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SCRATCHEimYEARS A Scalj-, liciiiim-, skin IHseaso, wltH Endless Suffering Cured by Cutlcura Remedies. If I had knuwn of the Cuticusa Kok is twentye'Kht years atro It wou d have saved me lajü.OU (twu nundred dollars) and an Immense amouut of ufftriiiK. My dipease (I'iorlaxis) comtnenced on my headina spot not larden han a cent. It spread ranidly all over mr body and got nnder my nalls. The ocales would drup off of me al! the time, and my sufferintr was eDdl-ss, and without relief. One thouxand dollars won ld not tempt me 'o ujv thediseaoe over a.'ain. J ara a poor man. bat feel rich to he relieved oí nat some of the doctors said was leproey, i-ome ring-worra, pso. riasis etc. I took . . . nd . . . Sarsap.irll las ever one year and a huif, but no cure. I went to two r three doctore and n cure. 1 c.iinot the OinccRA Rkxkdiks toomach. 'l'huy have made mr fkin as cleir and Iree from scalcs as a baby. A 11 I used of them vu ttaree hoxe of Ci'ticubá, and three boitle of Cl'ticuka Kksoi.vknt, and two cue of Cuticura Soap. If you had be nere and said you would have cured me lor tXHM yim would have had the money. I looked like the picture In yonr book of Psoriasis (p'cture number two, "Huw to Cure kln Oi-eaíc"). but now I am a c er ax any person evor was. Throufch force of tiabit I rub my hrtnds over my arms and lcgs to cratch ooce In a whlle, but lo no purp me. I am 11 well. I scratched twenty-eiirht years, and it (fot tobe a kind of setond n.iture to me. I thank yo a tümisand timen AnytliniK moru tliat you want to know write me. or auy one who reads thls nay wrlte to me and I will answer it. _ DKNNIS DOWNINQ. Watekbury, Vt., Jan. 20[h, 1887. PioriuU, Eczima, Telter. Ringworm, Llchen, Pruritns, Scald Uead, Milk Crust, Dandruff, Barber Bakens' Orocer' and Washerwoman's Itch and every species of itchinc, Barning, 8cly, rW Ilamori! of the Skin and Scalp and Blood, witn Loss of Hnlr are posluvelj cnred by CrTicüra the greit Skin Care, and Cuticura Soap, an exqulílieSkln Beiutiner externally.and Cuticura Rkiolvknt, the new Blood l'urlfler Internally, wuen physicUns and all olber remediue fatl. Hold everywhore. Prlce, Coticuba. 50c; Soap, L.; KisotviNT, il. Prepired by the 1'ottkb D5ü2.A"D CuxiOAL Co.. Boston, Mas. "Send for "Hi to Skin DUeasci," 01 pagea, 50 lllustratlons, and 1UU testimoniáis. piMl'LES. black-hendü, chappcd and olly skin I lm pre?ented by Cutk ukaMeuicatkdSoap Catarrhal Dangers. To be frecd from the dansers or sofTocatlon whlle lyinif down; to breathe freely,leep soundly nd undWurbed; to rlsc rcfreshcd, head clear, braln active and free from pain or ache ; to know that no poionou, putrld matter denles the breath and roU awiy tho öellcate mchluery of smell, twte and hearing ; to feel thit the aystem does not throujfh tta veins and arteries, suck up the polson that Is sure to underralne and destroy, Is Indeed a bleaslnu beyond all other human enJoymenU. To purehase Immanlty from such a fate ehould be the object of al' affllcted. But those who have trled mviy remedies and physlclans .despair of relief or „,8N.'OHD'8 Hac'oal Curi moets every phase pf Utarrh, from a simple hend cold to the miMt '"nf nd destniclive stages. It Is local and constl utlooal. lnsUnt in reUrlziK, permanent m curlni;. safe. economical and uevcr faillng. tii??''.'!"'6 Cübi conslsts or one botSoiv, 'T' AlCoB " t"i of Catahrbal ooi-ve!t. and one UprovïdIkh, all wrappert luldnh PHSte' wlth tretl'B "Q directlons and sold by all druggists for 1.00. POTTCR Diiiru AND CHKMIOAI. Co.. BoSTOS.


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