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I'omological meeting etc. on 4tli page. Co. A liad nspectiun Monday BTeaing. John Milton Perkin, of Ann Arbor, hss been granted n pension. Which is tba wisest, $1 for attorney fces or ten cents to Uelp thu city V The ranks of the A. O. ü. W. are being recruited by an outside agent. The Sous of Veterans organizador in in this city is to be reorganized soon. The Hob irt Hall gymnasium is reserved for ladlea only Wedneady and FrMay afternoons. Dr. EJdy is to preach ¦ misslofliry sor. men at the Presbyteri ui church next Sunday morning. In a cerUin decree to reform a tltle on file in the clerk's office, it will be neressary to reform the deerde. Dr. Rauisay's bible reading at the M. E. church, announced for Frldny, will be given next Tuesday at 3 o'clock. It is rumored that President Cleveland and wife ai e to visit Jackson and Ann Arbor in the course of a few months. The old bain belonglng to Luther James, standing 00 the of Williiini and Seeoiid sts., lias been torn down. If you want more land tlian you have got, just fence In the street or anything adjoining, and keep it- tliat's the Uw. Judge ISeacb, of the Huron circuit, is to hold court here on the 22d lust., and a jury has been siiinmoned tor that date. Yesterday several hundied poondl of jelly was shipped by the fruit evaporating factory to Dakota, the firt thlpment abroad. It is understood that the employing carpenters and the carpenters' uuion are not upon the very best of teruis just at present. The council reduced the amotint of the booming finid (o be h-vied tliis year to $3,500 In view of the large Mncrease of state taxes. At the next cvenlng service at the Prcsbyterian church. Dr. Eddy will preach frooi the test, "Unto the Eleet Lady and Her Children." The Young People's Society of the Presbyterian churcli will give a social Friday evenlng at Mrs. Baxter1, at No. 31 Jeflerscn st. TMe vandals who interfered with the grave stones in the old ci-metery ouglit to join the seven inarchiaU. Tlicy are mean enoiiih, anyway. The next meeting of the ('hautaiiqua eircle will be held at the residenceof Miss McLaren, cor. North and Elizabeth slf., on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1 ötli. Words of wisdom to young housewives, and old ones too, will be found in the new receipt book bcing issued by the ladies of the M. K. church. Wait for it. Tliere will be preaehing Sabbath morning at the M. E. ehnreh as mual, by the pastor, but no preaching in the eveulng. Young People's DevoUonal Service at 0:30 p. m. The cabbage erop is not troubled with tlie "big liead' this, y f ar, so P. G. Sueky ttionffttt ie wnuil 'pU. a heaiV on lus and sold his erop of 1 1,000 heads for f50, to be used for lodder. Eveybody who gave f 1 to fee an attorney to contest the lejr.ility of the Só.OOu boonilng fund, and thns defeat the will of the people exprewed at the polls, gave about ten times wbot hU proportlon f taxes would be U In lp liis city aloug. Tliere is to ben dolí social at the. M. E. church next Saturday afternoon. Reception from 3 to 5 o'clock. Eaeli little giil attending to brlnsr her doll and live cents to pay the dol I's wiiv. Older people to pay tuteen cents, dolls or no dolls. The Cocker League held lts annual election Monday evening and put the following olrloers in power: I'rof. Henry Wade Rogers, president; Mrs. Wiiirs and Mr. Ed. Potter, vice president; Mr. E. F. Gay, secretary; and Prof. L. D. Wmes, treasurer. Miss Sauna Bealey, the niece of Mrs. President C. K. Ad.ims, of Ithica, N. Y., died last Friday. The remains were brouglit here yesterday a. m. and interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Services were read at the grave. Mis Healey was wcll and favorably known in this commuuity. The next lecture in the course befóte the Student's Lecture Associationis to be given by Rev. Josepli Parker, who is iermed the most eloquent pulpit orator of all Enghind. His subject will be "Henry Ward Beecher," and tlie time and place University Hall, next Friday evening. Dr. Parker will probably cali out a large audience, as his reputation is world wide. Horton ISryan, forraerly local editor of the Ann Arbor Register, has taken a position in tlie advertising department of the Detroit Evening News, and has already sssumed his new duties. Mr. Bryan is a geritleinan