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SKIN SCALP BLOOD Havlne been fuflVrer lor two years and a half from a disease caused by a brutee on the leg, aod haviug been cured by the CutioUra Rkukiuks wbea all other methods and remedies failed, I deern it my dnty to recommend tbem. I vlsited Hot Springt to oo avail, and tried eeverl doctore without auccess. and at laat onr principal drugglst, Mr. John P. Flnley (to whom I xhall ever leel tratoful), spoke to me abont Curtcuu A, and 1 conented to glve tin-m a trial wiih the rexult tbat I un perfectly cnred. There is now no gore abont me. 1 thlnk I can show the largrst surfaca where my suft" -rings prang from of any one in the State. The CuticUka Rkmediks are the beat blood and f kin cnres manufacturad. I refcr to drugglst John V. Flnlay and D. D. C. Montgomery, both of this place, and to Dr. Smlth, of Lake Lee, Miss. ALKX ANDER BB ACH, Greenville, Miss. Mr. Beacb usod theCUTicURA Remedies, at our requeat, wiih resulta a above stated. A. B. FINLAY & Co., DruggUti. SAVED MY MÖTHER'S LIFE. Kver elnce I can remember, my mother han suffered from a inilk lee. Nothing would do her any emd She had the best medical talent, bnt they all dld hernogood. 8he suffered wlth her lei; for thirty yeare and never knew a well day. wonld have to cit up half the nlght, holding up her leg and moxnlng. she had no peace. She used all the beit kuown remedies in the coumry without effect. I aeked her to try your Cdtioura Hkmedies. Oot her a bottle of CüticürA Kekolvent, and he took it, and has taken In all about Blz or sevea bcttlos, and now she it a well woman to-day. Her leg is entlrely healed. and her bealth waanerer better. She can go outerery day, aumethlng she has not done in ten yearK, ao you aee I cannot belp atatlng toyon about your wonderfnl CuTirUKA Rehediis. You have saved my motht'r's Ufe. I cannot flnd words to express my gratltnde. I have advertlsed yonr Cuticdra KEMEDIK9 far and nea'. BDWARD LUKDBR, 1505 Broadway, N. Y. CiTievRA, the great skin cure, and Cdticira Soap, prepared from It, exterually, and CüTirunA Kesolvent. the new blood pnrifler, Interna! ly, are a posltive cure for every form of skin and blood dlscaees from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Prlce : Cuticitra, 50 cents ; Soap, 2J cents; Resolvent, I.OO. Prepared by the Potter Drug L Chemical Co., Boston. tarsend for "Ilow to Cure Skin DUcaaes," Cl page, 50 Illnstratlons, and 100 tegtlmonlals. DIKJIPLES, black-headi, chapped and olly akln I I lïl preyented by Cuticcra Hedioatkd Soap Sneezing Catarrh. The dlstrcssmg sneez", nnce.e. sueezc, the acrid watery dlnchargea from the eyes and nose, tbe pafnful lnflsmmation eztending to the throat, the welling of the mucons llnlng, causlng choklng sensatlons, congb, ringing nolsea in tbe head and splitting headaches- how familiar these aymptoms are to thonsands who suffer periódica! from bead coldt or influenza, and who live In iguorance of the fact that a single applicaion of Randkord's Radical (Tuk fok Catakku will alTord iMtantaneous relief. But this treatment In cases of "simple Catarrh glves but a faint idea of what this remedy will do In the chronlc forms, where the breathing Is obstructed by choklng putrid mucous accumulatlons, the hearing effectcd, smell and taste gone, throat uleerated and backing congb gradnally fastenlng itsclf upon the debilltated system. Then it la that the marvelloue curative power of Santord's Radical Cure manifest lUelf in instantancons and gratelul relief. Cure begins from the flret appltcatlon. It is rapld, radical, permanent, economlcal, and safe. BaVdfoHd'i Radical Cure consista of one bottle of the Radical Cuki one box of Cataiiriial Mm. vest, nnd an Impkovkd Iihalih; ptici' tl. Pottcr Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. PAINS aüJ f UEII8SIS OF n:nM AÉu iriKtantly rellered by the Coticnra M M Pain l'lter, a new, most MÊn? agreablo, inetatitancous and lnfalllble Cü'L pain-kllling piaster, especlally adajted H tTfj to relieve Female Palna and Weak"" nesses. Warranted vaatly superior to all other piasters, and the most perfect Antidote to Pain, Iiiftammation and Weakness yetcompoundcd. At all druggists, 2 cents; five fort 1.00; or, poatage free, of Pottkr 1)co & UukmicaI. Co„ Boston, Mass.


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