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VITIATEDBLOOD. SCROF.lLAS, IMIKKITED AM) COXTAGIOUS HUMORS CURED BY CUTICURA. TIIROUGH the medium "f one of yonr books reeeivad throueh Mr. Frunk T. Wray, Druggist, Apollo, Pa., I became acquainted with your Cuticuka Hemkdiks, and take tule opporttinity to testlfy to yo i tuit ibelr use ba periniincutly cured me of one oí the worst cases of blood pciisoning. In connecttoD wltli eryslpclas, that I have ever seen, and thU fter havln? been prouounced Incurable bv gome of the best pbysicians In our county. 1 take great pleasure in loiw:irdlng to yoa this testimonial, uneoliclted as It Is by you, in order that others 8nnerln2 from similar maladiee nmy be encouraged tofjlveyour L'OnoUHA Km buik a trial. P. 8. WUITLINUER, Leechburtc, Pa. Kifirence: Frank T. Wray, Druist, Apollo, Pa. SCROFULOUS ULCERS. J.imei K. Richardeon, Custom House, New ()rleans, on oath says : "In 1870 Scroïuia Ulcera brote out on my body until I wiia a miingof corruption. Kverythln. kuown to the medical faculty was trled In vttin. I became a mere wreek. At times could uot lift my hands to my head, could Dot turn inbed; was In constant pain, and luoked ■pon ufe as a curse. No relief or cnre In ten yeart . In 1880 I heard of the Cuticura Remedies, u-n'd tbem, and wan perfectiy cured" Sworn to before U. S. Com. J. D. Crawford. OXE OF THE WORST CASES. We have been eellinc your Cuticura Remtd'ws foryeare, and have the flret complaiut yet to recelve Irom a purchaser. One of the worst cases of Scrofula 1 ever saw was cured by the use of nve bottlei of Cuticura Kt&olvent, Cuiicura, Cuticura Loap. The Soap Mücce the "cake" here as a medicinal soap. TA YLOR TAYLOH, DrugRlet, Frankfort, Kan. SCROFULOUS, 1XHERITED, And Contat'ious Butno, witb Loss of Il.iir, and Eruptions of the Skin, are positvely cured by Caticvra and Cuticura Soap extcrnally, and Cuticura Heêolvent lnternally, when all otber medicines fail. Send lor Pamphlet. DRLGOISTS USE THEM. We have nbtained satlsfactory resnlts from the use of the Cuticura Remedies in our own tamil?, and recoraraend them beyond flny other remedff s lor dtoauaa of the skin and blood. Tbe demaud lor thana irrows as thelr ment become known. MaCMILLAN & CO., Druxglsts, Latrobe, Pa. Cuticura Remedies re sold cverywhere, Prlce: Cu'lera, the Oreat Skin Cure. 50 cents ; Cuticura Soap. snd ExquisIte Iieaullfler, 25 cents; Cuticura lietolvent, the Ni-w Bi.od Purlfier, $l.U0. Potter Uruij and Chemical Co., Botton, TVUI'I.BS, Blackhcads, Skin Dlemlshea and Baby 1 li llumor--, dm Vuticitra Soap. CHOKING CATAREH. Have you awakened from a distarbed sleep with all the horrible sensatlons of an assassln clntchiae your throat and preasing tbe life-breath from your tightened chest ? Have you notlced the languor and debillty that aucceed the eff rt to clear yonr throat and head of this catarrhal matter? What a depresslng Influence it exerts upon the mind, cloudlng the memory and fllllng the head with pains and strange nolaes ! IIov dlfncult It is to riil the nasal paataees, throat and Iones of Ihis poisonouB mucus all can testify who are afflicted with catarrh. Ilow dilllrnlt to protect the rpstem niijiinst ite further protiress towards the Itinpp, liver and kidneys, all physiclans wlll admit. It Isa terrible discase, aucl cries out for relief and c re. The remarkable curative powers, when all other remedies utterly fail, of Sandford's Radical Cure, are attcsted by thousands who gratcfully recommend It to fellows-uflcrer. No tatment is made reeardintr It that cannot be euhstantlated by the most respectable and reilable reference. Each packet contalns one hottlc of the Radical Cure, one box of Catarrhal Soloeht, and an Inprovtd IiiluUer, with treatlse and dlrcctlons, and is sold by all drugirists forti 00. POTTCB OltUU 1NU ('IIIIKMII'A!. C'O., IlOStOn. IT STOPS THE PAIN M Jk I1V OM: 1I1M Tl . JtB Achiriíí back, hips, und BldeB, kidney uB and uterlne palns, u cakness an lnllanipflNnmMon, rheumatlc, nnd nuurtilgic, eclW mL atl ■ 'ndden, sharp and nervoutj paius, W fl %aiTid Ktrainsrollovfd in iinr min ute by tiiat new, elegant and lnfalllhlc antidote to pain annd Inliammntlun, the Cutlcnra Antil'ulu Planter, ütratt: 5 for tl ; at all druggistsi r Potter dicuo ani Chkmical Co., Boston. ABNER MOORE'S T0NS0RIAL PARL0R, HtTEOIT STBEET, Next üoor to the Karmer's and Meclianio's Bank. IIAIK CUTTINO, SIIAVINQ, 8HAMI'OONING ANU DYEINO. The bist ot Worktnen and Siitifnctlii (jiiBrunteeil.


Ann Arbor Courier
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