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Commou Sense Shoiild be used In nttempting to cnrc tliat veiy disspreenble disete, eatarrh. As c.'itiirrli originates in impuritieg in the blood, appllcutions c:in do no permanent good. The cnnunon seuse inethod of tri-ntiiK-nt Is to purify (he blond, and for this purpose thero is no preparatlon superior to Hood'g Sarsaparilla. Tliat tilia peculiar medicine dors cure catarrh is sliown by the many testimoniáis from people wlio have fonnd relief upon usinjr it lifter all others liad fuiled. A book contaiiiiiif; statements of cures sent on recelpt of two-cent stamp, by C. I. Hood i% Co., Lowell, Mas9. m Mr. Wiibash- Dld you read (1 ie book I sent you last week, Miss Breezy Miss Breezy- Yes, I fmisUed it to-day. Mr. V.- Were you plenied witli tbe story! Miss B. - Well, it opened nicely, but I didn't quite üke the way it shut.- New Vork Sun. HoviVelt. Why, twoyearsago I was just crazy. and no wonder tlmt my wife and chlldren were afraid of me. You just want to suffer wlth neuralgia with no relief as I ' did unlil I used Sulpluir Bitters. Tbey cured me. and now my wife saya I am as ' meek as a lamb- Uobert Pdvis, Anioricau House, Boston. . It is valn to galhcr Tirtues without humilitv; for the Spirit of God deUjfliteth to dweil in the lieurts of the U'imblt'. - K rasmus.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News