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S. C. Andrews U in New York. Judge Harrimau takes bil at hoxe. Louis BUtz, of Detroit, was in the city Saturday. Dr. J. L. Rom starts tliis week for California. Dudley J. Loomts lias returued from down east. Mrs. J. II. Wade is visiting friends in Jonesville. Miss Susie Henion is visiting relatives in Lansing Den. Church is visiting his narents in the Gth ward. Gco. F. Keek, of Grand Rapids, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Paal Mimris lias returncd from her visit to Jackson. Hudson P. Ellis is attending Commercial School in Detroit. Mrs. S. B. Blitz returned home Friday from a visit to Detroit. Miss Carrle Britton, of Detroit, is visicing friends in the city. There will be a family reunión at Mac Le Beaus' house to-morrow. Sheriff Walsh and family will go to Whitmore Lake to-morrow. I. K. Pond, of Chicago, will oat turkcy with his parents to-morrow. A. J. Sawyer was In Chelsea over Sunday, not any fishing this time. Ernest and Chas. Mann are expected home to-morrow, from Detroit. John Hoenstein starts for Missouri next week to reside permanently. Paul Christman, of Jackson, visited his sister and friends here Monday. Volney Chapin, of St Johns, spent Sunday with his mother In this city. Prof. Levi. D. Wines and family Went to Bay City to-day for a few days stay. J. L. Hudson, of Detroit and W. F. Davidson, of Port Huron, are in the city. President Angelí is expected to have a fish diet for Thanksgiving, in Washington. J. A. Keith, of the Caro Jeffersonian, was in the city Saturday on a husiness trip. Warren Wadhams has returned from Dexter, and Is with J. T. Jacobs & Co. again. John L. and James E. Duffy will be in Chicago to-morr.)W, playing Rugby - and turkcy. Miss May Wuedon returned home last evenlng to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. Ilarry R. Morse, of Alpena, of the law firm of Williams & Morsj wa3 in the city Monday. J. J. Goodyear and wife areliubleto eat thelr turkey with frelnds in Detroit tomorrow. There will be a family gnthering at tho home of E. 15. Hall, on Washington st., tomorrow. Postmaster Tlios. Birkett, of Birkett, was a pleasant caller at the Courier office Saturday. Dr. C. G. Darling, wife and son Harold, expect to partake of Thanksgiving dlnner in Detroit. Miss Kate R. Stonns, of Detroit, will spend Thanksgiving as the guest of Mrs. M. F. Stebblns. Gilbert Bliss has been in Chicago during the week looking up the pretty things for the holidays. Mrs. E. E. Beal and Miss Abbie A Pond visited relatives in Dexter last Friday and Saturday. Hon. A. J. Sawyer and family will attend a family reunión at the home of his brother in Chelsea. Cashier S. W. Clarkson and wife wil] gpend a day or so at Tecumeeh, going thereto to-morrow. Stanley E. Parktll, of Owosso, secretary of the State Board of Pharmacy, was in the city Friday. John F. Lawrence has not decided as yet, there are so many attracionstochoose from, for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Xettie Boyden is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Robison and other re'atives in the city. C. 11. Milieu, acoinpanied by his little granddo:i Stuurt, has been visiting in Chicago durlng the week. Counly Clerk Howlett, wife and familv will eat turkey with their unele Wm. Brown, of Ann Arbor town. Wm. Chadwiek and wife nee Geneive Taylor are visitiug Mrs. Chadwick's parents, just north of the city. J. T. Clnrk and family, of Jackson, will partake of Thanksgiving dinner with Gilbert Bliss and family. There is to be a gathering of the fmnily of J. Austin Scott, at his residence on Washtenaw Ave., to-morrow. Mrs. R. A. Beal aud J. E. Beal returned last evening from a few days visit in Clevtlmd and Medina, Ohlo. Loren Henion, of Lansing, bnt who Is on the road for a Philndelphia firm, spent last Friday in the city greeting old freinds. Willis J. Abbott, of Kansas City, manager of the Eveuing News, of that place, is in the city visiting the family of C. Mack. Miss Amanda Vuil, of Adrián, carne to Ann Arbor last Salurday to spend tlie winter witli her tUter Mrs. Will R. Payne. About ten couple of the friends of Wm. A. Clark and family enjoyed a progressive euchre party at bis residence last evening. Hon. John J. Robison and wife will investígate the turkey business at the home of hls daughter, at Anderson, Liv ingjton Co. C. A. B. Hall, brother of B. B. Hall, of this city, is soon to start for Honduras, Central America, from Atlanta, Ga., prospecting. Charlle Wahr, accoinpanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wahr, wili have his Thanksgiving festival in Saline, at liis grandpa's. Mrs. T. R. Bours bas had her motuer, Mrs. W. II. Taylor, of Mtlwaukee, Wis. as her gucst. They will spend Thinksgiving in Detroit. MÍ8SC8 l.illian and Bessie Pond, accompanied by thelr father- ye local- expect to forage on Jackson friends to-morrow and next day. Probate Register Doty, wife and son, expect to partake of Thanksgiving turkey In Manchester, at the home of Mr. Doty's father G. W. Doty. Wm. Williams and family of Vermont, on thelr way to Los Angle?, Cal., are expected to take Thanksgiving dinner with W. K. Childs and family. A certain young lady of this city has a mortgage npon Mr. Phll Htimson, of East Saglnaw, which ehe will certainly foreclose next Christmas. Henry B. Dodsley has returned from his down-east stay in the interest of D. Henning in the apple trade. But he did'nt 1) ring down the prlce of apples any. Postmaster Duffy intended to vUit his sister at Corruna to-morrow, but his sons had made previous arrangementsof more importunas so Le stays ut home, of cou rse. Mrs. Dr. E. V. Ellis nee Eva Clark, who bas been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clark for the past few weeks will return to her home in Kansas this week. E. M. Comstock, wife and cliildrco, o( Ypsilanti, and Robert Warden and wife and Miss Ada Warden, of Green Oak, will spcnd Thanksgiving day with Maj. Wm. C. Stevens, on N. Ingalls st. Cari D. Hendrickson, of Smith Centre, Kansas carae to the cify Thursday aml ex pects to remain a week or ten days. He reports Kansas bootning, but is very much pleased with improvements thnt greet him at blsold home. W. Warne Wilson, Grand Recorder of the A. O. U. W., of Michigan, was In the city last Thursday evening, Snd conducted the lnitiatory, or gave a school of Instructlon, you might say, to Athens lodge, No. 49. ACter the services were over the boys rcpaired to the Franklin House and partook of a r.icc snppcr. J. L. P, McAllastcr, Spencer Lennon and Hobcrt Orr are travelingthrough the central and northwestern portion of this state with a two-horse covered carriajie. They have visited a large numberof places already, and report Michigan as a pretty good gtate, and rising in their estimation as they sec more of it. Thcy expect to return somc time next week. Dewitt C. Pall and family and Chas. S. Fall and family will attend a family reunion at l'rof. Delos Fall's in Albion, to-morrow. One year ago, the family wcre very much alarmed over ttieir motlier who was seriouëly Hl. But she has fully recovered and will be present at the reunión to-morrow.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News