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Time table taking effect Nov. lith, 1886 Central Mtandard Tim,-. HICAGO TO DKTKOIT. í8i?Liiiií U.w. k.u. p.m. r. .., 'r', 7 Chicito..Lv. 680 00 3 1U 4 40 8 15 n'i SH Kalamazoo..JlS17 150 658 501231 ■ Battle Crcek..1 1 12 2 W 7 33 143 3 Jackwm 315 4 23 8 49 3 15 4 50 n? GrasLake....l S 381 M ■helaea 35 5 Dexter 4 14 55Ulli(fi Delhi Milla... 41 mu Ann Arbor.... 4 83 5 30 45.... 4866wuil YiMllantl 450 545 95U 4 52 62-rloï WayneJnnc. 5 15 6 06 515 tiiTiiiti Detroit.. „Ar. 6 00 7 15 1046.... 6 la TmYiZ St.Tbomaa 1115 246 100 955 46 FllsView 645.... 12 N. Falla Ï22 548 188 558 ."' BnfTulo 435 755 7 35 3 55 610. .1!' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. k I . . Í 7 M o s o.& E mí ï &? Il &s s&fh A.M. A.M AH A. M A V Bnfflo 1180 545 605 tOO uu' " N. Palle Wlö 31 12; ■"■ St. Thomas 4 15 1001... 115 4 4, A. . h. r.u t.u. p.m. p v, "' Detroit.... Lv .1 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 15 Wayne Jane. 7 40 958 208 4 45 831 966" VpaiUnti .... 8011012 220 5la 858 1020'" AnnArbor ... 8 IK 10 25 232 580 911088 Delhi Mills.. 8 542.. Dexter 835 5 5(1 9 34 Cheldea 848 6 05 952" UiiuUke,.. 10 271015" Jackaon 985 11 85 8 32 7 10 1052 1208 Kattle Creek.. 11 03 112 4 40 8 62 12 12 185 Kalamizoo... 1152 1 50 5 15 12OJ35'4 Chlc4go...Ar. 515 40 .... 7W SQSiua) O. W. KUGULK8, H. W. UAYB O. P. & T. Agent Ant.. Ann Albor Cbldso. ToJedo, Aon Arbor Sc Nortli Michigan lUllway. TIMK SCHEDfLB. To take ctïcct at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sun diiy, August 7th. 1887. Trainu ron by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. STATION8. S ïo o. , g a M i7_. , I. ■ r. u. p. .a. u. Toledo Lv 5 14 3 15 6 25 5 50 Mnhliattan Juiu'tion 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 5 ZJ 8 35 6 50 6 45 ""I 5 45 3 40 7 10 7 25 Monroe Junction 6 02 3 55' 7 36 8 10 Duudee 615 4 m' 7 50 8 30 ƒ? 6 25 4 16 8 10 900 MUm 35 4 Si 845 9 30 H,rsul-.V B5Ü 5 8601000 Piitsneld 7 00 4 53 9 00 10 20 Ann Arbor 7 15 5 10.' 9 ÏS 10 55 I-eland 7 33 5 30( 9 50 155 Whltmure Lake 7 4 S 45 Ho IS 2 13 Howell 830 62B 830 500 Durand 9 30 7 ao 9 3U p m i'orunna 9 65 7 46Í10 35 . .. üwosiO looi 7 5511100 Owosno Jnnct'nn 10 06 8 10 11 05 niiaa u ju yi5 2 w ;...; St. Louis 1185 9 3313 35 ... A.'mil 1142 9 41 ,365.... Mt. Pleasaut Ar 12 30 10 30 6 UO p. m. p. m. i-, m GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. i iL if{ a.a. p. m. p . Mt. Plcasant Lv 8 40 6S0 130 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 St. Louis 11 ., " ' Ithac 12 25 7 i 246 Owosso Junction 4 00 8 55 4 02 Owoübo 4 08 9 10 400...'