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Council Procceedings

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Special session Moudny even ing. Ualled to order by the Mayor, only eight ineiiibers answeiïng to their iiBines. Tlic olject of the meeting was stuted by tlit mayor Ui 1"' tlie matter of the grade ol the sidewalk on the east side of S. ataln st., between Washington st. and Liberty st. Aftcr considerable dtoOOMkm pro and con tlie grade of the sidewalk as adopted at the last meeting was rescindet on moti n of Aid. Wille. Aid, Wines also moved Unit the citj' engineer, togrther with the chairman ot the sidewalk comniittee, take a level ol all the stoies on S. Main st. between Wuhltlftton and Liborty sts., and establish a grade latlsfuctory to all. Carried. Mr. A. L. Noble then brought up tli( matter of the tlectric light bill uut showecl that ba w:is dotng his best to secure poles of suftieient helght to snit the demanda of the councll. KXBCUTIVE SESSION. The mayor then had the room cleared and the council went into executive session. The utmost seorecy was iniposeJ upon the meinbers present, bilt it would seem as if the portion in whicli the people are interested, should be made public, and tliat they have a right to know what their servaiits are doing witli their affaire. The tinancial uffairs of the city carne under discussion, and upon the ndvice of City Attornry Kinne, tlie following resolution, written by him, was offered by Aid. Wines: Reiolved, That on payment Into the flavinas Klink to the crudlt of the ctty of Aun Arbor, by the bondsmen of Alberl Horg o! the mm of $4,448.90, wlthln 4 hours, that suici bondsmen be dlscliarged from further lliiblllty on suld bond. The ayes and nays belng ealled for resulted : Ayes- Aids. Sutherland, Martin, Neithammer, Hammond, Wines and Mayor Smitli.- G. Nays- Aids. Alltnendinger, Herz, and tlie Recorder. - 3. It was held by the city's legal adviser that the bondsmen were not Hable for atiy amount beyond tlie deficit of the lirst year, and that this course was preferable to a contest In the courts - (right in the face of the fact that uch contests are what lawyers feed upon- isn't that discouraginff the law business?) A motion was made and carried allowing Manager Sawyer to repair the sidewalk In front of the opera house; and a resolution iti&trncting the marshal to notify the Alpha Delta Phi house owners to repair their walk on ÜMÜaOB It by havinR an extra plank lald therecn at once, was also adopted. The city attorney, to whoni the matter of the title of the city to Sceond st., be' tween William and JcIVurson st., was re ferred, made the following report which was ordered placed on tile: Ji the matter of opening oj Second êtreet South. : On the rlglnal plat, I flnd thnt Second Street was lald out to lts Inlersectlon itli Allen'sCreek, whlch would be lourteen (14) rods Bouth from Wllllam Btreet, and no further. More tban tlilrty yeirs ago, when the land nowowncd by I.uther James.was deedvd to hlni, It was deeded subject to the street on the East slde of hls land, bul In 18U4 V'in Mayniird, wlm Htlll held the tltle to tinStreet, deeded the land covered by the so ealled street, to Philip Bach. Under thls seal Mr. Bacil look possesslon, erected uew lences, und for more than tweuty years has been In the actual possesslon of the spare marked as H street. I do not Hnd that Ihe city ever accepted the street or ever dld any work upon the same. I uní therefore of the opinión that the city luis no rlghts whatever to sald alleged street Houthof the Houthern line of the "leul de sac" or southern boundarv of the landa of J. M. Hchuh, whlch Is elgh't rods öoulli of Wllllam street. No treasurer was electfd, though the city attorney announced that he liad a a candidate, and lie thought the vacancy tught to be filled. No bondi were received from the bank, so the city is withut h treasurer and without any Uunl de)ository of city funda. Of ooune, BO ue for a moment qiivstlons tlie reeponsi)lty of the Savings bank, but the negeet of the council to do what is plainly Is duty Ht Olie time, and stlcklinj; for eclinicalities at auother may be quesioned.


Ann Arbor Courier
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