University Items
Join the g3'm. Trof. Morris lectnrei on Miiiic :i room 21, Xov. lOth. The flrst Chamber coucert at Hobart Hall was a success. Kcv. Joseph Parker at University Hall next Friday ereotog. Salicitors for the gymnasium finid report varying success. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity have a new telephone, No. 90. An assessment of $1 is levled on raembers of the Hobart Quild. One day last week Dr. Stowell sold 75 copies of his work upon the Tceth. C. L. Carter, one of Toledo's prospering attorneys, spent Sunday in the city. The Alpha Delts and Zets had a set up last Friday night to celébrate a base-ball vietory. A son of the late President Stearns, of Nashville University, has entered the freshman class. J. W. Doty, pharmic of '80, is now in Detroit, Mich., and msy bc found at :71 Woodward ave. The Junior Hop coinmittce held its lirst meeting last week and arrangements for the junior hop are being perfected. The sophomore hop committee have decided to hold their animal hop on Den. 1Ü. Koyal T. Farrand was elected chairman. Rev. Jos. Parker will lectura in universitj' hall on Nov. lltli, taking as his ¦object "IJeeeher from an English Stamlpoint." C. V. Xaf'e has resigned from the presidency of the junior olass and i meeting will be called next Saturday to elect his successor. The Sophomores have appointed a committee of three on class canes, and one of line to consider the advisability of adopting a class nat and gown. Dr. V. C. Vaughan has been conlined to his home by illness for the past day or two, but to-day was much better though ítill anuble to meet bis classes. The favorable weather has been a Godsend to the coutractors on the new buildings. If it sliould hold out a few weeks longer it would be si Hl more of oue. The Arjronaut appears to think that the burning up of a few sections of the camput fence was all right. Perhaps that writcr had tome of' the 'Épork" himself. The October Widc Awake contains a vcry good picture of Miss Aliee Freeman, lit. '7"), and n sketch of her life In Some Successful Women president of WelUley collegL1. The senior chisselection resulted in the election of Powell for president by a majority of 10 over Mann, the vote standing 07 to r7 in his favor. Miss Gower was elected vice president. Last Saturday, Ok. Button was elected president of the Wpbomoré class, Mías C. C. Penny vicepresident, O. D. Vandersluis secretaiy, II. J. Kennedy treasurer, and T. L. Holton marshal. Dr. Moses Gunn, at one time professor of ibe purgeiy in the university, died at his Iioiih' ia Chicago, last Friday niornlog, He was one of the most eminent uien in the profesión in the oonntry. The Chronicle urges the establishment of a lirst-class orchestra by musical sWidents. It would ccrtalnly be a good thlng, and in coimcrtion with t lm Glee Club could give very pleasaut entertainuieuts during the winter. Rev. Washington Gladden, D. D., of Columbus, O., will dillver the animal addre8s before the Studente' Christian A8sociatlou on Sunday eve., at 8 o'cloek. The fubject is "Hints to Workers." The addreu will be given in Unlverity Hall, various churcbel of the city uniting in the service. Word is receivcd from Prof. Sleere's party under date of Sept. 4, at which time they wcre on the Island of Palna one of tlie Philippine group, hard at woik. Tliey weie in line spirits and excellent health. They had a prosperous journey to tlie Ulands, and, with the e.ceptioü of a severe storm in the China Sea, a very enjoyable one. At the date named they had just closed their lirst week's woric in securlng specimens, and were well pleased with the result. How couvenient It Is. If there is any deviltry done about town, we hear something of this kind, quoted from the last Argonaut in its report of Hollowe'en festivities: "Several fences were tipped, rotten, (especially the stone) sidewalks uprotted, signs misplaced, and gateshung to lamp-posts. But it is hlghly probable that most of this ehould be laid to townies." The "townies," when lnterviewed are as innocent as lambs, and highiy Indignant over being acemed of "students pranks." So betwlxt them both you see, it Is something the authorities can not lin I out. Miss Franc ArnolJ, vic-president of the Sophomore class, gave a very pleasant reception to the class at Mrs. Miner's on East Liberty ftreet, the occasion being her retirement from her dutles as vlcepresident of the class. About 20 couple were in attendance nnd passed the evening very enjoyably. Kefreshinents were served in an exceedingly tafteful manner, and on each platc was found a neat card with a verse appropriate to the vietory of '90 over her various competltors. Miss Arnold deserved the gratitude of her i ¦las.-mates for her patrlotic spirit manifested by this generous act. All members pretCDt had a ligbt shed upon their future hlstory tlirough the medium of n fortune-teller, very ably impersonated by Mi-s N'ellie Gin ligues. The Northwestern Collegiale Alumncc Association are to hold their animal meeting In this city on Friday and Saturday, Uec. Oth and lOth. A number of delegates will be present from all portions of the west, and important papers on educational matters will be presented. The great event of the meeting, howevcr, will bc an addreas by Miss Frunces Willard on 'The White Cross Movement." Thls address will bo given Friday evetiïnr, ücc. 9tbi In Univcrsity Hall, and will be frec to all. AVe understiiml that our citizens, cspeclally the Indica, will bc welcome to all the meetings of the associatiou. Miss Lucy Salmón, Prof. of History ia Vassar college, will also rcad a paper; and anothcr will be prescuted by President Lucy Andrews, fornierly of this city. President Angelí is to give the addressof welcorabin the University chapel. The program will be fiiven in full neroafter.
Moses Gunn
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News