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VITIATED BLOOD. SCROF.VLAS, INHEEITED AND CONT1GIOUS HUMORS CURED BY CÜTICÜRA. rpHUOUOU the mcdlnm nf one of yoor books _L recelved througb Mr. Frank T. Wraj, Druggist, Apollo, Pk., I became acqnainted with your C'UTieuKA Hsmedies, and take tuis opportunity to testlfy to you that thelr ue bas permanently cured me of one of the worgt cases of blood poisoning. In connection wlth eryslpelas, that I have ever peen, and thla after havim; been prouounced incurable bv Bome of the best physicians In our county. I take great pleaaure In forwardtng to you thls testimonial, unsoliclted as lt Is by you, in order that othere suffering rrom similar maladlea muy be encouraged to gire your C-uticuha Kbmküiks a trial. P. 8. WlHTLINliER, Leechburg, Pa. Keference: Frank T. Wray, Drugglst, Apollo, Pa. SCROFÜLOÜS ULCERS. Jamos E. Richardson, Cuatom House, New Orleana, on oath saya : "In 1870 Scroiula Heers broke out on my bódy nntll I was a masa of corruptlon. Kterylblnf; known to the medical faculty was tried in valn. I became a mere wreek. At tlmea could not lift my banda to my baad, could not tarn In bed ; was In constant pain, and limked apon Ufe as a curse. No relief or cure In ten years. In 18S0 I heard of the Outicura Kemsdies, uscd them, and w perfect. y enred" Sworn to before U. S. Oom. J. D. Crawford. ONE OF THE WORST CASES. We have been selling your Cutieura Kemtdles for yeam, and have the ftrat cnmpluint yet to recelve from a purcuaser. One of the worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured by the use of live boules of Vuticura Resolvent, Cutlcitra, Culicura Soap. The Soap laku thu "cake" here as a medicinal Boap. TAYLOR TAYLOR, Drnggist, Frankfort, Kan. SCROFULOUS, IXHERITED, And Contagióos Hnmors, witb Loss of Hair, and Eruptions of the Skin, are poaitvely cured by Cuílaira and Guiicwa Soap .lUjrnally, and ('uticura Resolvent internally, whexi all other medicines fail. tiend for Pamphlet. DRÜOGISTS USE THESL We have obtalned aatlsfactory resnlts from the nae of the Cuticura Remedies in our own lamily, and recommend them beyond any other remedii a for dlseases of the skin and blood. The demand for them grows as their merit become known. MACMILLAN & CO., Druggista, Latrobe, Pa. ('uticura Remedies re sold everyvrhere, Price: Cutiera, the Oreat Skin Cure, 50 centa ; i'ulieura Soap. Ynd Exqu{aite Bautifier, '5 cents; Cuticura Netolvent, the New Blood Purifler, J1.00. ToUr Drug and Chemical Ca., Boston. PJ U l'l.ES, Blackhcods, Skin Blemiahea and Baby il Humor, ue Cuticura Soap. CHOKING CATARRH. Have you awakened frum a dlsturbed sleep wtth all the horrible sonsatione of an assasain clutchisg your throat and presslng the life-breath from yonr tigbtened chest f Have you notlced the languor and deblllty Ihat sneceed the effort to clear your throat and head of this cntarrhal matter ? What a depresslng lnflueuce it exerta upon the mind, cloadlng the memory and fllling the head with pftlns and strange noises ! no dlmcult lt is to rld the nasal passages, throat and lungs of this poisonoua mucua all can testify who are afflicted wlthcatarrh. How dlfhVnlt to protect the system against lts further prt)greas towards the lungs, licr and kidneys, all physicians wlll admit. It Is a terrible diseaee, and criee out for relief and c re. The remarkable curativo powers, when all other remeilii-8 utterly fail, of Sundford's liadical Cure, are atteated by tbousands who gratefully recommend it to fellows.ufferers. No stAtment Is made regarding lt that cannot be substantiated by the moet reepectable and rellable reference. Each packet contalna one bottle of the Radical Care, one box of Gatarrttal Solveni, and an Improved Inhaler, wlth treatiae and directlons, and is sold by all druggists for SI. 00. PoTTCB DRUO ANI f'HIIEMICAL Co., Boston . IT STOPS THE PAIN tt a IN ONE l I I I 1 jyJPl Achiti back, hip, and hhU-h, kidnry MmT anti utorine palno, wcakiuïnf an inrtamGflmatjon, rht-uma'ir, umi neurnlgic, BClW mF atlc, endden, fiharp and nervoiiH pahiH, V fli tofiiifl atralnp re II e ved in one min ute by tbat new, jletjant and infalllble antidote lo pain annd iDAamniatiuiu the 4'utlrurii Anti Pain Planter. ontj 5 for $1 ; at all drugglêt( r 1'ottek Dniro andCükmical ('o., Botton. A. DcFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustnicnts and Losse Promptly Pald. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attkntion oivento Cou.kct:on or Rents ani Manaukmknt of Hkai. BbTATK I.NTKKK.S'I'H FOR NuN-RksI II K.N I H. ENTIBK SATIsrACTION TO OWMERK GUARANTEED. A. DeFOBKST.


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