who will wear well. He is large-liearted, obliiinr, geninl, and will carry the good will and good wishes of mauy Ann Ai hor friends to his ncw position. The statement having been made by a cotemporary that the plans of Donaldson & Meier, architects of Detroit, had been - adopted by the school board, we are told by a member thereof, that such is not the case. Tlie plans were only preferred on certain conditions, one of which was that they could be changed to suit the demands of the board, and that the architects 8hould furnish a bond that if adopted the building should Dot coat more than the appropriation. A racy scène ocenrred on our streets tliia morning. A crazy man who had been wandering about the streets found hia way inlo the upper corridors of the P. O. building. He finally entered the room of a gentleman who was peacefully slumbcrinjt tlierein, and gazing at the scène a moment the crazy man sprang ftill force DM the fleeplng young man as if to rend him In pieces. As may be Imagincd tliis action suddenly awoke the slumberer, and he looked so dazed and wild over it that his crazy awallant bejran to get scared blnuelC So be gradnally relaxed liis hold upou the sleepine young man who every instant grew more and more awake, and as he awakened a feeling of inadness supplanted that of astonishment and he coimnenced dl ft-nsive operations, getting madder and madder each breath ; he shook off his Bsaallant, flred him out in the hall, grabbed a Congress water bottle (so supposed), and cntlrely reeardless pfhis scant costuine, startcd In pursult. l'he ernzy man didu't want to die so he run. tJp stairs and down stairs and llnally out into the street with hi white ciad pursuer hot upon him, ana yelling like a Comanchce lndian all the time. Atter raaking the circuit of the court house square a crowd intercepted the runners, the crazy man was taken to jail for safe keeplng, and the young man returned to is room for a change of raiment. The next Chaniber concert will be on Di o 2d, at Ilobart Hall. O. D. Royal, fonnerly of Ilic RegUter ollii-c, is now wlth the Argus. Marie Louise Walker was granted a divorce from Ciias. II. Walkci laat Fnday. Failurc to suiiport. Wlicat IswortliTO ¦ 78oeoUpr bushei in this mmrket Oat -'s,,, :o cents, and corn :JO cents for old nul _'¦" cents for uew. That clectric liglit will not be placed ontlic corner of Fullcr and 13tll sts., but out In the suburbs at the railroad crossing. In buying potatoes from wagons look out for frosted ones, or yon are liable to get Blppcd. Prlccï range from 78 lo 80 cents. Prof. A. H. Pattcngill lias bought of J. M. Ham.-, of l'mckney, a very promising two-year-old eelt, paylng f200 for the same. Tlie Fruit Erapontlug farctory will care for 1,200 bushcls of apples on their way from Oakland county before shuttlng down. A decree of divorce In the case of Emnia A. Fellows vs. Geo. B. Fellows, was liled last Thursdny. Desertion and failure to support. Mr. Jacobs informs us that the Dexter b ranch of J. T. Jacobs & Company's store will be discontinued dwing the coming week. S. D. Lennon, of the 5th ward, has a erop of 7,000 Iieads of calibnges which are nearly worthless, the dry season preTcnting tbeir maturing. Tlie Lidies Society of the Prcsyterian church are to give a social in the church parion on Thursday (to inorrow) evening, to which the public is invited. If anythlng ran make more nolse than sohool out for recess we woultl llke to hear lt just ouce.- l'iuckney Dispatch. .Tust drop over here some Hallow'een night, S. 15. Thompson fcels quite proud of tlie fact that he lias got a pension allowed for Mr. Perkins, tlie bagpage man at the M. C. depot, and has only had t!ie case pending about four months. There is to be a county conference of prohibitionists at Fireraen's hall, on Wednesday of next week, Nov. lOth, at 11 o'clock a. ni. Hon. Chas. S. May, of Kalamacoo, will make a speech. At a meeting of the tenchers and offlcers of St. Andrews Sunday School, last Wednesday evening at Hobart Hall, a very interesting and profitable paper was rend by Miss Anna Condón, upon "Sunday School Music." " Supervisor Andrew T. Ilughes of Scio, was married last Monday to Miss Sarah E. McGinn, of the same place. Mr. Hughes has many friends in all sectiong of the county who will wisli liiin a long lifc of married happiness. John Walker (?) tramp, was