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Whii'M" il Hüónon -r, .-' Km tnjIantMnt. 'ttt Ru„i.,.JBgHt} Time tahlo taking effect Oct. 9ih, 1887. Central Klandnnl Time. CHICAGO T0 DKTROIT. iÜ kèfïflTi llSiMilMil! 1.a. A.a. t.m.t.m. p.. ,,„ 7, Chicago.. Lv. ' 6 50 'MXi :10 8 15 in, in ju Kalmnaz.x). . . 12 17 14.". 658(1281 1.50 ü Í' Battle CraekJ 107 á -T 7: 1 i". 3 7, Jackron 8 lfi 120 849 S 15 4{É w UranLake... 5 13 ï ¦ SK D.-ner tl , 5 50 UlSDelbl Mllli... 4-it loii Ann Arnor.... I f(.i i 186...] ti'l w X Yuullanti 460 5 45 50 4 5Z 824'wís WavneJunc 6U 606... . 5 15..... i,i, Ditp.1i.... Ar. 800 B45104B 800... 7 aft 1 1' T, Ht.Thomai UU 108 9 50 j, u Halls View 454 112 647 N. FallB 251 530 1 55 ... . 125 Bilflalo 4 35 7 13 3 40 9,7 "" 1KTROIT TO CHICAGO. I Ú I Ê t'Ú t = JJP 52 ál i H Èl L ¦ """""¦ I 1 4!! f l 11 P , fc W o r, tn 9 i. X A.M. A.M. F M. A. M ... . Al Bnffilo 6 84 111! 1130 0U uit, N. Kalln, ti 41) 12 4!)! 1215 ' St. Thomas.... 1000 4.0 4 28 110...' .'"" P. . P.M A.M. A.. P.M. ..." PU Detroit.. ..Lv. 130 9 15 7 UU 910 800 4 in Wayne June. 2(18 055 7 41 953 837 ..... 445 Ypnilanti .... 220 1020 8 03 1012 858.... 5 Ann Arhnr... 2 32 1088 8 IK 10 25 9 IJ 51 Delbl Milla gw s Dext'r 887 3ï .. '. 5m Cbelaoa 85 962 606 (tiw Uke 15 1012... [ Jackaon 332 1203 945 11851052 ... ?m Battle Creek.. 4 40 ia5H20 1 ia 1 12 8SJ Kalamazuo. . . 1 5 15 2 30 12 17 160 1 20! 4 46 9is Chicago.. .Ar. 9) 7 45 5 55 40, 7 0010 20 O. W. UUQQLE8, H. W HAYBS O. P. AT. Agent Aït.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbnr & Nortii MichUu Uallwaj. riMK srnKDULB. To take effect ut 12 o'clock, nron, on Sund;iy, ( Ictober ütli, 1837. Trains rnn by Standard Time. QOINQ NOKTH. i al a .1 6 g . = & ï"' SS -g2 STATIONS. SU ó O.Ï Sd a. a. J "tu Toledo Lv .i Yo' "a i "l P6 25 5 60 Mimbattan JuDction 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexl 5 27 8 28 655 8 85 Sanla 5 458431723730 Munrcie Jiinrtloii B 02 4 05 7 51 8 10 Uuti'Iee 6 10 4 121 8 05 8 90 A'-alla 6 25 4 18 8 20 9 00 Mllan 6 35 4 35' 8 35 9 30 KrniB-,-. 445I 8551U00 1'lltHtielll 7 ai 4 53 9 05 10 20 Ann Arbor 7 15 6 10! y %i 11 30 Ielan ' 7 38 5 30; 9 50 1 68 Whltmorc Lake 74 6 45 No.12 2 13 Howe" 8 31 6 28, 30 8 UU Durar.d 9 30 7 30J 9 30 r. M. Cornnna 9 m 7 46110 35 -opo 1001 7 56,1100 OWGB8O Junct;im 10 05 s HM 105 Iiha a 11 Ki; 9 15 40 ...„ SU Loula 11 35i 9 ai 3 35 ... Atan 11 42 9 41 8 56 Mt. Pieaeant Ar 12 30110 301 (1 00 I'. .l . P. M i:oING SOUTH. STATIONS. & f flfi s hz Mt.Pleaaut Lv 40 i;ai 1 30 Alma 1015 7 2 20 St. liul n Si 7 27 i 2B .'.'."¦ lthca 1-2J5 74!, 2 46 Owosbo Junclion 4 00 8 55 4 02 Owoíín 4 08 9iü 4 08 Corunna 4 25 9 08 4 1ö" Durand 8 16 9 30 488i.. Howull 7 40 10 10 5 33 & U) Whitmore Lako Kx-i. 11 00 6 16 6 50 '.eland 30 1111 8 80 7 AnnArbor 7 lölll 30 6 5i]05S ri.feHeW 7 26 11 4 7 UOl"ï Irania 7 85 1150 7 10 11 60 Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 M Azalia 7 88 12 14 7 30 12 46 Huridee 8 03 ia 24 7 40 1 10 Monroe Junctlon 8 10 12 31 7 51 190 Samarla 8 25 12 48 8 10 2 10 Aleils 8 45 100 83(1245 M.inh.ittnn Jimctiou 8 50 105:8 37 8 0 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 41 3 15 a. . p. m.Ip m. v. 11. iniili Ljon Branch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND. Train 0 Train 1 f M r. u. 9 60 Lv. Lelandi Ar. 6 80 111 IX) Ar. Worden Ar. B 40 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 U0 t'iwoectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroadsdWcrKInn; at Manhattan Junction, with Wheeling 4 Lake Krie K. R.; at Alexis Junction, wih M. l'. K. K., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. & P. M. R. R.; t Mntiroe Jnnctlon. with L. S. & M S. Kj ¦ at Dondee, with L. 8. M. 8. Ry., M. A O. Ky.; at Milan .luiictlon. wfth VVala8h, St. Lools PactUc Mv ; at Pitti-Beld.with L.!. M. s. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central U.K., and at South LyoD with Detroit, Lanelng A Northern K. K., and Mich. A. L Dlv. or Grand Triink Iiy. At Hamhnrs: ith M. A. Lir.e Dlvltion Orand Trnnk R'y. At Howull with Detroit, Liimlng & Northern H'y. t Durand with Ch cago & Grand Tmnk K'y and Detroit, Grand Ilaveu & Milwmiki'e H'. At uwoaso Junction with Detroit, irand Haven A Mllwaukee K'y and M ctiljan Central R. K. Ai tt Loot with Detroit, I-argir & Northern K. H. and sLi na" V-illey St. Louis h'y. At Alma wltli Detro.t, Ijinslnc & Nnrtbern K'y. At Mt. Pk'asul wita Fliut & Pcre Marquette Ry. H. w. ASI1LKY, Genemt Muriwer. W. II. BENNBTT, A. J. PA1S1KV. Gen'l. Pa, je Ticket Aeent. Local Agent Estáte oí Waltrr II Kendall. STATE OF MICU1GAN, Connty of Wuhtam Mi Ata neBslon of the Probate Court for the Coontj el Wavhtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In tbc city of AnnArbor, on Wtdneeday, the 2d dl of Novemhur, in the year one thouund eiK''t hundred and el;hty-even. Present William D. Uarrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter or the eetate of vValter II. Eendan, dereaseii. Moae Seabolt, adralnlstntor of ald estáte, comes into court and reptefDte that he i now prenared to render hU Hul acroant as snch admlnistrator. Thereupon It ia ordered, that Tuesday, t twenty ninthday of November instant, at ten o'clock In the forenoon be aeftlgned for examininL int allowlug Kuch account, and that the hein il law ol said deceased, and all other pereons interMted In Bald esiatc.are required to appear at a teeeitn of aid court. tben to be holden at Probate otflee. In the city of Ann Arbor, In stid county.andthow eau!' ,if any there be, why the said account sbotiM not ke allowed : And lt is further ordered. that Mld admlnlstraior ive uotice to the persons Interested In said esute, of the pendency of sald account and the hearlni; thereof, by cíusíoí: a copy of thi order to he publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier. anewspaper prlnted andcirculatlng In sald conntjr three uccesslve week previou to eaid day ( hearin. (A true cony.) WM. D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM . DOTT, riobate Register. 1S75-1ÏT: A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate GHass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjtutments and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Sil. I ]. ATTKNTION OIVESTO COLLECTIOS OK lltNIS AND klAKAOKlUKT OF ItKAI. E" rvii I ki sis pos Non-Hk.sidkst. EnriKK. SATISKACllON TO OWKKK3 Ql'AKAXTBED. A. DeFORK8T' ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARL0E, ïïTJJROïT STEEET, Next to the Farmer's and Mechanlc1! Bank. II UU CUTT1NG, SIIAVING, SHAMPOONINO AND DYEING. The best of Work men and SatisfactloB Uuaranteed. JAMES BACH, PIBB AND UFE mvm mm 'o. 10 East Hu ron Street, Opiolte Cook House. Ten First-Clas Compantes repreHented. Assetts Over $25.000,000. 1319-1369.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News