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On the i.vh tnu .Mormdii Mdan who woro BtTivinj; to flMke oonverta to their faith were drivon cut of Jcfferoon County, Ala, by lifly anned men. l.i:i: HOSXEB m iiimvd on the ÜHh at Wïchita, Kan., fo tho murder of Hugh B. wier, in thu Indiua Tcrritory, in Ootober, Ivst;. Hwastheftrst )tidiclul hanging in the State in eighteen y nam. Ljeutenam I'. H. Sheuidan, In his annunl fc on the 15th, Bftys that, according to the last consolidatcd returns the army consista of 2,'JOO ofticers and 2t,336 men Commodoiïk T. IV Nelsos said on the 15th that the outlook lOr America's navy was very bright, ainl iiked for authority to repair the historie sloop-of-war Hartford at acostof $175,000. The Bhoe manufacturera of the country met in New York on the luth and formed a permanent Mtoolktton for tho purpose of making au effeottUÜ resistance in case unjust demands ure mude upon them by their emplo Chakleb Ca1! n in dicil in New York ontbe 15th of hydrophobla. He was bitten by a sni.-ill dog last Ootobec At a meeting of representotJvi railroad men in New York on the 16 tb a committee was appointed to present at n future cathering a general scheme for tho heating of cars by steunt. Two vacirants who recently attempted to ags&nlt two women iu the southern portion of l'ikp County, Mo. , aere captured on the lSth nnd hanged to trees. Extensive forest flres were raging on tho I.VlIi throujrhout the western counties of Tennesaee and the eastern counties of ArkaiiKi. (rcat damage had been dono. Eicht (ïow Inrflana who took part in the late upriRing were on the 1 Btb incarcerated at Fort Snelling. A SENsATioN was causod on the 15thatthe poor farm noar Hudson, Wis., by the discovery thcre of a cnuine leper in the person of Martin DoiuiUIhou, who carne from Ceylon a few v'iirH agro. ÜAXD01 ril Orayden, aged nine ycara, of Taylor Center, Mich, shot and killed his little sister on the l."th while playing with a revolver. The rrand jury in New York City on the löth indloted fol oonspiracy the members of the Bboemal ibly, Knights of Lalior, for demandlng and securing the discharge of a forcinan in one of the shops. Advices of the 1 th from St Augustine, Tex., report the killing of Willis Connors, a noted outlaw, in a ftght Connors was the father of nine sons, eight of whom have been killed during the past flve years in tifjhtN wlth offleera Offk iai.s in New York City on the 15th decided that hereafter the Anarchiste would not be allowed to meet and that the carrying of Winners or badges or the playiug of any music, should they undertake to parade, would not be pexmlttsd. Moore, ItENJAMiN A ('o., of Milwaukee, minin itook brokers, failed on the 15tn. The firm controüed eight iron-ore mines. At a meeting of the congregation of Plrmouth Chnrch In Brooklyn 011 the 15th it was TOted to extend a cali to Rov. Charles Beny, of Wolverhampton, Eng., to fill the vacancy caosed by the death of Henry Ward Ueecher, at a salary of .f 10, 000 per year. The tw(nty-first annual session of the National Qnmga begsn ;it I.unsing, Mich., on the Kil li, nearlj ivoiy .state in the Union Ijoins represante. A 1.ARGE veiu of fine quality of coal was discovered at ('avuira. Ind, on the Kith. It was said on good autliority that the new coal fields cmbraced a territory of ten thousand acres. FOBCST firos were again raginj on the 16th in the neighborhood of Hillsboro, 111., and Gresham and Walshville towuships were suffering greatly. A GAs-pirE bomb, with fiise attaehed, was found on the Kith at the door of an orphan asvlum in a sulmrb of Cincinnati. 'Ï'he National Woman's Christian Temperance Union met at Nashvllle, Tenn., on the Kith. An address was delivered by Miss WUlard, who urged that the Prohibition party nhould declare as its ultímate aim two amendiiu'iitK to the National constitution, one establishing universal prohibition and the other enfranchisinjr woiiiin. The buildinijs of the Ziegele Bre wing Company at Buff aio, N. Y. , were burned on the 16th. Loss, 4U5O.OOO; insurance, $100,000. 