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The Century Magazine! WIMl the November, 1887 Issue, The Century ooramenoM lts ihlrty-flfUi volume wltli a regalar clreulatlon of almoat 290,000. The War Papen and the Llfe of Llnooln lm-reased lts iiiuiithly i-iliilon hy 100,000. The (alter hlstory having recounled the eventg of Uncolu's early years, and glven the necessary Kurvey of the pollllcal eondilion of the country, reaches a new perlod, wltli whleh hls secretarie were most Inllmately nciimilnled. Under t cupt ion Lincoln in the War, the wrlters dow ent Ton the more impoitant imrt 01 thelr nairat ve. v'z: the car y years of ilie War and PrcMdt-nt Llncolu's iart tnereiii. Supplementary War Papers, followiDü the "battle series" ly distinguished trenera's, will describe interestiug features of arniy life, tnnneline from Llbby Prlson, narratlves of personal adventure, etc. Oen. Sherman wlll wrlte on "The Urand Strategy of the NVur." Kennan on Siberia. Except the Life of Lincoln and the War Articlea, no more important series has ever beeu uinlei laken bv Tbe Century thau this of Mr. Kennan'e. With the prevfous preparatlon of tour year' travel iind euidylu (tunela and 81hei n, the autlior uudertook a Journey of 15,000 miles for the sprcial investigaron here requlred. ' An Introductlon from tbe Himplan Minister of the Interior admltted Mm to the principal mices and prisoiis, where he becaine acquainted with gome three hundred late exiles,- Liberáis, Nlhills, and others,- and the serles wlll be a slartlini; as well as accurate rayelaUon of the exlle Hystera. The maiiy llluslratlone by the artlst and photographer, Mr. Oeo. A. Froet, who aceoiupanled the aulhor, wlll add gieatly to tile valué of the artiel'. A Novel by Eggleston. with llnstrationH wlll run through the yeir. Shorter novel wlll follow by Cable ane Stocktou. Shorter ilctloiis will appear every month Miscellaneous Features wlll comprlse severul iUusLraied anieles on Ireland, by Charlw De Kay; papera touchlnic the field of Suniiny school lessous, ilhistrated by E L. WllBon ; wild Western Ufe, by TheoKooeevelt; the Knirllnh Cathedrals, by Mrs. Van Rei sneller. tlh Illustrattons by Pennell j Pr. Buckley's valuable papen on Dreams, Splrltualism, and Clalrvoyauce; essuy In crltlcism, art, travel, and blograpüy ; poems; crrt(XD8; etc. Uil a tpedal offer the nambira for the past year (contatuing the Lincoln hlstory) may be seoored with tlu' year' Biibscrlpllon from November, 1887, twenty-fiuir UKUes In all. for $, or, with the lust jear's nunibers handsomeljr bouud, $7 Ml. Publlshed hy THE CENTURY CO. M East 37th t., New York. 1888. lïarpor's Bazar. 1LUU8TRATKD. Hak-'ku's üa.ah Is a home. Journal. It oombtna'l óbolo lilerature anti tiue art Illustratlotis wltli thelüteat lntelllnenoe regurdltiK the (aahlnns. k:icli number has oTerer serial and short Ntories, practical and tmuly essuya, brltcht poema, KUisoroui sketches, ete. lts pattern-sheet mul fuhion-plate supplemenis will alone heli) ladles tosave many times the eost of subscrlptlon, and papers on social etiquette, decoratlve art, housekeepliift In all lts branches, cookery, etc, raake lt useful In every household, and a true promoter of economy. lts editorial are marked by Bood si-use, and not a Une Is admitted to lts ooiumus that could otfend the most fastldious taste. IIARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: IIARPEll'S BAZAlt. % Oü HAHPBR'8 MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPERS WEEKLY 4 00 HARPERS YOUNO PEOPLK 2 00 Potlage Frrr to all autsa-ibers in the l in'nl Stans, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes ol the l!z. vit lu ntn itli the flr6t n um ber for Jiuiwiry foreacl) year. Wheii do time is roenilnned, mlwcrlptlona will icKin with tíie Number cm rent at time of recel pt of order. lloilhll VdlllllleS Of II Mtl'Klt'g llAZAK, for three yeara hack, In neut eloth binding, wlll ln'M'iii by mail, postale pald or bv express, lice ut expense (provlded thefrelKht tloes nat exoeed oue dollar per volumej, for 17.00 per volume. Clolh Casei for ench volaras, sultable lor blutllng will he M'nt by muil, postpaid, on recelptof $l.U0each. Ui uiittanee should be made by Prikt -OfHoe Money Order or Draft, to avold chance of loss. ïftwspaptrs are not to copy Litis advertitemfnt without the ej-prets ord'r ril Alti'iMi A ÉKOTHBBS, Ad.lress HARPKR A imOTHl-'.Rs, New York. Bet pur Printine at the Conrier.


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