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The U. Of M. A Guide

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The following article elipped from the Detroit Eveninn Journal of Sept. lOtli shows how the eastcrn universities havt followedour own unlvertlty, in one tli í iir at least: "The proposed edueation of woinen a the university of Michigan was receivei with sneers and CJTOaJtinf by all the east ern colleges. Learncd duqubltioni dwel upon the dansers of t in case it was suc cessful. the nbsardity f it were not, MM the probabllitle of its fuilnre either be cause lliere would be too maiiy womei or too few. Hut years have passed without a breatl of sqandal. Somo of the brlftlitnt uu most scholutio women In the ünite States have irrinliulnl tlicre. The eas has coiiit' to MU:iiiran tor ts ableslteaeb eis. Wellesley fenmle college airead; lameatinc the proepectlrtí loss of its bril liant president. And a paragrapli now proclahns the acheivements of nnother Michifran rr:u]u:itt; and au additiona triumph of the experiment whicli was so discouraed ind opposefl." SIlssLuoy Silnion, the new professor of hiitory at Vassar Collefre, is a woinai with a future before her. Her book "The AppolnUng Power ofthe rresidont,' is the cltarest monojíraph tliat has ap peared on that difficult subject, and is a noteworthy production for one of tht non-political lex. MlM S.ilinon is librad uate ot Michigan univeisity a'd a fellow of l?ryn Mawr eollejie. It is curiuus, bj tlie way, that seven of the ten fellowships open to competition in tliat wonian's col lege are held by graduates of the co-fdu catión. Miss Salmón is a line lookin blonde, with a clear, open faeo, physiealh and inentally heullliy and steailfast look ing. Tbe Detroit Eveaiag Journal hits the spike plunip on the lu:al, In the follow ing: Wlmtever bigotl and ilemogogue in Michigan muy say of tlie university outside the stute t is reoognbed as it strong, characterUtic and "peculiar institution." Tlie name of the state is carried by it. lts fanie is nnilti pllud by it. For once that Michigan is spoken of on any otlier account, for one place where it is heurd of ior any otlier rca?on, t is heard and spoken of a hunilred times because uf iis univenity Tlie Detroit Conference has electe Rev. Arthiir Edwards, D. D., editor of the Xorthwestern Christiaii Advocate, o Chicago, and Kev. L. K. Fiske, LL. D., president of Albion college, as dlesrates to the next general conference of the M E. Cliurch. Both of these uien are able and dtetlngullhed, and will make worthy representatives, hut it does seem as though thore ouglit to be men of sufH cient ability residing wltbln tlie district bettcr aoquainted witli the wants ani needs of the conference than nny outside parties can possibly be. President Piske goei to the general conference to work up tlie intereets of his college, ol course, and Editor Edwards has the interest of liis paper to attend to, so betwecn the two the interest of this district conference are not as Hable to be pushed as they otherwise would be. At least so it looks to a disinterested spectator. Attorney General Taggart lias made public the following answers to questions relating to tlie new marriage license law which gocs into effect next Wednesduy: "In reply to questions in regard to the fecs to wblofa county cleiks are cntillcd, Mr. Taggart says the olllciating niagistrate is not required to transinit 25 cents with lus return. The clerk, however recelves 50 cents for issuing the license. A second inquiry was in regard to the relations between the new and the old law. Mr. Taggart says the new enactment repcals all parts of the statute in HowelP.s Annotation not consistent tlnrcwilli. Tlie third ioquiry was whether the mim and woman are required to inake sepurate allidavits and both oblain a license. The answer is that only one license is necessary and that the affldavit of one or Lotli may be taken, provided one is siifü cient and full. The last query is whether au application eau be made by otlier parties than those intending to narry. To this the attorney general saye: "There is nothlng Kqalnng appli■ation for a lircii-c, nor the nffldavit upon which it is baMd, to be presented jersonally by either one of the parties ineuding to inarry. Application can be nade by any jierson or persons duly auhori.ed by the contracting parties, bilt ie or they shall inake a showing by allilavit that they are so authorized."


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