8ix men were blown to pieces on the Kith by an explosión in the Hancock Chemical Company's packing-house for dynamlte at Ishpeming, Mich. No trace of the men or building was found, such was the force of the shock. Isaac Sickle, wholesa'.er of laces and velvets at New York, failed on the KJth for rl 15.000. Fires were rogtng all over Faulkner County, Ark., on the Kitb, burning houses, crops, etc., and the in habitante were torced to abandon their homes and seek places of safety. A movement was inaögurated in New York City on the lOth to form a society to oppose the Anarchiste and Socialista in their endeavor to overthrow the existing order of government. The testimony of James TVhyte on the 1 Cth to the effect that he had been hired by the president of the Lambert & Bishop Fence Company to set fire to the company's niill caused a big sensation at Joliet, 111. In a political quarrel on the Kith at Lexington, Ky., Thomas Green, correspondent of a Cincinnati paper, shot and killed Lew Baldwin, of Nicholasville, Ky. The inquest ou the Body of Louis Lingg, the Chicago Anarchist, resuited on the Kith in a verdict of death caused by the explosión of a dynaniite bomb lired with sutoidal intent How ho got ]ossession of the bomb was 6till amy8tery. The Erie (Pa) Kubber Company's factory was destroyed by üre on the lOth. Loss, $100,000. On the lGth Carroll County, Ind., was suffering from a water famine. The wells, cisterns and streams .#l all drying up and fires were sweeping the country. The National Fishery Assoclation, in segBion on the lGth at New York, adopced resolutions calling for protection against the importation of foreign fish, and for such measures as will secure to American fishermen the same rights in foreign ports that foreign vessels enjoy in our harbors. A fire on the Kith destroyed the buildings of the Cheyenne Rlver Indian agency at Fort Bennett Loss, $100,000. An Italian workman feil nine hundred feet down the Hecla mine shaft at Ishpemlng, Mich., on the 17th, and was killed, and three men feil down the shaft in the Anvü mina at Bessemer, MícIl, and lost their livetj. Johann Most, the Anarchist, was arrestad in New York on the 17th on an indictment for having made an lncendiary speech calculated to incite a riot. The prisoner was looked up. The animal report on the 17th of James W. Hyatt, Treasurer of the United States, shows that the revenue3 of the Government for the fiscal year ended June 30, 18H7, were71,-10:l,l.'77; ordinary expenditures, 8267,Í32,Í7V: surpluB receipts available for tho rcduction of the publlo dobt, $103,-' 71,097. As comparod with tho provloua yeur the rorelpts increased $:U,90:t, ."."!), tho jxpendltures $25,449,041 umi tho surplus revenuen $i,.r.14,309. Diiringthe ycar 33,210,831 HUindiurd Kilver dollars woro coincd. On the 17th two dynamite bomba were found at 8t Joseph, Mo., ono having been placed at the entrance to the city hall. The implemento were exploded and showed terrino forcé. The chlef of pólice notiíled hls men to shoot all Anarchists who reBlsted arrest W. F. Keefer's woolen milis and Patterson & Bes.sion's flour mili at Onmilus, N. Y., were destroyed by lire on the 17th. Loss, $100,000. Rob ebt Eonneb on the 17th announced his rotirement from the New York Ledger. In the future the paper wlU be conductod by his thtoe kous. Eev. J. 0. Kimkaix, of Hartford, Conn., pastor of a Unitarian ohurch, who compared tho Chicago Anarchist with the Baviour, was on ttie lvth called upon to rs!gn his pulpit. A ïtbe on tho 17th at Memphis, Tenn., dostroyod the buildings of the Merchant's Cotton Comprcss and Ktorage Company wlth 13,200 bales of ootton and geveral oompresaea Los, $800,000. The gold ledfje rccently dlscovcrod near Fresco tt, A. T., was on the 17th saldto be the richest ever found in tho country. The ledge coulrt be traced for neirly two miles and tho qnartz rock taken out