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pfpRicrs CREAM gAKlNg tscil by tlie linllPd status lavernment. Endonedby tbabeadsof theureatUnlversltlei ís tli i1 Strongest, Puret, and mo-t Hraithiul. Dr. l'rkc's 1 lie 011 1 y Baking Powder that doos oot eontatn Ammonla, Lime or Alum. 8ol3 ouly Ín enns. PUICK BAKINti POWDEB I NKW VOBK. CHICAGO. ST. l.ODIS. S77íL? Greatest Blood Pur fier J% KNOWN. m I I Thla Graat Germán MctUrlne Ih tho#. IH lllcheapcst and best. lS8doesof BVL-M II Hlpinní BITTERS for1.00,lesthftn 5 III lili' oonl a doae. Jt III curo llw Ul !'¦¦¦ ! skin dlsoíise, fronw M U.i common iinple on tlie 1;id'# Jj 1ro that nwful disease ScrofuU. 81 LPHDB BITTEB8 U Hk'X bed medlclse t dm tu all "¦ oí Bnoh ítubborn unilWYnnr Kid III deep sented iIUcusl'í. VoW]u., ., 1 - ¦ nt III not ever take Motmnvr. -Ul blue pills r.ví,1;'-!1 JiS ni ormoir uiy, tlicv niv donrt Jtr,i ., ... ?iVk un IH y me1lidncevern.alc.y5I1]p]nr BitttrS !ll jJIsyonrTongneCoateiw . ' Sñ Bwlilinyollnwstli-kyDont wnit nntll yotitg ITI sui'-r.Vnri-? Is imríiro iniable tn m Ík", orí llbriatli fon] iini#aiv flut on lmck,ll I loITcnsivoy ycuir#l'iit pi't somc at 0111. ¦, lili E i ich la out#wili cure yon. Suiiiiiurl II lilal I.I'IH'I! Mrl,a Tnrnliii'a Pí-íoimI ü! C3 BITTÏ 1 ' M uiiu 5 iru uu m SStmiiHNliaiilyTlioyounp, tlu'íiwil.-inil ot-S II ís v.nir l'r-tpriii; are loon marte -cll lyl III ii"' üilck,#ltê uso. Remember whatyouBI roiy, i'lii-JVriMil liin', lt iikiv IBTS yourlll lil uily, i'i-#]n.-, tt bita saved liumliviU. 1 1 #Uun't v;iil until toinonuw, Q f Try a Bottle To-day! Q I ƒ¦ ƒ Ara yon tow-pWtod and vpnk.j] II S Mor BiiflbViog ínnn H xeosse "ll I S#youih? n L, m ii'ini: ia iu:i.--l I I 'yti'Uli'ui'C v'iu. I M lil Send '¦' J ¦'¦ni itamp (o A. 1'. Ovhvay .t ('o., Boaton,M&u., for bex meülol work pnollalntlr AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH I IMII ipiÍMi CHICAGO, I nll CHOICE OF MMi5taMMj. T ROUTES . VA PAiirnRNi DENVER' LAL run" couNciL bluffs. OMAHA, STJGSEPH.ATCHISON ob KAN SAS CITY. Fop dates, rates, tickets or i urther Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting lines, or address Pau L M ORTON , Ben. Pass. iTkt. ApCMcago, III. ê WMtsalt A RtlaiL OM Rnihi ïienewi-ii. Í"J Seod fot Circular... E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPI.KTE AKRANGKMKNT KOtt ñjúúm and families, Neater, Cheaper, M MORE CONVENIENT THAN A STATION ARY BATH TUB VVITH NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES. Tutt's Pilis ¦tlmnlatea he torpiri livor. stront, h lis lh li.'sl(M' orans. ntululcs Ule uowel, aml ure iincquulcd un un ANTI-BIUOUS MEDICINE. ín iiialiiri.1 lMrl (s licir virlnpsare ilol.v reroffulced.awittij pussess ienllarpropr41e in Im'liiKlliis.tslnii I rom tlml pi.ÍM.ii. i:i'umill 'siiirur t-uulfd. lo-o sinull. Frica, a.icts. Sold Everywhere. Oflicc, 44 Murray SU, lfw York "ABOQKFORTHEPEQPLE' C'APTIVAT1G ! .UBEFl'J ! Kimmen Dlariiatiuiia. nnd liiniuulii' Papen mi Ihc ;ri-alluriicUufxliuii'ul'tlii'I'iii.t aml I'rt.scul, b' .1 uní ;. BLAINE. Finhr.ipIiv-'liNniajitfTly rffiínipnt 00 thn vital lssn1 ni ln(( Slavery Strvgglt. tha All J.irlu.í Albor QiwxtUm, Prih1hitinn, Irish TInme Hule. et, vu-. ;r Fomtijiui k'ik Book Canvasskbr! Applications fob Tkkhitohy Comino in with a Ruku I DARL1NU l;líis., in Mli'H. 1 nyCETICCDC orothors.whowlEh to examine HUW bll I lOCIlO this paper, oí obtain estimules on advertising spaco when in Chicago, will find it on file a! 45 to49 Randolph Si., MH OTUAUSC theAdveitiiingAgencygf LUHU ft I IIUMAd 1 TYT can Uvrat home.nnt] makc moremoney at III work for ns, ihan at niivlhine elïe in this ¦ III! world. C'apital uut ncudrd ; yon are m v " etarted frte. hothsexce; all ages. Any one can do the work. Lar;e earnings snre from llrst ptart. (lostly otitflt and terme froc. Bi'tter notdelfty. Costa yon nothing to eend us your addreee nn'U flrd out; i f yon are wisc yon will do eo at once. II. Hai.lett & Co., Portluud. Mainc classes wlth employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moment. Baetii' light and profltahle. Persona of etther sex eaily i'arn from 50 to ó.00 per eveninft, and a propormiiiihI raí ly drvotlni; all their time to the buslnep. Boyandeirl8 eani oarn nearly as much as men. 'Ihat all who (ee this may (end thelraddreae, and tust the bnslncsa, wc make thia ofler. To puch as are not well atlpfled we wlll send one dollar to pay fo' the tronble of writlnt'. Kuil particnlar and ontflt fne. AddríB QEonoii Stisso A Co. Tortland Malne. #f AT T fieldt art trarri. bnt thote who writ to I I Sumen ICO .Portland, Mnlne.wll] rrcrii. I _ I I II fre, fuM n.forinntion about work which III (bey cao do.and livtat bome.tbatwill par U J ílíl tbem from %! lo f per da;. Borne hare earnritoTn-5iiDday Eitber sel, yoannorold. Caplul Dbt requlred You areitarted free. Those who itart at 0DC re absululely luie of tüug Utlle forluoea. AU il MW. Mmore money than at anything olee ny tak ing an agi'ncy for the best Bclllng book ra Bucreed giandly. None Tall. Tt-rms fnc. I1ali.ktt Book Co., Portland, Maine. BEAL ESTÁTE insurange" agengy, OF J. 0. A. SESSIONS, A.TTORXEY AND NOTAKY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected on reasonable term. None hut oíd and flrst-class Insurance Compárales rcprosenteil- with liiHiiranee capital of ílO,(Hd),i0O. Unte as low as any otlipr insurauce corapany and louei protnptly pnlil. Office over Amerlcun Expreu once, Main treet. Kan Arbor. Midi. THIS PAPER" --X Kewapaper AdveiilBing Bureau (10 Spruco B lffini U uiade íor it lí fikff I U II IV


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