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An Ypsilnnti factory issliipping iiimw o Wichita, Kansas The champion cricket club of the tate is located at Ypsilanti. Mllan luis beaten tlie Itidgeway club at lase ball by a score of 18 to 11. The Chclaea village council have vote.l o liire a night watch at $1 per night. Edward E. Spaulding of Sylvan and diss Emma Everett, of Sharon, were aarried Sept. 21. Thcreisancw play beinj; put on the oards of Interior villajes and citles callcd 'Uncle Tom'8 Cabin," emanating fiom iarrlet Beecher'stowe. Fletclier Wood, of Hadley, Sundayed vith Doxter friends. He is attending xamination at Ann Arbor, for the purose of entering the university. - Leader. According to the Enterprise, a little bit ( a crow carne near breaking op the Manchester hunt completely. The boyi hould learn to have the crow lifter, not lefore tlieir liunt. Fred Warren, one of the most eseemed young men in this vicinity, will nter tlie university next week for the mrpose of studying medicine. IJe wil! ake tlie regular or "old school" course. -Dexter Leader. George Lazell, uho had resided in iridgewater since 18Í9. and was one of he most respected of Washtenaw's pioleers, died at his home in that lownship in the 24th, aged 80 years. He was bom i) Massachusetts. Iïev. II. Palmer retiirncd from Conference last week. He is to remata with us mother year as the people hoped he vould. lie reports a good time, and )reaclied as usual last Sunday.- Lima :or. Chelsea Herald. The offlcers elected at the last regular msiness meeting of the Young People's iociety at the Baptist church ire: Presilent, Irene Everett; vice president, Kosvell Gate?; secretary, Thresa Staffan; reasurer, Frank Davidson; chorister, 3eo. Ward; organist, Mrs. Cornwell.- ihelsea Herald. Thomas F. Moran writes to his sister hat he-likeu Elk Rirer very much so far. [t is a town about the sizeof Manchester, ocated on the Mississippl river 88 miles ibove lllnneapolis. It hos four railroads ind sieunboat lines. Mrs. Clark, nee Lina Campbell of this village, isa teacher n the ward school thcre.- Manchester Enterprise. A Macomb street resident tclls the best rat story out. He says that whlle bis mts were eating their supper a few days ugo, a big rat carne and ate from tlie same Jish and the c.its pald no atteiuion to the enturesome rodent until a kitten cauhi ,t by the neck, bilt was too sniall to hold it, and he killed it with a board. - Manchester Enterprise. "Hits !" Lust Sunday the annual mission festival of Bethel's church in Freedom was ueld. Thcre was a large congrcgation present, both moruing and afternoon. Hevs. Neumann of Ann Aibor, Uobertus of Chelsea, Sehlesingcr of Salino towuship, Schocttle of Manchester, wen present and assisted. The collcction was $108.- Manchester Enteiprise. Last Saturday while Wm. Groves, of Xorthlield, was returning from Ann Arbor, he was thrown from his cairiage, and severely Injured. Sone parties attempted to pass hlm on the road, his horse became frightened, suddenly shicd, and threw him violently to tlie ground. He was picked up In an insensible condition, and was found to have Bustaincd severe bruises about the hcad and slioulders, and a severe cut on the head. We are pleased to state he is recovering. - So. Lyon Picket. The workinen at the gravel pit have recently unearthed several skulls and bones of Indians interred in the old Indianburial iround across the river, spoken oí In Mr. VoodrulI'siuterestiinr8ketclies. Silver bracelets, a brass kettle, and other articles, were found witli the human remalns. Those bodies, now so ruthlessly disturbed in order that we may have gravel for our roads, were laid tlicre witli hearts as sorrowful, doubtless, as accompany our more pretentious burials in tlie beautlful Highland cetuetery. - Ypslantiun. Mother (to daughter) - "Why, iny dear, you ure not going to ehureli witliout C0rset8, are vou?" DaUghter - "ïeï, mamma. It's an ice cream festival, you know, and 1 want to accept all Ihe iiivitiition. Mr. Whitechoker says the cluucli is bndly in debt." - New York Sun. To bate the devil in all his woiks is one thing. To sav what is the Dcvil and


Ann Arbor Courier
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