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THE TRIBUNE FOR 1BBB (iREATLY ELARi:i). MUCH THE BIGGEST OF ALL THE N. Y. WEEKUES. Greater Variety of Contents, New Presses, New Type and New Appliancsr. AT THE HEAD OF THE REPCBLICAN PgSSS. The Nkw York Wekkly Tuibi'nk wlll be enlarned ou r lefore lUe lst m January , 1888, by the addütiui of from four lu elght more page of actual readlng matter- an lnc.rea-e In stze of creal expense lo Tuk Thiuunk, but without expenso lo Ib e inbaertber. A complete outtit of the new foldlng and lnsiTiiiiK presses wlll be put Into Tuk Ikibune's press-toom In November anil Deeeinber; una the extra sheet will be folded luto lts place In the maln sheet before It oomei from the presa. Theenlarged Timhink wlll be the btggest a'id beNtof all the .New Vork weeklles, and the new niaclitnery wlll print lt , 1 11 the enlurged form, at the rateoí seveut}two thousand copies per boor, New Keatnrea and a greiiler vnrlely of contents wlll be addril to Tin: Tkihu.nk during the coming year. Hender wlll be (Wen nciirly a half inore for Iheir uioney Ihau ever before. Pensions for the old volunteerH, especlally Service Pensions, are belng Tlgoroiuly agitated In Thk '1'uibunk; niucn pare llglven la every ue to thls miIijim-i. Ketter l'roie - llon to Farmers under the uiritl ; the salvatlon of a country from the curse of lnlemperunce; and the reiscue of the natlonal government from the hands of the rebel brigadiers; these, and all the other live IssueH of the day are recelvlng agvressive, euruust and loyal treatment lu TiikTkihunjc. The Thibi'nk doei not try to supersede the state nnd county press. Hut, In the greal l'resldentlal coutilct now at hand, every thlnklDg KepublU'itn, old Oldler, farmer and Hwnpt-ratice man, should liuvr hls local paper and Tuk N. V. Ta iu nk. SuliMcriptlnn llatek Weekly, il a year; extra copy wltli every tlve. Hmol-Weekiy. ? Ja year; extra copy wlth every ftve. Daily, j.5U per year. Si'nday Tkiih'nk, $1 ". New snbscrlbers recelve the paper until Jnn. ], 1Ü89 Kemltalways bydiati, check, express or DOKtal money order or reglstered letter Prrmlum Mi Tuk N. Y. Tui iunk'.s Hlstory of the United state and Pocket Atlas ,,i the World, 16mo., 251 pages, 50 mapi, 5U colored dlagrams; prlce, 40 cents ; 10 HDbsotiDen Ji cento; prettlext premium of the year-a fasclnatlug account of the tustory of the country, wlth a great variety of stallsllcfi and generul Information. (J) President Pocket Knlfe; subscrlber's name and plolore of hls cholee for President on the handlü; send íor dewcrlptlve circular; prlce. at retall, $1.75; butglveo wlth The Wkkkly Thuum, one year for the same inoney, ?1.7.3; two other styles, for less inciney. (3) Popular Picture Kallery- 6 fine large plctures. lncludlng the new orncers of the U. A. K., Mr. Blalne, Senators Evarts and Hlscook, Keturn of tln Maytlower," " Chrlst llefore Pllnte"' nud "Chlidren Wrltlng to Santa Claus ; " send for olrcular. (4) Wultham Watch ; expansión balance inovement, Btem winder, stem set' sevon JeweU, nickel case. Ihnrouiihly rellabh and au excellent watch ; wlth Tuk Wi.iki.y Tkihune one year, for $7.5(). (ï) Titnu ni's "Bookof Open Air Sports." (til "Webster! Unabrldged Dlollonary." (7) " Wood's Household Medicine." The-o premluniH cunnot be deacrlbed In full here, Send lor circular. THE TRIBUNE, New York. G-ET YOUR JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND CHEAPLY DONE AT THE COURIER ; OFFICE.


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