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DrI you ever meet a man thflt new Jersey ? Bucklen'8 Árnica Sal ve. The Best Salve in tlie world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ('hilblains, Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures l'iles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to jrlve perfect satisfHCtion, or nioney refnnded. I'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberbacli & Son. UTight pianos are oflen played by downriglit bores - Duliitli Paiajfriiplier. Misfoi-tune is never mourntül to tlie soul tliat accepts lt; Tor such do always see tliat every cloud is un angel's face. - St. Jerome. What a Pltj tliat so raany otlierwise attractive, politc, and particular peiple kffllot tlieir frlends by tlie fdiil and di.sajrrcoable odor of tlicir breath; lt is niainly caused by disordertd digestios, and can be corrected by removiug tlie canse, by iising tliat pure medicine, Sulpbur Bitters.- lle.iltli MagazlM, A guest wlio is lnvited to partake of seven kinds of witic at dinner will uever, il be is a rlgkt miiuled intuí, criticlse the coukiug. - Puck. To pretend tliat you nre younger than you are is like tryïtig to beat the jfovernnent by dropping au uiistainped letter in the box.- Tlie Judge.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News