" The professor who tells you that in all his life ho "never knew a child with onc-half the marvelous talent for (music) (drawing) (elocution) (mathematics) (any thing else) which your child has already developed;" The man who "wouldn't have taken one hundred dollars for that dog;" The man who "made the mistake of his life when he didn't read (law) (medicine) (theology) (go on the siage; ) The man whosc wife "doesn'fapprcfciatc him" (a great deal more accurately that he knows.) The man who "whipped every boy ho ever fought with at school;" The man who "could take that text and preach a great dTSal better sermón from it" (thaa his pastor did;) The man who says "he wants you to teil him just what you think," and "never feela hurt at candid criticism, do matter how severe it is;" The man who "never slept a wink lastnight;" The man who "UAd (somebody you never heard of) the day before (Cleveland) (Garfield) (Blaine) was nomiinated, just on what ballot the convention would break on and how it it would go;" The man who "never made but one mistake in judging character in his life;" The man who can remember the only lie he ever told;" Tho man who "wasoflfered nine hundrod for that horse the day before he went lame;" and, The man who "could turn a doublé handspring from the ground, backward or forward, when ho was a boy, but hasn't tried it for more than flfteen years;" (Sometimos, witli a redeeming impulse of gracious and beautiful truth, this liar will add, that "he doesn't believe he could do it now."-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News