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MlMOtflC KI Ul. I Olí . ' AkborCommandkky, No. 13 ineets flrst Tuesday of eacn moutli. W. O Ooty, E. C; W. A. Tolchard. Kecorder. WASHrgSAW CHAlTEIt, No. , R A. M.- Meet flrst Monday each raontb. Isaac Hundy, H l., ¦,. Boftth. Beoret&ry. BUSINESS CAROS. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Oítice Over First National Bank, Hours Trom 9 to 11 n. 111., F rom 2 1o :::!it i. in., Siiml.n frum 0 to 10 a. m. II. II UI IIEItZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiug, Glazlog, (ilding, and Calcimlnln?, and work or every oencrlotion done in the beet tyle. and warranted to give satiefaction. Shop, No, 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. W. W. & A. C. IVIC'IIOLS, DE1TTISTS. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Maonic Tcinplp Itlocb. GASorVITALIZED AIR AdrnlnlBUred for the patulese extraction of teeth. O. IMI. -MLJRTTlr, DEALER IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common f'xfllns. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Rmbalmlng a speclalty. Hto'eroom on E. Waalilngtoo Street. ïtesldcnce Cor. Liberty and Klftn. V. II. JACKSOX, IDIIESIUVIITIIIIISIITII. OFFICE : OTer Bach & AbeI's Dry Good Store. Entrancc next to National Bank. TIEÏIE ANNABBOR SAVIN&S BANK, ANN AKUOH, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. .. prjanized ander the Oeneral Banking Lw ol tbli Stt, the Btockholdors are indlvldnallr ]lnnle ror in addltlooal amonut eqnal to the utock held by ttiem.lherebycreating a Uunrantee Fand for the benefit of Depoeltors of $100,000.00. Ttree per cent. Interest la allowed on all 8avinf ueponiu) of one dollar and upwarde, accordlnit to the rale of the Bank and Intereet comp'iunded eml-tnnnally. Money to Loan on nnlncumbered real estáte and other good eecarlty. DIRECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wï. D. UARRIMAN, VÍ . W. WINEH. DANIEL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DKDBBL, WILLAKD B. SMITH. DAVID KINSEY. ÜFFICER8: f'. MACK, Pre. W. W. W1NKS, Vlce-Pres C. K. HISCOCK. C.ishler. REAL ESTÁTE _ AND INSURANCE AGEN6Y. , J. 0. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXEY AND N0TAKY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or reiited and reuts collected on reasonable termg. Cm„ibut old and 1t-class Insurance ,,.?' iw.S). Kates as low as any otlier "raneeoonipanyand]o8espromptfypald t?t VOT Amerlcau KxPre8 offlceffialn nn Árbor. Mlch.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News