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Gen. Btitler's interest in the Anarclnst...

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Gen. Btitler's interest in the Anarclnsts batanara! by$250 a day. K.pensive job that. __ The United States supremo couit wil licar arguments in tlic condemued anarclústs case to-morrov. The democratie party lias control o tlic government and all theoíliees. Wliy ilon't it give us revenue reform I Tlie chestnut is no new thlng, the (; reeks knew all about it some thousands f years before the Christian era. George Eliot says in the Spanish Gipsy " 'Tis a whim to like your chestnuts hot." Well now, they are better hot than mouldy, anyway. A bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln has been placed in Lincoln Park, Chicago, whkh is said to be the best work o art nf thn kin-l in A niprii' t Phoebe Hicks, of Petersburg, Va., has married a widower with thirtyone children. She Ís lila eigfcth wife. It is possible thnt Phoebe knows her business. It is asserted that 90 out of every 100 male chlldren bom in Ireland at present are named after Charles Stewart Parnel I Hut precious few are namd Albert Kdward. , New Mexico must be a poor country for fast "comps," for it is asserted that the Albuqucrque, N. M., Democrat has a printer who has only ont arm and can set inore type lUan any other printer in the territory. The democratie party is howiing about "tariñ reduction," and "revenue reform," and all that sort of thlng. As the deraocrats have had control of congress for eigbt years, and had the president for three years, why don't they MOOnplMl what they de6ireV Gov. Luce saw the state's University at Ann Arbor last week for the tirst time. The students and faoulty extended him a warm welcome and the governor is said to have been much surprised at its size and importance. He expressed himself to his friends as pleased with the visit - Ht. Jo. Co. Uepublican. Ilon. Elihu B. VVashburne, ot Illinois, died suddenly at his home in Chicago, of congestión of the hcart and brain, last Saturday, p. m. (Mrs. Washburne died a few monthc since.) He was one of the prominent members of this nation during the rebellion and through the reconstruction perlod, and wasseriously talked of rb i good presidential cmdidate nt one time. A level headed writer bas jast giveu publicity to the following : One third of the fools in the country think they can beat the lawyers in expounding the law; one-half think they can beat the doctors in healing the sick; two-thirds of tliem think they can beat the ministers in ireaching the gospel ; and all of them think they can beat the editor in running the paper. A towcr is being erected by the Hussians on the highest point on the Mount of Olives, it is several storles high. and one more is to be addcd. It is to be so high that both the Mediterranean and the Dead Soa may be seen from the top. A nuinber oí bells wlll be placed in the tower. We suppose these bells will be rung merrily when Russia shüll have conquered all India. The Ann Arbor Democrat wil! fiud by looking up the records that Mr. Van Hiper received $00 per yearas keeper of the poor house instead of $400, whltfl Mr. McDowell .received but $580 the ürst year, hls salary being raised by different boards afterwards, because they thought he deserved t. It is just possible, also, tliat it was not politics that caused Mr. Van Kiper's removal. A circular sent out from the headquarters of the Michigan Society of New York State Veterans at Sturgis, Micli., asks for the name of every New Vork soldier residing In Michigan, and earnestly solicits the Adjutant of each post to forwai d to the Secretary the name, company, regimeut, battery or vessel, in which these comrades have served who are now residing 1d thelr locality. These names may be sent to A. A. Wilbur, secretary of the society, at Sturgis. Three men, representing six corporntions, lix the price of coal in every cily or villnge in the United States. Talk about the power of a king or emporer, whai üo you cali that? They have lixod upon Buflalo as the general distributing point, and eveiy ton of coal pays $1.05 freight from the mines to Bufïalo, no matter in wlmt direction from the mines the buyer lives. That raakes considerable "blood money" people hereabouts have to pay for their fuel. The printing press is the motor that moves the world. At itsblrlh the nations began to emerge into a new light. The roseate line of its dawn was a blessing to all race? from the (list, and as its brightening rays have inercafed, so has its ntluence, and yet it is far from the