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Pomological Society

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'Ilic Novi cuber niet Ung of the eoeh iy li .1 ovcr liy Mr, .1. I). Balüwfn, so well Httcnded.e.'pccinlly by lartlet, that ini] usililr i . Bccominoilatc all tlic frlemls. The Booltty enjuyed the prcinc ot ii foriner president. Mr. .!¦ Aisiin Boott Prof. Nlchols reported on traneportatlon ol frutt; 5,026 bushelswere tenl under bii luperJntendence to Detroit ai Hic ezpenM ol (1 80 per bnthel, ¦ savIng oí (2.75 over the charges of the ex;;oney. NeulyaJI frutt sent elsevvhere weot by ex prees. A clalin fln the Michigan Central frclglil ornee of $21 for overclmrge on the Jlrsl ililpment ww t ¦ I .ot ! I . ( 'i;, COlll prr bll-llrl OOVtTÍ all tlie expenses of the couinilttec mi n pn titi. ni. a resolutlon nflféred by Mr. 'Ion;; I) tljal cvciy BhlppeFsbOtlld al once allí to 'In: panicnl ol lilis Miiall charle to l'rot. N Icliols paweU unanitni o - ly,alo n resoiutlon by the cor. Bccretary, 1 1 1 : 1 1 ( 1 1 ' society lal their jelalm of $21 on Ihe Mlchlxsa Central frelgbl office rcM in abejancp fnrtbe presenl In coneiderntlon oí tlie accoiiinioclationa and attentlon patd bv Mr. ílajee, tlie Hgeirl here, to tbe ínterestsvil th fruit niowere. A vote ol thaF.ks waí tendered to Frof. Nlchols hir hU nioreufu] " anajreuient of U c trans portalion, w IJch opined il 11 wiiy foi Clieapcr triiDsportatiun "I beriits nuil frult. The discussion oniieacli lieesto plant for profil and Olí pluin Inés, in wliich pronili'ciil experta llke Mvwr. J. 1). Balclwin, C. ('. ClarV, .1. Oanzliorn, Win. McCret'ry. J. Allomnd, E. Bmut and otuers lonk purt, s; very iinportant lo tbre who wlah t" plant largely i Un funis tur pn lii. Mr. (;,ii zliorn reported the Biicceii "i a plum trower who plantedhUtief-8 in bedgu wws live and six a ilie row, tlie rows twenty feet apart. A volé of thanka was tendered to Mr, 'l'i ins wliudisplüv. dSOl ai let "I -lirysantueiutiins, lt waí a feast t'or everybody, -.-i cclally tbe lailles. Piof. Jílchols miulea plea for the pansy on i xliiliilii'ii. )i i ttisll tu Ktc) i'iir Clilldren mi 1 lie faiui wa ttiort caJlivaM mt only the Uíeful bul atsnthe beaiiiilul. The pnB8y blooros all iiinimer, and il tiaiisplanifd inio a box ii coiitluoes i" bloow in Uii' room dnr .n; tlie wintar Wlm wi.ul'l !¦ wMhoul iIicm' cuocent and lovely flowers? Tlie cnIi lili ol unit. .1. (la zliorn, the Kleffer peur, ucil ilpentd and Bne; J. Alluiand, Wintei Nelis, the beat winter cm. Li Giuner, pear niarinaLidi. peach butter, BtrawOtriy wlne, all delk'iuw. An n Arbor preserving eoropany, represa nted bv Mr. Morgan, Kleffer cou tectioi), bljjlily pralsed especlally by the 'adlea; K. JÏaiir, winter Nilis, D'Arembexft V'icar and Lawxence peara abo Ioibelia grapt, a x11"1' kieper, tlie only i-'iapc ui i'xliibition, ottMge unince. .! D. Baldwin, pomegranate ol HdlsssUsippi. Allmendinjcer and Schnelder's report ou expenuiuiH's for t'iuit preaervins faotory auiounts to 1161.25. .Mr. Clark reported $800oftlie bonus collected and deposite d wlth L. Gruner. The meeting was vfiy niiu'h enjoyed by those present, All Eubacrlbers to ihe bonua are r quested to pay lo Mr. Clark or L. Qruner, At the next meeting the discus! if a imtter fait' ry wlll take pi nee. One Isgreatly mi di d in tliis vicinity.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News