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Literary Work For Winter

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x lie season is near nt muid whe young peotle 11 plan, moreor lee?, ho to wliile uway the long cvenings befor the advent of another slimmer. Som will contémplate social amusements onlv otherg will uim to combine entertainuien and iustruetiou ; niany uil! have no plan and so will 8lmply floiit over into anothe year and have nothing n the way of new mental acquisitions to show for the lini passod. Among the most uscful means of lm proving cold weather opportunlties i that ensured by literary clubs or socicties Let fifteen, twenty, and even thirty younj, people of both sexes form an assoclatioi with just enough machinery about it to enable tliem to earry out the parpoM o the society, but not so elabórate iu ti prove irksome and a hlndrance. A pre sfding otllcer, asecretary, a treasurer, am a programmecommittee ure amply suftl cient. Fix the time of meetiugi a fortnight apart, and go from the house of one member to another in order to help muin tain the interest of all and promote sociability. Seleet only one field of study- say liistory; and, for instance, the history of France. An outline work will best serve for a text-book, and e;icli meruber should have a copy. Divide the work for the üciison into about eqnul parts. Let the projjramme committee innounce at eaeh tnectlnjj the cxoruUos for the succeeding one, and assign the parts to peihaps four or five persons, wlio will be expectal to come prepare.! with papen or "tulks" on the topics (flven to tliem repectively. At the eud of each invividual part a brief season may be devoted to a jeneral discussion of the same. Ou uo iccoiintoccupy more tlmn an üour and l half for the sesslon. Tlmt will (are a short time after the "feast of reason" for 0 "flow or soul." Such a Uterary enteriHse means the study of history, If that e the field cliosen, pursued amkl the most dellghtful circuinstaiices, and every nember will feel wlien spring comes tliat 1 wiile strip of territory has been wrested Vom the dom.iin of' Ignorance aml forever added to uscful Knowledge. The outline of work berewlth presencil a no fljfment of tlie ima;ination. It was actually oarried turough by a literary oclety of bout thirty-üve membera last vinter in a nelghboring villaje, with au ¦nthusiasm and profit more easliy


Ann Arbor Courier
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