zenilh of lts power. Llke its giant co-woiker, electrieity, il lias its positive and negntive modes of acting. What one If, in the natural world, the other is in the intellectual and moral world. The two eombined will Bhnpe the destinies of tlie future. - Flint Democrat Tha Fcnton Independent prints us "Anarbor." Well, Hint Is not niiich of M iiiiprovemcnt over "Ann Hurbor." How muiiy pcoplc wlio talk n great deal aboul patronlzlng home mlustrics, pnictice what tliey preach 'i Ou prlntiog, for instance. Just after President Cleveland's vislt to [ndlanapolU, that munieipality turned round and elected the republican ticket. Mucli iíood resulta from extravagance ¦ometimes. This Is the first rebuke the ¦¦Jeffertonlan shnplicity" of tliis administratlon was received. Traveling around the country In $200,000 cars lias its efleots. In tlie "good old tiiuc8"ot low tarifl", a busliel of wheat would buy two yards oí calicó; now it will buy iïfteen or twenty. Then n bushol ofcorn would buy one pound of nails; now t will buy ten ponnds. Tlicn it took the price of a cow to buy a pair ol blankets; now the pricc of an ordinary cow will buy six pain of better goods. It is well to consider these things beforc casting your vote In favor of a policy whtcb will bring thosc "irood old Democratie tiinofc" back agaln. - Toledo niadc. Lel rolltlclnns say what they will, the nexl presldenllal elcetloii II to tM foiight on the questlon ol ruunoiny in the nul mimi adiuluutratlon.- Ari;us. Now is it nol real mean to throw this lip In the face of President Cleveland just at pi c-Miit? How is he to economize with ¦ new. young wife, fond of society and display? And then that "swing aiouiul the circle" $200,000 coach ! Does our coutemporary propose to sluit ofl on such Jeffereonlan limpliclties? Oh! Rats! [UU! Economy to the dogs! This :uliiiiiii?tration will not tïght it out on that line by a long ways. The finiiig üf a simple old woman $50 for tlinging a pan-cake, which feil luto Mr. Cleveland! lap at St. iiOui?, isa plece of uttcr folly and slupidity. It will cost Mrs. Cleveland hosts of friends. Tbere s no "divinity that hedges" an American president or his wife to that degree that such a harmless breach of proprfety, unattended with the least evidenee of malice, can nierit such punishment. WitU all due deference to the "first lady of the land," we admire the demoerncy of the jolly old cook who, full of the fun of the occasion, threw the cake, just as mucli as we despise the tUinktyima tbat Infllcted the line.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. A man :¦¦ ' ¦"¦¦-¦ -.oUt „., .J.V.tisement in the papers is like a grave without a tombítone; like an engine without lire or water; or like a bbok agent without a tongue. Neithcr oue is knowu; neither one does mucli ; uil are palted I)J'. Advertising is the preachinjj of the gospel of business to those who buy or onght to buy. Doubtless one or two uien would get religious if there was not a preaclier in the world, but the great musses would know nothing of Cliristiauity. So every business man will get a HUle trade anyhow, but uuless he advertises the great mass and body of the traders will pass on the other side, and the fate of business failuie nmy come upon him. - Frankfort Express. The defectsln the new murrlage llcense luw areso numerousund glarlng that It iooks like another iii8tance where prohlbitlon won't Crohlh. If the luw stands, it will havo to e amended ho Ihut its paren ts will not recoKnize It; but there are Htroug probabllitle8 that it will be repealed.- Lanshig Journal. The candid jtulgmeiit of the people ij that t ought to be repealed. There oughtto be no Impedimenta placed In the way of people setting inarried if they desire to, and this law does act as an impedimeiit in certalil instances. And Where la the great good to resiilt from this law 1 All laws should be enactcd for the public good and nothing clse. To be sure the eounty clerks prolit by it, and the newspaper scribes are assisted in thcir labors through lts enforcement, but the real benefit to the people fails to matei ialize, i'.xcept in occasionally ing a ruuaway match. We have for yaart studied the art u advertlslog, and still it remaios to us a marvel that there is nol ope huudred times more of it. We never jet knew a man to advertise liis wares libeially and steadily that it diil not pny. Yet there are thousands of manufacturers and tens of thousands of men baring anides tlial thcy declare oiijrhl to be "in every hotiseliold iu the country," who advertise as gingerly and olosely as thougli they liad at heart no