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A POPULAIIHLSTORYOFTHE M EX [CAN l'KOPLE. By Hubert Howe Bancroft, au thor of "History of the Pacific States, "Mexico and Spanlsk America," etc. Pub llsbed by Tbo History Company, San Kran cisco, Cal. Sold bysubscriptiononly,elotl glltedges, M.00. A History of Mexico, in popular, com pact form, well written and linely illus trutec], has become a necessity. Mexico is no longer a terrn incógnita, hut i traversed by railroads and girt by steam shlp lincs, and its conimercc and iudus tries are open to the compctition of tli world. Kveiy intelligent man no wants to know something of its roman tic history and marvelous resources. Al these reqiiirements are met in this vol urne. Thls is the first work of Mr. Bancroft's outside of hls great Historical Serie? whteh has, as yet, been prescnted to th public. The regular series consists of 3Í vols., 8vo., and is so!d only as whole Of this series, some 10 or 12 volumes are devoted in whole or In part to Mexico Thero are the "Native Races," In 5 vols. "History of Mexico," 6 vols., and 1 listón of the "North Mexicnn States and 'IVxhb' - 2 volumes - all of whieli have contrlbuted of thelr best to mako this one volume of Populnr History. It is needless to recite hete the details of the gigantic work resulting in this liistoric creation- how sotne 30 years have been occupied in gathering the material, and 20 trained assistants In reducing it to form; how the original volumes were written frotn this material, and finally, how, under the hniuls of tho author, now ripe in resources and experience, the strengt h and beauty of the larrt-r work was di.-tilled IntO this twerless volume. The history of the Aztec Nation Is intensely interesting, showing their gradual advancenient in clvilization, and the wonderful progress they made in the sclences, which is the more striking when i( s considered that at that time the maorlty of Eoropean nations were living in a state of barbarUm. The vast ruin which esist to-day are living eviilence of their great tkill, being no less marvelous tlian the ruim by the banks of the Xile. The tollowing is the greatrr porlion of the Lonl's Prayer, rendered literal ly from the Nahua langungc:- (See page 88.) Totiitzine ynllhutcac timoycz-tlca, Üur revered Fatlicr'wlioheaven In art mayectenchualo inmotocatzin; mahuabe pralsed tliy name ; mny rttih iuinotlatociiyntzin, machilnialo come Uiy kiusdom, be done ntlalticpac inmotlunpquilitzin, Inyuliehlearth above thy wlll, as Is chiliualo inilhuicac; intotlaxcalmomoztlae done boaven In ; our bread every day totecli monequi maaxcan xitechinoinno us Is necessary to-day (tvens; quili; maxitechmetlapopoliuili intotlatforglve ns ; our lacol, iniuli tiqulntlapop olliuia intechsins as we forglve those tlata calhuia; macamoxitechmomacaliuill who ub nlli-n 1 ; tbou not us lead inicamo ipan tihuetzizque lntcneyeyecoltliat not lu we f il 11 In lemptatiüztli cinye xitechtnomiquixtili intlon ; bat deliver us ayhuiopa inamoqualli. ainst froin not good. The invasión of their country, and iual overtlirow by Cortéi at the heul) of a lianill ui of Spaniards, reads more like lotion tlian cold historical facts, and the :Mahlisliment of Spanish rule is treuted ii ii thorotlgh and exhaustivo stylo. The War of Independence ngalnst Spain cannot be rcail without iidiiiiration ir the niiglity t ifirts made by the patriiU In Itae cause ot fteertom; the countless inrdshipa they pnffrred, and their final riumph. One OHM stop and admire the leroof tlii war - Hidalgo, the Washingon of the Mexieftiif, who go cheerfully gave up his lifi; for his country. The war with the United States is nmUly and openly diácussed, sliowing lifi great advantages oecured to the lorttiern power. Then follows au account of the frequent Internat troubles iroiiüht about by the various military hieftains, mainly for thelr pelfaggranlizemcnt. Next in order comes the war with ¦Vanee anti the IiiRtallatlon of Maxiuiiian as emperor. The threatencd interèrence by the United States, causing a lasty withdrawal of the French army; hen the overthrow and execution of ilaximilian, whose tiaic end is still resh in the memory of many ; then folow8 the nmrative of the Republic of ?léxico, with a biographical sketch of lie Presidenta, Juárez, Lerdo, and Díaz, lie present cliief maltrate, who has bo uccessfully distini;uished himself s a i vil nnd military leader, and u líder whosc able administration the country ias prospcred eo wonderfullj'.


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