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SCRATCHED28YEARS Scaly, Itching, Skin Discase, wltli Endless Suffering' Curod bj Cuticiira Remedies. I( I had known of the Unicum Rmkd s wfiny-eiyht years aro it would bave ravtd me I2U0.00 Itwii niiiidrcd dollars) and an Immense imiiuni of Biifferinir. My diseane (Paoriayis) comnenced on my bead in a f pot DOt lurcr ihan a cent. t spread raoidly all over my body attd pot nnder tny nailw. The peales wdtld drop oü ol me all the frae, and my suHerinir was endless, and witbout relief. One thousand dollars wonld not tempt me 0 have the dlseade over aain. lama poor man. but feel ricb to be rolleved of hat Bome of tn loctors said waa leprosy, come ring-worro, psoriasis, etc. I took . . . and . . . Sarsapari lias ever one year and a half, bnt no care. I went to two or bree doctorn and no cure. I cannot praise the Cuticura Remkdiks too ranch. They bave made my i-kin cle;ir and tree from acales as a baby's. All 1 used of thein was three boxea of Ci'ticura, and three bottlet of Cl'Ticuka Resoï.v knt, and wo cakes of Cuticura Soap. lf you bad bein ïere and said you would have cured me tor 9200.00 rou would have had the raoney. 1 looked like the jicturu in your book of Psoriasis (picture nuraber wo, "How to Cure Mein OiseaBe1';. but now I am ia clear as any person ever was. Through force of )abit I rub my tuindn oref my arm and lcea to scnitch once in a while, but to no purpose. I am all well. I scratched twenty-eiüht yeara, aod it ;ut to bc a kind of getond nature to me. I tbank ¦on a ( 'in-!iml times Anythiug more tliat you want to ktiow write me, or any one who reads this may wrlte to me and 1 will answer it. DENNI8 DOWNMNO. Watkkbuky, Vt., Jan. 20tb, 1SS7. Psoriasl", Eczema, Tetter, Rincworm, I.ichen, Pruritus, Sculd tlead, Milk Crut, Dandrufl', Barhers' liikirh' Grocer' and Washerwoman'n Itcb and every species of ltchinR, BurnliiK, Scaly, l'lmply Ilumure if the hkin and Ucalp and llloc.d, with Lokb of llalr are posltively cured by ('it.cüra. the grett Skin ('ore, and (.Vth 'I'iia Siiap, an i'xqmvi e Skin Henutifler externally. and CUTICURA ld .ii.ïkkt, the new lilood l'urirler Internally. when phyaicians and all other remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cdticüba, 50c.; Soap, 25c.; UeNoi.vr.NT, 81. Prrparcd by ttie Pottkb ÜKm and Ciibmical Co.. Boston, Mass. 3"Send for "How to Care Skin Dljeaaes," ttl pages, 50 lllustrationtt, and 100 testimoniáis. Dl II'I,E8, black-heads, chapped and oily ski 1 I IVI prevented by Cuticura Mkdicatkd Soap Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers of suffocatio while lylng down ; to breathe freely, sleep soandl and undlnturbcd ; to rise refreshed, head clea braln active and free frora pain or ache ; to know thatno polsonous.patrld matter deftles the breal and rots aw.iy the delicate machinery of smel taste and hearing ; to feel th'.t the system does no through lts und arteries, suck up ttie poiso that 1 sure to andermioe and destroy, is indeed blessinK heyond all other human enjoyments. T purchape immunity from Kuch a fatc should bc tl object of all iiitlictcd. Ilut tbose who have trie many remedies and physiclans, despair of relief o cure. 8anford's Kauic'ai.. Cure mcets eviry pbas of Catarrlt, from a simple head cold to the mos loatlisomc and deatructlve stages. It Is local an constltutiona). Instant In rclievln?, pirmanen in curln', safe, ecouumical and uevtr faillui;. Savth jhiiN Hadioai. Ci'rï consistí of one bo tle of the ÜAiHt ai. uKE ttntr box of Catakhiia öolvknt, and one Imphovki Inhalkk, all wrappe in one package, with tretllPQ and directione, an( sold by all druKism for LU". PoTTEB Dnüii AND ('O., BohTON. NoRheumatizAboutMe ix om; mimti: J Planter, reilere KhenmaUc. 8 I i jf tic, Suddcn.Sharpaud Nctvohh i'ain &4 AStrains and WeakDeweH. The llr f 9 iiid only piiin-killing piaster. Nw % original, liwtantaneous, Infalllbl safe. A marvcHiittg Antidote to Puin, Innamm tlon and Weukness. l tterlo unllke and vaal superior to all Othn plapterrf. At all driigiHtc, X cents; S for $1.00; r, pontaje frec, of Pottk Dkuu and Chkmicai. Co., Boaton, Mass.


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