faith in it at all. IIow can they expect to get their goods every where unless some knowledge of the articles gets into the fiimily iiist through the family paper? lf we waitetl till ieople leanied from thtir neighbors, we might wait lor years before the most wonderfu] and useful inventions beciime kuown. - Forney's l'ress. Chicago, the hot-bed for all sorts of kickers, has been mide the headquarters of the jiickers against Powderly in the in the Knights of Labor, 35 in number, who have formulatcd their charges against liis iidministration as follows: "They charge that the general office lias become a luxurious lnunging place; tliat the general orcaiiizers of the order have been simply parta of the general machine woiking for a perpetuaron of tlie offices in present hand-; that exorbitant salaries have been paid to those men, and that they have been allowed to run up great expense bilis; that men hot friendly to the present management have been refused commisslons na lecturers, thougli hidorsed by their district?; their funds bare been mtroied and misappropriatcd; that expei;g'S h;ive increased while membership has dtcreased; that the constltution !ias been altered illegally; that the general olHcers have interferid to cause ¦trikei and lo( kouts to fail; and that the kuijrhts have been put iu hostility to the t lüdcs unions. Weagreewlth tb MuBkegon Chronlcle In bellevlug that there is need Iu tbU country of new Ideas In the Hue of lemale education. At present it runs too mueli to frllls aud too llttle In praotloal Ideas. A touch of mtislc and drawlng wlilch does not reuch completeim-ns, u iinftUftriog of forelKn hmguages before the natlve tonque can be sklllfuUy applled; a litlle orniiineiitolouy to tlie eiulre exclushin of cookolrgy u tul hniliholuKy is enerully the net result. .Surliue pollsh Is ul;e, bul It mbH thln In conttict wlth Ihe world in after HTe. - ('ednr Spring Clipper. This my be the truth to a certaln extent, aud among certain aristocratie classes.but t is not the case with the great uasses of the people. To be sure, as a country grows older and richer, customs change, and people who can aflbrd It mve servant8 to do the work which they 'nul iincongcnial. Iiut we have as neat lousekeepers, as industrious, hard-working, painstaking, nnd intelligent motherg as was ever known in the world's hiatory. And il' i young girl is possessed of sufllcient intelligence tcigain a knowledge of iniisic, the arts and the lauguages, so iniich the better for her, for she can shme just so mucli more brillinntly in tbe social world which is her life. Our girls are not all the simple, giggling fools that ome writers try to mike thein out to be. 'l'lic cveulue: papers of Detroit liavc been playing foot-ball with the republicnn nomination for mayor n tliat city for the past geveral week?, and f any person ever had un idea of acceptlng t lic could not do no now with ony show of success. If Capt. Grummond does accept and enters the race, he will have more grit than most men, and will deserve au clection. The Adrián Press wants to know why the Corara does not crlticlsc the elegant private car of Gen. Alger's as well as President Clcvelami's luxurlous coach. Well, there are at least two reasons. The firstone is that Gen. Alger has never made any pretense at "Jeffersonian simplicity," while President Cleveland has made it the watchword of the democracy. The second is that Gen. Alger earned hls own money and paid for his car out of lus own pocket, not out of the people's. Gen. Alger is noted all over the country for his large hearted generosity. He uses hls money to do good with, and we doubt if any man knows better how to put money to good uses. To boys comineiicing business: 15e on band promptly In tlie moming at your place of business, and make it a point liever to be late, and perfonn checrfully your duty. Be respect ful to your employers, and to 11 in authority overyou, and be polite to ;everyone; politeness costs nothinj: and it will helpyouwonderfully in getting on In the world. And above all, be honest and tiuthful. The boy who starts in life with a sound miad in a sound body, who fulls into no bad habits, who is honcst, truthful and Industiicus, who reniembers with grateful love his fatlier and inother, and who does not grow away from his church and Bunda? school, has ([ualities of mind and he;irt that will insure hiin success to a remarkable degree, even thousrh he is endowed with ordinary mem tal capability ; for honor, trutli and iudustry are more than genius.


Ann Arbor Courier
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