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Uerr Most's mouth may yet be the mcans o...

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Uerr Most's mouth may yet be the mcans of stretching his ncck. A two days series of races is announoeil by the Detroit Iticycle Club on Sopt. 30 tnd Oct.. Ut. Two leaguu pennants in onc year! Whcw! Does not that make up for the daellnatlon of President Cleveland from vfettlng HlobigtB ? Just about. Under the new school law, first grade certifícales, when once obtained, are jood in any county of the state. A prlse worth striving for, it would seem. Clare has been united'.wilh the best part of cmlization by having the T., A. A. A N. SI. R. K. enter ita precincts. Well, heie's to your future good luck! A man, and a minister too, it is saidi down in North Carolina, has done one of the unaccountalle things of elopinr with his mother-in-law. Poor fellmv ! Wbat a ead fate is his ! The Detroit Eveniug Journal thiuks that Michael J. Dee will be surprised to leuru that he occupies the editorial chair of the News. Well, supposia' he doesn't? He knowsenough to, anyway. Snuilan, the popular Peek-a-boo ScanIhd, w lio has so niany admirers here, is said to be an invetérate gambler. This coinés out from the fact that he lost $2,000 at dice recently which he refuses to pay beeause of trickery played upon li i ni, he saya. If the boy of to-day would cease trying to get knowledge without study, wcalth without work, and office without deserving it, he would be far more likely to succeed in life. There are too many uiting for lily-finger, kld-glove, lie-abedtill-eight jobs. First earn your ease, then you will know how to enjoy it.- School Moderater. A man who will, for political buncombe, strike a blow at one of the greatest cducational institutions inthe United States, founded by one of the great political parties of this ostión, and nourished and fostercd by the other, a child of both (whicli meant the people), is not the man who ought to be crowned with political honors, exactl}. At least he should not be coaxed hard. Jolin Alden, the Pilgrim's honorcd de scendant, Capt. John Alden, now nearlj ?"i years of age, still lives in a quiet hom it Diixbury, Mass., in theseventh genera tira i'iom the handsome youn# fellow wlio so hcsitatcd to "speak for liiinsclf beforc he married a lady who wa9, accord ing to Mr. Longfellow's poem, a mode rl in sharing a very dlfflcult situation Captain Alden is a yeteran of the laU war, and draws a pension. The great question wlth which learued men w 11 have to contend soon is whethei they shall or shall not adopt the "universil" language called volapuk. What a charming thing it would be to have one language that all mankind could talk. O. J. Stillvvell, of Alma, Mlcli., says lie lias mastered this new language during the summer vacation and would be plcased to correspond with any one desiring to form a society of volapükists. Somctimes it U diíBcult to explain one's self in good pláin English, perhaps we bettcr all learn volapuk, what do you s:iy ? "Yes, He's a Candidate,1' says the Journal, referring to Gov. Luce. Who in the world said he was'nt? Do you suppose he would tramp all over the Etate making agricultural and pioneer speeches, unless he was laying wires for the next nomination ? Why, he is so nfraid that he won't get it that cold chills chaie each other down hls spine, like a Dakota snow storm over the prairies, every time he liears the word nomination mentionetl. Ile'll be in the next republican state convention with both hands extended, grasping, grasping, grafping. V il] he grasp more than air? that's the qaMttoa. The sccoiul animal meeting of the Real dent Artillery Aisociatlon of Micuigar Vil] be held in representad ve hall, Lan sing, Micli., OctoberUth, 1887, to whici you are all earnestly invited. All artillerymen residing in Michigan, whethei members of Michigan batteries or not, are ellgible to membership, and thosc tliat have net sent in their names, nuniler or letter of battery, regiment and P. O. address, are reepcctfully requested to furnish the above information for record, (also those who have changed thelr P. O. address during the last year), to J. V. Mllef, President, Hubbardston, Mich., or to O. J. Burnett, Secretary, Lansing, Mich. It mlght do President Cleveland a heap of good to tramp through Michigan these days and attend some of the ïnany rcunlons of old soldiers, the bat■earred veterans who went down south .- mc; twenty odd years since and risked tlicir lives thatthis government might be savi-d ; this government over which you, Grom (,'leveland, now preside (by the grtce of a solid south, whose solidity made all the trouble tlien). It might do you good, we say, to attend some of these reunióos and gut acquainted wilh some of the boys. They are pretty gool fellows, (rover. Tliey may not be up in all the new-fangled fashions, and some of them are doubtless blunt, plain-spoken men, lmt thcy are worth getting acquainted wltb. Tliey are not men you will feel like snubbing, after all, even if it does picase the greater part of your constituency. Tiiey respect a man who sent a substitutc, prorkHDg he couldn'tgo himself, hut llii'.v' object very much to being snubbed by such a man. You better come lo Michigan, Grover, you may score a point or two by o doing.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News