sent up for 00 days to Detroit house of correctlon for stealing a pair of overshoes fiom Goodspeed & Sons, by Justice Pond, Monday. The tatne man was sent up by Justicc Frueanff rcoently ander the nameofFrmk Wilson. One of the prominent business men of Uuron street bcing approaehed by the auti-boomers for a $1 to help fee a lawyer to injunct the $.1,000 booming fund, gave a dollar under the luppotttlon that it was to con test tlie right of the supervisors to saddie their taxes otï on the city. When he found out wliat lic gave his$l for he was considerably vexed. Mr. Howard Granger, son of the late Hon. 15. F. Grangcr, of this city, (lied in San Francisco, Cal., on the 4lh of this month. His mother, JIrs. B. F. Granger, eanie east some montlis ago, and is now wlth her son, Mr. Ross Granger. The reniaius of the deceased are exiected to arrive about Saturday next, the funeral services will be held shortly alter. Some of the teachers in the ward schools are working up a plan of eecuring libraries for their rooms. The books to be contributed by the pupils and others Interested. The plan is looked upon favorably by the school board, and at a meeting last evening they offered to appropriate $10 for each room where the enterprise is carried out. Several rooms have already secured a handsorae start. It is a mystery how the large number of boardiug houses In Ann Arbor can make a living at the rates they offer to studente. But there is one house which uith commendable enterprisc bas succeeded in making n suceoss of the business. It has not been done by competing for lowest rates, for its charges are $2.50 per we'k, and yet it bas now 103 boarders. The board of directors of the Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Co. met yesterday and adjusted the loss of the M. E. parsonage at Stony Creek, (struck by lightning last surnmer) at $85 82. They also ordered by -law No. 8, (suspendinsr all members who had not paid up their assessments) to take effect, tlins relievlnj; the company from the insurance of delinquents. Apropos of the Masonic Temple in this city, the Freeinafon says : "The Temple where the school was held, is one of the grandest Masonic halls in the State, being large and elegantly furnished. The artistic skill is displayed by twelve large paintings In panels on the walls and ceilings. They are finelv executed, life size, and very natural. The Masons of Ann Arbor can just ly be proud of their Temple, it is worth a trip there to see it." The Ypsilantian has this to say of our future fellow-cltizen: "Charley Whitman is removing his household goods to Ann Arbor this week. There are no church deaconshipa made vacant by Charley's departure, we belleve, but the removal of himself and family will cause vacancies in social and literary circles here that may not soon be filled, as they filled them. One of Charley's young friends recently remarked, that f the cry of 'Red Blood' should ere long be borne on the niglit windt from the northwest, it must not be taken as the forerunner or follower of some dreadful deed. It would result from the fact that Charley Whitman was playIng progressive euchre at Ann Arbor, was ahcad in the game, and was nmkiiig his pathetlc plea for the ringing of the bell." These marriage licenses do not alwayg prevent hasty weddings as the law intended, as an instance in this county provea. A j-oung man from the western part of the county carne to town a short lime since, procured a license to niarry a cerlain young lady, and polltely requested the clerk who made out the papers to keep the information to himself, which he did. Armed with the necessary papers he by some secret means informed hls sweetlieart of the fact. Then she told her lolks that glie wlshed to visit an unele in a ïifighborlng city and starled off ostensibly for her uncle's. But bless your heart she never went there. Hlie weut far enough to meet her lover, however, who was walting with his best horse and carrlage, and all rigged up In his soft rlotlies, and they proceeded to this city where a minister was found to make them man and wife. The young man was very happy; Ihe old man swore and ravcl, but all to no pui pose; the mother-in-law forgave; and the sweet young bride cried just enough to look liandsomer and sweeter than ever. And thus the intent of the law was successfully evaded.