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Drunkeiinesf), or Uquor Habit, can be Cured bj Ailinlnisterin:,' Dr. Haines' (jolden Speclilc. It posltively c:in he jriven in a cup of cnffce or tea without the knowleitge of the per son taking it; is absolntely hurnjlfss Hnd will effect n permanent and speedy cure, whethcr the patiënt is a modfrale drinker or au alcoholic wreek. Tliousands of drunkards have been wade températe men wlio have taken Golden Specific in tlieir coffee without their knowledge, and to-day beller tliey qiiit drinkinsrof tticirown frecwill. IT NKVKli FAILS. Tbc system once Impregiiatod with tlie Spccific it becomes nn ulter mpossibiüty for the liquor appetite to exipt. For fiill particular, nddrera GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Rare st., ClnclDnatl, Ohio. Coroner - "Yonr brother, I licar, lias drnwnpd binixi-ll" in the river." Únele Jo- "Yes, I spi-o tie ha?. Ben mifrbty low spirlted latelv." "Describe liim so tlmt tlie body niay be idenlilied wlien foiind." "Dal'u easy 'miff. Hh was deat' and dumbieoce he war bo'n.'1- Texas Slflings, Bucklen'N Árnica Salve. The Best SalTe. in the World tor Cnts, Bruisen, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Kever Sores, Tetter, Chap peil lliindc, Cbllblrtlno, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poaltively cures Pilen, or no iay reijuired. It is Ruarantecd to Ive perfect satisfaclioii, or money refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Hale lv Eberbnrli & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News