averaged 9100.000 a toa Two u wvn killed and others were fatally injurod by the fall of a scaftold at Pittsburgh, Til, 'on tho 17th, and at fiyraouso, N. Y., the falling of the walls of a building that was reoontly burued caused the death of two mea Fort Y buildings in Newvadaville, CoL, wero buruod on the 17th. Amovo the suicides on the 17th were the followlng: John Reynolds, at Pleasanton, Ia., for fear of arrest; Mrs H. Hurtley, at Nebrimka City, Neb., owing to a quarrel with her husband; Mra George McPherson, at Des Moines, Ia., cause unknown; and Captain A. H. Mills, at Detroit, Mich., after killing Mrs. Austin Risiug, with whom he was infatuatod. Tomtkinsville, the county seat of Monroe County, Ky., was nearly destroyed on the 17th by a lire set by burglars, who blew open a safe and stolc $12,000. The courthouse was burned with all of the county records. The Pcnnsylvania Railroad Company decided on the 17th to establish for lts employés a trust savings fund, in which amounts from five dollars upward raay be deposited, and draw tour per cent per annum interest. Six Mnrinon elders proselyting at Calera, Ala., were tarred and featheredon the 17tn and chased into the woods by indignant cltizens, who threatened them with death if they returned. As incendiary fire on the 17th destroyed the barns of the Burnet House at Lima, O., and prop( ty to the value of $10,000 was destroyed, including six horses. Extensive forest flres were raging on the 17th near Alton, III., and praiiie tires were causing great dainage to farms in the vicinity of Vandalia. The eteanier Arlzona was burned to the wa'er's edge at MArqnette, Mich., on the 17tli Loss, $100,000. Her crew was saved. Foubteen men were badly burned at Philadelphia on the 17th by an explosión of gasoltne. Bbtan Callaban, mayor of San Antonio, Tex.. was indicted on the 17th for throwing stalc eggs at the speakers in a prohibitioll lllcrt 111. An entire business block was burned out at Decatur, Ala., on the 17th. Loss, $100,000. On the 17th Dillard and Anna Bruins, two paupers living in Indianapolis, Ind., received notice of a legacy of $1,000,000. The property was bequeathed them by Thomas Andrews, of Pennsylvania, the adopted father of Mrs. Brutns. A iiARQE number of the strikin; nhoemakers at Philadelphia returned to work on the 17th In deflance of an order issued by the district assembly of the Knights of Labor to which they belong. The extreme drought prevailing for some time throughout Piatt County, HL, had on the 17th become serious. Farmers had for months been oompelled to haul water for their stock. August Ranckebt, a wealthy Germán farmer, living near Himrod's, N. Y., committed suicide on the 18th by an arrangement so that when he jumped from a chair with a rope about his neck a gun was discharged at his eide, blowing his heart away. In Lancaster, 8. C, two negroes were on the 18th given flfty lashes on the bare back for robblng a store. The Cincinnati Southern rallway shops at Ludlow, Ky., were destroyed by lire on the 18th. Loss, $175,000. Boston advices of the 18th say that in a battle with a whale off the coast of Maine three of the nshing crew were killed. In the vicinity of Hope, Ark., and In the liills and bottoms of the Red and Sulphur rivers forest flres were raging on the 18th. Many ftrm-houses and out-buildings had been destroyed, and numbers of hoes and cattle had been burned to death. At Llttle Rock the smoke was almost suff ocating, and unless rain f peedily feil the losses throughout the State would be very heavy. Durinq the current year seventeen whallng vessels owrned in the Gloucester (Mass. ) district have been lost, wlth 158 men, 127 of whom leave widows and fatherless children. K ilman C. JusTirE was hanged at Hy waesee, Ga., on the 18th for the murUer of James B. Goddard. It was reported at Fort Worth, Tex., on the 18th that Indians were burnlng the Oklahoma country. It was believed to be an uprislng agalnst the "boomers. " The Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, the Siruwu A Indiana State Line railroad and the Chicago, Danville & St Louis railroad were Consolidated on the 18th under the name of the former company. Neabi.y complete returns of the vote on the proposed dependent pension blll, recelved at G. A. K headquarters at Minneapolis on the 18tb, lndicated that the veterans were practtcally unanlmous in favor of the mensure. Tiieiie were 205 business failures in the United States during the se ven days ended on tho lhth, against 105 the prevlous seven days. Just bef ore noon on the 18th an serolite welghlng three tons feil in the Street In front of the Merchante' National Bank at Amsterdam, N. Y., creatlng tho greatest excitement A deep indentation was made by the visitor from on high. In whose inass experts had found traces of lron, nickel, alumlnmn and other metáis. At the National convention of the W. 0. T. U. at Nashville, Tenn., on the 18th Miss Francés L. Wlllurd was re-elected president, the o!d board Leing honored in llke manner. A Genuine dynamite bomb was found on the 18th at the door of the local department of the Columbus (0.) State Journal. A match was so arranged that lf any one stepped on It the fuse would takt flre and explode the dread implament. Wii.ijam Showeüs, a man mviiitv jrean of age, who 1h OoBfraeo In tho Jail at Uibanon, Va, on a duKga of baring murdurad hu two nandohttdren, oonteuad ttaacxünaoa tho 18ÜL ]!, killed tlicrhildr.Mi In lid lili.iself f tho oara of upporUnu them. Dunn .t Co. 's ngvury In Nw Vork on the isth repprted business generalij aotive throurhout thé country. Mm. .loiix Ki:kiiv, wlt'o of afarmer living ncar Clydo, Kan, sot tiro feo hrrsrlt' oarly on the morntagof the ïisth, and mi beraad to di'üth. No cause was known tor the deed The Suprema Court of New York on the j stli rafoaad toadmitllong Yan Cftang, a young Chinaman, to the bar on the ground that he Is uota QltUia He Uad preyjonsly been rcfusral naturalizaron beoaase he was a Chinese subject. One of the bij? ooal companlrs of PennsylTanla reportcd on the lHth that the demand for coal was bo great that lt was lmpossible to accu muíate stock, though the mines wero pro luoingtwenty flve thousand tons per day. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Senator Jobkph R. Hawley, of Connectlcut, was marrled at l'hlladelphla on the 15th to Miss Kdith Horner, ono of the head nurses at tho Moekley hospital In that oity. A largo nmnberof dlstinguishcd guestswere present at the oere mony. Da H. T. Hklmbold. the oncc-fainous "patcnt-medlcine king," was arrested In New York on the lfSth hclplessly intoxloated, and, at the request of hls son, was sent to the Bcllevuo hospital. LaND-CoMMIHSIONEB SrARKS On the 15th handed In hls reslgnation to the President In (nsequenco of the very severe letter he recclved from Kecretary Lámar a few days Bgo. He says that the Secretary has sought to créate the linpression that the lisne between them was one of authorlty alone, whlle as a matter of fact it was strlctly on of law. Mus. Raeah Gowdt, who was General Grant's nurse In lnfancy, died at Portsmouth, O., on the l."th, in the eightieth year of her age. The President on the 16th accepted the resignatlon of Lind Commlssloner Sparks. The next House of Representativos wlll connint of 168 Demócrata, 103 Republicana and 4 Independent Thb United Labor party organized on the ltith at Kansas City for the State of Missouri. All the delegates supported Henry George for President and James G. McGulre, of California, for Vice-President in 1888. A monument to the memory of John C. Breckinridge was uu valled on the ltith at Lextngton, Ky. Rev. Db. James W. Saul, vlce-presldent of the Universal Peace Union, died on the lOth at Philadelphla, aged elghty years. John J. Breslin, the well-known Irish patriot, died at nis home in New York on the 18th of disease of the llver. Miss Susan B. Anthony and other ladies interested in the work. are