.. Corunna 4 25 9 08 4 15 ... Durand 8 16 9 30 4 3 k. ■ Howell 7 40 10) 5 33 5 00 Whitmore Lake Kx;i. 11 00 6 IK 6 50 Leland H 45 11 u BSD 7 31 AnnArbor 7 15 1180 50 10 55 l'iltelleld 7 26 1148 7 0J 11 30 Irania 7 ai 11 50 7 15 11 50 Milan 750 1204 7 28 12 24 Azalia 800 12 H 7 40 12 46 I'undee 8 1(12 24 7 5(1 110 Monruf Junctiiin 8 20 12 31 8 00 I 30 Samarla 8 45 12 40 8 31 2 In Alexis 9 03 1()S4O245 Maulmttau Juuction 0K 1 05; 8 Ml I o Toledo Ar 9 15 110 8 55315 . p. ■■jr. m. p. . South Ljod Brancli. NOKTII BOUND. STATIONS. SOU l'H BOUND. Train (i Train 1 P m. p. m. 9 50 Lv. Lelanrts Ar. I 48 10 00 Ar. Wordeuii Ar. 6 40 10 20 Ar s.mth Lvon l.v. 6 30 Connection: At Toledo, wlth rallroida diversIuk; at Manhatlan Juuction, wlth Wheeling & Lake Brie K. K.; at Alexis Junction, wnli M. e. U. K., L. S. A M. S. Hjr. and V. A P. M. R. R.; al Mouroe Junctiou. with L. S. M. S. Kv.; al Dandoe, wlth L. S. M. S. Hy., M. Jt O. Kv.; at Mllitn Junction, witb. Wabaxh, St. Louis & Paclnc liy ; at Plttufleld.wlth L. S. 4 M. S. Hy.; at Ann Arbor wiih Michigan Central K. K., and al South Lyon wlth. Detroit, Lausliif; St Northern K. K., and Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trnnk Ky. At Himbur; wiih M. A. Line División Grand Trnuk E'j. At Howell with Detroit, Laaatng Northern K'y. At Uuraud with Chicago & Qnuid Tronk K'y and Detroit, Graml Haven Milwukee K'y. At Owoao Junction wlth Detroit, (.rand Hnven A Milwukee li'y and MicIiIl-hh Central R. R. At St Luuit wlth Detroit, Lanaicg Northern R. U. and Sagl uaw Vallcy & Si. Loule K'y. At Alma with Detroit, f-anjiuL' 4 Northern H"y. At Mt. Pleasant wlth Fliut A Pere Marquette Ky. H. W. AS1ILKY, General Manat'or. W. H. BENNKTT, o. li. WALES. Gen'l. Pa. & Ticket Aeent. Local Agent. ilTfïiNZiilTO MonumentsStatuapy JEnöorsed lnMERicASUPEpi 0R t0 SCIENT1ST$V r Öt marBLE0R THE ABOVE GOODS CAN BE SEEN AT NU. 53 SOUTH WINST,, OPPOSITE KECK'S FUfiNI" TURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent 31-81 CET THE BE8T FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Securlty held Tor the protection of tbe polio; CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresenta the folluwlui; irst-cla's companief.of wblch one, .Ktiui, haa alone, iiald Í5t,o0ü,00n Üri' losaea in stxty-flve. y eura : tua, of Hartford $ 9,lpS.4 Kratikün of PhtladelpliiM 3,118,713 OermaniH, N. Y 2.T00. W Germán Ameriovu, N. Y 4,00.9tí Loiidou Assunmcf, LouiUin.. . 1,416,788 Michitran V. 4 51.. Detroit... 27.i;'ls N. V. Uiuierwriters, N. Y 2,59, National, Hartford 1 ,774,54-5 l'hu-iiix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Loases libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issneii at the loweat rates of premium. ïmtr 117 1 II mo"e mouey than at anytbind elee br U 11 IK int? au aiieucy for tb bet aelling boon 11 II out. Herinner ancreed giandly. None ■1I fall. Term#frie. Hai.lktt Book to., Portland, Malne. IDU CDTICCDC o' othi,whO whh t n AUlClf I IdCnd ,h,ipp.r, on adnrtliing tpace whn In Chingo, will ind it on Haat 4S to 49 Rtndolph St., HQH L TUnUlC


Ann Arbor Courier
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