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Harrlson Falrchlld to Chas. S. Sraltli, Ypsllantl 3,750 Ilarrison Falrchlld to Chas. 8. Smlth Ypsliantl 100 John Crosby to JosepU Mayers, Ypsllanti 500 Gotlfrled Jodele to Cbrlstian Jedele, Hharon 2,000 Emeline M. Walte by executors to Mellssa E. Fellows, Sharon 700 Florence S. Babbltt to Ilenry P. Glover, Y'psllantl , 80J Chas. M. Fellows to A. A. Walte, Mauchester 1 Ann Boules to Hannah Humphrey, Saline 6,600 Chas. E. Klng to Wm. H. Mosher, Ypsllantl $ 185 Andrew J. Leltch to Frank A. Earl, Ypsllantl 1,600 Frank A.Earl to Valnett Bros., Ypsllantl 1,600 Mary Duschlk to Wenzel Arnet, Ypsllantt 850 C. F. Mabrle to Peter C. Armbruster, Brtdgewaler 150 Fred'k Kloos to Joseph Engel, Augusta. 35 Anna V. Coddlngton to Wesley Hicks, Ann Arbor 3,000 Noah W. Cheever, et al, to J. & 8. Baumgarlner, Ann Arbor 900 Martin Cavanaugh to A. J. Cavanaugh, Ypsllantl .„.. 100 Jason A. Cross to Levl 8. Freeman, YpBllantl 1,685 Chrlstlan J. Kelley to Francés A. FullIngton, Augusta 150 Wm. H. Mosher to Patllson Bowen, Ypsllantl 2 000 O. WaUon Sly to II. ]!. Bessac, Milan... 2,300 Henry B. Bessac te Mack & Schmid, Mllan 3,000 Fred Kloss to Lewls H. Mlller, Augusta. 35 John B. A E. Sklnner to L. D. Plerce, Ypsllantl 300 John B. V E. fik Inner to Lafayelte Crosby, Ypsllantl 250 Hudson T. Morton to Jas. Tolbert, Ann Arbor 200 John K. Qates to Leltlce S. Holmes, Chelsca 1,500 "As glares the tlger on hls foes, Hemmed In by muiters, spears and bows, And, ere he bouudsupon the ring, Selects the object of hls spring." So disease, in myr'uid forms, fastens its fuims upon tho human race. Ladies who sufter f roin distressiog alimente peculiar to thelrsex, should use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Is a posltlve cure for the most compllcated and obstinate cases of leucorrliea, excessive flowing, painful menstruatlon, unnatimil suppresslons, prolapsu or falliug of the womb, weak back, "l'emale weakness" anteversioD, retroverslon, bearlng-down sensations, chronic congestión, nflammatiou and ulcerotion of the womb, intlumntion, pain and teiulcmefis, in ovaries, uccompanitil witli "internal beat." Slckly scntimentality 8 a geat crime breeder.- John A'. Logan. There is not a single spot between Christianity and athcisin upon whicli a man can lirnily lix lii foot. - Nathaniel Knunons. Go down the ladder wlien thou marrlcst a wite ; go up wlien thou cboo9est a f rlend. - Rabbi Ben Azai. Oppo8ition alwaya Inflames the