organizlng wojnan suffrage clubs ín Indiana. An enthuslastlc meeting was held at Wabash on the 18th. FOREIGH. The house of Inspector Anderson, at Orangeville, Ont, waswrecked by dynamita on -the löth. Anderson's enforcement of the prohibition law was supposed to have prompted the ontrage. Teleorams ïeceived In London on the 15th stated that on üctober 7 Henry M. Stanley was only tour hundped miles from Kmln Pasba. The Governments of England, France, Belgium, Holland, Gerniany and Doumark arrlved at an agreeinent on the ltith to stop the trafile in llquor ainong the flshermen of the North sea. Advices of the lfith say that a Chinese steauier, the Wah-Yeung, had been destroyed by flre In the Cantón river, and four hundred of her passengere lost their lives. Fourteen persons were killed on the 1 tith by an explosión in a coal mine at Spelseman, Gerinany. The Central Bank of Canada, at Toronto, closed its doors on the Kith. , In hls speech at the opening of the Italian Parliament on the ltith Klng Hmnbert sald that all his efforts would aim at the preservation of peoce and that the other gTeat powers had the same object in v'.evf. LATER NEWS. The Dutch steamer W. A. Schotten, en route from Rotterdam, llollan 1, for New York, was sunk by a collision with the steamer liosa Mary at eleven o'c!ock on the night of the 19th ten miles off Dovei, and over one hundred of the persons on board wero drowned. Phenominal darkness feil at noon on the 19th over portions of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, the obscuration being denser than a total eclipse. The main building of P. T. Barnum'a ehow, at Bridgeport, Conn., was destroyed by flre on the evening of the 20th, and three elephants, all the trick ponies and ring animáis perished in the flaines. lxss, $700,000; insurance, 5il00,000. All the members of the French Cabinet reiigned on the litth. At twenty-slx leading clearing-houses In the Dnited States the exchanges during the week ended on the lilth aggregated $1,178,294,638, against $063,459,083 the previous week. As compared with the correBponding weok of lssii the lncrease amounts to 7. 8 per cent. A fibe on the 20th at York, Neb., deBtroyed seven stores, Including Union and Masonlc bloeks. Loss, $100,000 The livery-stable of a B. Mlller, in Chicag, was destroyed by flre on the 19th, and twenty-five horses were burned to death. The minlng town of Granby, Newton County, Mo. , was completely destroyed by lire on the lOth. Over one hundred houses were burued Advices of the 20th say that in the recent raids upon the Nihilista in the leading towni of Russia 180 persons were arrested. Nlne ofneers nnder arrest had commltted suicide. A WBECK on the Cairo ft Vincennes road on the '20th near Vienna, HL, caused the death of four train men. Full returns on the 19th of the recent election for members of the Legislature In Virginia show that the complexion of the new body wlll be as follows: Senate- Demócrata, üti; Republlcaus, 14 House- Democrate, 61; Republicana 39 Independent, 1. Djmocratic mijorltj on joint ballot, 34 The village of Laconi, Warren üounty, Ia., was nearly destroyed by flre on the lOth. A (ano of oounterfelters were arrested on the 19th near l'ort Huron, Mlch. , and two expensive ]lants for making bogus sllver dollars were found In their possession. THEburningof two coal-breakers on the 19th caused great excltement in the Penntylvania coal regions, because it was thought to have been the work of Ktriklug minera Bi the explosión of a boller on the 19th tn a saw-mill near Prescott, A. T., slx men were killed The New York State Antl-Saloon Republican League issued a cali on the 1 i'th for a conference to be held at Hyracuse on December 15 and 16. They declare in their circular that the late eleotion showed that the licrnor interesta are inlmlcal to the Republican party, and that the party has nothIng to lose by takiog a stand agalnst them.


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