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W LfiOYAL PSKí Jk B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thtspowdernever varíes. A marvel of pnrlly.streniitli aiul wtiolesomeness. More economical ihan the ordlnnry kinds, nnd Canúoi be sold In competltlon wtth tbe multitud e of low test, short welght, olum or phosphate powders. Sold only in ciins. KoyalHeklnir INmiler Co . 1OO Wiill st.. N. Y. SKIN SCALP BLOOD Ilav.nL' been a Miff-rf r for two years and a half froni a disense caiwi fl hy a brutee on Ihe leff, and haring t)en cared bythe Crmüm Hkmkihks when alt other meihodn and rrmedles falted, I deem lt my diuy to rrccimmt-nd tbcm. I vlalted Ilot SprlLgt to no avail, and tried ccvorp] doctor wlttiout succes, and at last our principal drneL'lst, Mr. Joba !'¦ Flnley (to whom I hall ever teel erate ful). polte tome about CUTiriRA.and I onsented tn _-!c Hum a tria! with therasnU that I atn perfectly cnrod. Tbere is now no snre ahont me. I tblnk I can thow the himt wru'ro my Buflerlnvs fprauK Irom ot' any mie in the Stat. TbeCUTiCUtu KrcutujKs are the best blood and pk'n cnrt-f nmnufactnr'-d. I refer to drugfftat .lohn P. Flnlay and I U.C. Minitomt'ry. hth of thl place, and to Dr. Smiili, of Lake L ¦-, Mies. ALEXANDER BEACI1, Ureenvllle, Mise Mr. Beach usrd theCunoUBA Hki.likm, at our reqaest, wiih reptil'? a ahove ftated. A. IS. KINLAY & CO., Drurjijists. SAVED MY MÖfHER'S LIFE. Ever flnce I can remember, my mother ha surtVreii from aniilk leg. Notbing woulrt do lier ny fíotid She liad the best raedical talent, bnt they all did her r.ojfood. yhe suffered wlth her leg Tor thirty years and never knew a wel" day. She woald have to eit up half tbe iiifht, holding up her leg ard moanin. She had no peace. öhe uhimI all ihe best known rt'inedieB in tbe couii.ry without ffl'ect. I ake1 her to try your Cuticih a Kemsdtes. Oot ber a botflc of Cuticur KzsoL i n i , and took it, mul has taken in all about six or üi'xiii bcitlot), und now the is a well woman to-day. Her !L h entirely healed, and her health was never better. Sbe can %o out every dav, eomethtng she has not done in ten year-", so yoti teE I cannot t elp statin toyou abont your wonderful CüTK'l'ftA Kkvediba. You have saved my inothi r' life. I cjnnot flnd words to expresa my LTHtit iidr I hte advertlsfd your Cuticuka Remkdiks far snd nea-. EDW'AKÜ Ll'EOER, 1505 Broudway, N. Y. CuncuRA. the prent skin euro, and CuncTTRA Soap, prepared from it, externally, and Cuihcka Resolvknt. the ïiew blood pnrïfier, fntenially, ar a iHmitive cure for every runn of kin and blood dieeases from pimplen to ecrofala. Sold everywhere. Price : CüTICURA, 50 cents ; Soap, 2j ceDts; Rksoi.vknt, $i.00. Prepared by the POTTKK I)R('i & C'ilEKICAL Co,, BotOO. t"Seod for "How to i'ure Skin Dl4CHses,"Gl paee, 50 illututratious, and 100 testimoníale. niMPLES, b.ack.bcadd, chappt-d and olly skin I 1 1 VI prevented by Cüticura MkdioatkdSoai Sneezing Catarrh. The dUtressing ffneez-1, enec7:o, eneeze, the acrld watcry discharges from the eyes and nose, the painful Inllimniatlon extendinK to the throat, the nwelline of the mncous llnlng, causlng choking seneations, congh, ringin? nolses in the head and eplitltng headachee- how familiar these gymptoms are to tlionsand who suffer periódica! from hiad colds or Influenza, and who live in ignorance of the fact that a single applica Ion of Sandhoiid's Radical (The kok Catarkh will aff.rd instantaneous relief. Bat thls treatment In canea of simple Catarrh trives bnt a faint idea of what thfs remedy will do in the chrouic forme, wbere the breatbiñe is ohptructed by choklng pntrld mucoas accumulationx, the hearing effected, smeü and taste cone, throat ulcerf.ted and backlnir coagh uradnally fa-teninu' itelf npon the debilitnted Bystcm. Then it Is that the marvellous curatlve power of Savford'b Kaoical C'URK m inifeptii iteelf In instanlaticou and (rratefnl relief. Care betrins from the first application. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economlcal, and safe. SANuroHD's Radical Core conslsts of one bottic nf the Kadicai. ('l'he one box of Catahiiiial Holvkvt, and an Ixfiioved Imiialek; prlce f 1. POTTSR DilUO AND CBEIIIOAL Co., BoSTON. PAIHS aii WEAKNESSES OF I 'EM VLES Instantly relleved by the ('iitlrura Anti l'iiiii l'lutcr, a in w. mosi afrreahli-, InatanUneooi and inhllible pain killuiL' pluhter, cspecially adapted to relieve Female Pui na and Weaknerses. Warranted vnstly superior to all iilaxtere, and the mut-t perfect Antidote to Pain. Ipllammation and Weaknees yctC'tnpounled. At all drugffistt. 2-i cent ; flvefor$1.0"; or, johlijse fne. of PorrEK Uk uu Si Cniinn, t'o., Bofton. Masfl. 1888. HARPER'S Y0UN3 PEOPLE. AS ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. IlAüPEiis Totmo Peoit.k Interest all young readers by ItscHrefully selected vurlety of thernes and thelr wel! connldered treatment. Itcontnlns the best serial and short Htorles, valunble artlcles ou selentlOc subJects and travel, liistorlcal aud blographical sketches, paperson athleticsportsand gaines, stlrrlng poems, etc, conlrlbuted by the brlülilest and most fumoiis wrlterg. lts illustratlonsarc numerous und excellent. Uocaslonal Supplements of especial Interest to Párenla and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcomlng volume, whlch will comprlne lllty-three weekly nuinbers. Kvery line In the paper issubjected to the most rigld editorial scrutlny In order that nothlut; harmful muy enter lts uolurnns. An epitome of everything; that i attractive and ilesirable in juvenile literature.- Boston Cuuricr. Awccklyfeast of good tliints to the boys and eirls in every fjmily which it visils - Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in ts wealth of pictures, Information and Cliribtian Ad ocate, N. Y . TEItMS : Postaare Prepaid, #3 Per Ycar. Vol. IX. commenceë November f, 1SH1. 8)ecimen Uopy sent on recelpl of a lwo-etnt Kt'UIIJ. Hinulk NUMiiiit-s, Five Conts each. Ilemlttances ghould be made by Post-OfBee Money Order or lraft, toavoid chance of Iohk. Newitpaver are not fn cypy thit advertís, vHltoul the rxpress order Of II a iii-kk & IiitOTiiElts. Addres 11AKPKK 4 BKOTHERH, New York. The Ann Arbor Conrier. $1.00 PEK TEAR IN ADVANCT.


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