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Washtenaw Pomology

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Tlie Oetober meeting of tlie sm-iety, last Saturday, with Mr. Baldwin in the elmir, was fairly attended, the ruin deMfnliig inany members. Considerable DUSlneM was transacted. ntPORT OF C0MM1TTEE ON TRANSPORTATION. Prof. B. E Nicliols stated that tlic Aun Arbor fruit car starled every evening rrgularly with the exception of last Friday. The fruit reniaiued over nigbt in the frelgbt house here and Prof. Nicliols made nrrangements at once that the fruit, mü-isi juir of appli's, peadies and pears, shonld resch Detroit at 10 a. in., Suturday. Had this not been attended to, the fruit, eepeeially the peaches wonkl have been spoiled. The report set forth, that our fruit was more carefully handled than by the Express Co , that the car was ready for unloading in Detroit every iiioriiiiiir at 0 o'clock, and tlmt in the future ourberries would go to Detroit iu the same marnier and at cheaper rates even than peaches. Snippers will bear Ti mind that tlie resolution that Mr. Nichols collect one cent per basket for incidental expenses will be carried out. All will be glad to p:iy this sinall tax, considering the cheiip and well nianaged transportation. MORE PEACII TREES. Mr. Ganzhorn reported that Utere wal quite a demand for peaches from the west by the carload, that could not be supplied unless the ])ech plantatlons were tenfolij Increased. He looked for peach imwbi right alonjj. E. Banr spoke of bis experiuients in shipping by fnMtfht over the Toledo & A. A. EL B. Two bbls. of early pears, shipped the 28th day of July, to Kansas City, for a long time could not be truced by Mr. Wales, the agent here. After a lapse of three weeks the report eanie : "Pears left in St. Louis and diiniped uto the Mississippi." SüjpinenU of pears to Cineinnati, which were held out by the agent as taking at the outside three days, were eleven diiys on the road. While Axline & Markley of Cineinnati, made acceptable return for said shipment, another lirm took all the ndvantiiüc that can be taken, so that the book coutaining this deal liad this remtirk: "Shan all Moore's in the commisalon business." ANN ARBOR PRESERVING COMPANV. A company for the above purpose operated quietly durin": the fruit season on the Bossurd place in the township of Ann Arbor, under the superintendency Of Mr. E. H. Morgan, lately from En;land. On bis last vi?it to hls native country. Mr. Morgan found that canned goods from America put up In tin cans, were uot fuvorably received by the Eftgfoh people. They are considered injurious (u lital th. llnving been engaged lu fruit wwing "car Ann Arbor aud knowinu the advantajfe of growing the finest (Uvored fruit In this vicinity Mr. Morgan at once organized a company of staunch English capitalista for the manufacture of confections and j.ims in elass cans holding over a pint. The pattern is very neat and the labels pretty and fitting. Ten thousand cans have been put up and Mr. Morgan will erect a factory ready for operation next season. Followin were the aiticles exhibited at the meeting of the Pomologlcal Society at the court house: Tomato Confeclion, Peach Confectlon, Nabob Squash, Gooseberry, Blackberry, Strawberry, Hed and Black Uaspberry Jam, wholesale at $3. 00 per doz The meinbers of the society were invited to eximine and sample theBe goods. The Nabob squash and the tomato confectlon mixed with lemon slices especlally ellcited the adnilration of the members on account of the novelty. All the goods were pronouuced by an unanimous reiolutiOB as the finest ever exhibited iu this society. Tlie cliairman coniplimentcd Mr. Morcan on li is success and spoke of thesmall beginnings of souie canning factories in kitchens in tliis country, like Tmnato factory n Kookuk, Fowa, wliich is turnInjt out tlns sca.-dii tliirty tliousand cans per day. Mr. Jolin R. Miner itated lliat lie saw oue order of sixty car louds of cannetl goods from a house in Kansas CIlT, that 011 the prairies of the far weet and in niining districts immense qiiantidea of these goodi were nsed. ATPI.E CRO1'. The opinión prevailed that in tliis vicinity the apple erop was mostly on the grouud, and tlie few apples in the trees badly injured by insects. Mr. Totns stated that he scraped his trees well just before leaving out and tlien gave them a wash Ui linie mixed with fresh cowmannre. Tlms he obtained fruit free from insect marks. E. Baur reporteil on lfis orchard a line erop of King and Jonathan apples. Mr. Gunzliorn, the Kittl'er pears graftcd two years ago are loaded with fruit, Ibreanning it is equal to the quince, he oflered Mr. Morgan his Kiefters for canning as an experiment. FRUIT EXIUBIT. J. Toms : Walter jrrapes, very fine shouldered and compact bunches, that held tlie benies linn, whicli are of li};lit catawba color; also very fine, frugnnt roses. L. D. Lennon: Late peach, highlycolort'U, origiu nncertain. E. Baur: Grapes- üelaware, Martha, Miiicr's Beedllng, Israella, Hogers No. 4. Apples - Jonathan, King. Pears - Bose, Lawrence, Mt. Vernon, Superfina, D'Anjon, ü'Annberg, Winter Nelis, all fine specimens. PRESERVING FACTORY. Mr. ('lough, the chairman of this committee being absent, Mr. lialdwin slated: Mewn. Almendlnger & öchneider fullilled their part of the contract. They expended the one tliousand dollars that the contract provided and .estiblislied a factory whieh is an honor to the industries of this commnnity. The subscribers to the bonus Wlll jilease be ready, if called upon, at an early date by tlie ronimittee or their agent, Mr. C'ark. QUESTION BOX. Some one who had been badly treated by itinerant fruit tree agents asked: "Where can trees be purcjiased true to name?" These traveling agents generally promisethat they will make good all the orders if not true to name and representation, but fail to appear after collections are made. Mr. Ganzhorn explained how it was done. AVhy people buy of such strangers, while they can have wliat they want fron resident dealers, who purchase from reliable fiims is a mystery. Make up your niind early whatyou want and order from a rcsponsible resident d 'aler whom you can see at any time. E. IJAüK, Cor. Sec y. Ann Arbou, October 3d, 1S37. A long-feit want bas been found in' the shape of a muffler for a piano, an appliance that will keep the sound of prnotice exercise all within a few feet of the disiurbance. This is an intprovemcnt in the rljflit direetlon. It should go on. An effective brass band muffler would


Ann Arbor Courier
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