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Jt6Yorl( gosio ¦-'PSfepf'fTTWMÍJJ '." )fc" 6fonrWta, '; ow Ronggg Time table taking effect Nov. 20ih, 1887, Ontral Mtandard Time. CHICAGO TO DKTUO1T. s I ij -= ca -T,OH, fl H -o g j P ivSfmtl! Ia. m. 'Lu. '¦¦ " p. m. r. m. r. ¦ i Chicago. Lv. 6 50 00 8 10 4 40 8 15 91ÓI3& Kalan?azoo...;llT 150 658 950 12 31 7 tú Battle Creek..' 1 12 2 27 7 33 lij jm 73 Jackson I 3 16 4 2Ü 84H 3 15 450ls Graas Lake.... I 3 38' 51S9J4 Chetsea 3 59] 55 966 Dexter 411 5S010i8 DelhlMills... 4 -il 10 17 Ann Arbor.... 4 83 5 31 9 45 4 30 6110 Ypnilantl 450 5 45 5U .4 52 624 10,7 Wayne.Jnnc 616 605 5 IS 647 1 Hl) Detroit.. ..Ar. 6 00] 6 45 10 48 6UU 7 80.11 CO at.Thoman 1 11 10 205 950 8S0.. Falle View I 117 650...' N Falls 221 459 122656. ' H11HV1I0 435 7 15 340 C6.Ü; DETROIT TO CHICAGO. c' Jol ! mc á ?' .„ S U fi a Á II - ' Llhr Jff.f ji ajr _r X V A.M. P.M, ¦ A.M. A. M A.M. . Buffalo 1130 585 (j 06 8 00 1 00 . ' N. Fallí 1245 643 215..!' St.Thoma....! 42S1000... 1 10 950 ..." A. X. 1. M. P. ¦ P.M. P.M. P.M Detroit.... Lv 7 00 910 130 4 00 800 10 15...' WayneJnnc. 7 41 9 53 208 445 8871)86 Ypsllanti ....' 808 10 12 2 5 1 868 11 18 ..'.", Ann Arbor... 818 10 30 2 32 5 30 9 IS 1185. LMIM Mili.. 848.... 542! " Deiter 887 5501933 Cbelsea 8 5i 606:952 GiMsLake... 9 15 6 T1 10 15 Jackson 945 11S5 332 710 1052 1 83 Battle Creek.. U 201 1 1 -- 4 40 s w 11 12 22)1... Kalamazuo... 12 17 150 515 ur, 130 3 07 4 46 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 40J tl 40 90. .. 7 ( 7 451102Q O. W. RUGGLB8, H. W HAYB. i. P. Jfc T. A ent Atit.. Ann Albor. Chicago. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortli Mlchlgin Rallway. TIME 8CHBDULB. Totake eflVct tt IS o'clock, nron, on Sundiiy, October 9th, 1887. Tralu run by Standard Time. GOING NOKTH. 3M.f iHti srAT,ONS. 5 I II 0 ft. O. "ft, ! 4. M. T u. P. .Ia. M. Toledo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 60 Mnnhuttsu Juncton 520 3206406 10 Alexl 5 27 3 -2K 6 55 6 35 Sanwla 5 45 3 43) 7 23 7 30 Monroe Junctlon 6 02 4 05' 7 M S 10 bunriL-e 6 10 4 12! 8 05 8 SO Azalis 625 4 18 820 00 Milan 6 35 4 35 8 35 (90 Urania 6 50 4 45 8 55 10 00 eiitíüeld 7 00 4 53 9 05 10 20 Aun Arbor 7 15 6 10! d tó II 30 Ilanl 7 33 5 30 9 SU 156 Whltmore I-iilce 7 4 B 45 No.12 lll llowell 8 30 6 28 B 30 5 U0 Durand 9 30 70 930P.M. C'ornnna 9 f5 7 46 10 35 Owoo-o 10 01 7 55 1100 Ouceso Junctinn 10 OS 8 10 1105 liha h 11 Ui (IS ¦ 4 Si. Umie 11 35 9 33 3 35 A.'mi 1142 9 41 3 55 Mi. i'.i-a-aui Ar 12 30 10 30 K Oll i". . P. . i'. ¦ OOING SOUTH. STATIONS. g ! g " tt. A.H. P.B p Mt. Pleasant Lv 8 40 30 130. ... Alma 10 15 7 2U 2 20 SI. Louis 113.5 7 27 2 26.... Ithaca 12 2.5 141; 248.... Owosno Juuction 14 00 f55 4 02.... Owoaeu 408 90 408 . Corunna 4 25 9 06 4 15 ... Durand 5 16 9 30 4 38 1. ¦ llowell 7 40 10) 53 6(0 Whtttnore Lake Kx. 11 00 6 lts 6 50 Iland il , 11 H it 8U 7 33 AnnArbor 7 15 1130 6 50 10 55 Hlifefleld 7 m II 41 7 00 11 30 Urania 7 8i 11 50i 7 10 II 30 Milan 7 45 12 01 7 20)U Azalla 7 55 12 H 7 30 12 46 Pundee 8 03 12 24 7 40 110 Monioa Junction 8 10 12 31 7 51 130 Samaría 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexis : 845 1001830 245 Mrtnhuttan Junction 8 50 105:8 37 80 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 42 3 15 A. . P. .P. II. P. M. South Lyon Brancta. NOKTIIBOÜND. STATIONS. SOUrHBOUNP. Train 6 Train 1 P. M. P. M. 9 50 l.v. Lelands Ar. 30 10 00 Ar. Wordens Ar. 6 20 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 00 Connectioos: At Toltdo, wlth rallroadt dlvenfn:i_' ; at Manhattan Junction, with Wbcellne A Lake Krie K. K.; at Alexia Junction, wilh M. t'. K. K., L. S. 4 M. S. Ry. and K. & P. M R. R.; at Monroe Junction. wlth L. 8. & M. S. Ky.; at Duddee, wlth L. 8. 4 M . S. Ry., M. & O. Ry.; at Milan Junction. with Wabaub, st. Lonie 4 Pacific Ky ; al Pittsdeld, wlth L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor wiih Michigan Central K. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Laneini? 4 Northern K. K., and Mich. A. L Div. of Grand Trunk Ry. At HumImrn wlth M. A. Line División Grand Truuk R'y. At Howell wilh Detroit, Linslng 4 Noriljern K'y. At Durand with Ch c.go 4 Grand Trnnk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Milwukee R'y. At Owoaso Junction with Detroit, (-rand Haven 4 .Milwmikee R'y and Michigan Central R. K. At St. Looit wilh Detroit, Lacsing & Northern R. li. and L naw Valley & St. Lonis R'y. At Alma wltb Detroit, Lanalne Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleasant wlth Flmt 4 PcMarquette R'y. H. W. ASI1LBY, General Manager. V. H. BKNNETT, A. J. PA1S1KY. Gen'l. Pao. & Ticket Aeent. Local Anent. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insui'ance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lovrpst Kiitt-s, Honorable Adjustiueuts and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8PE0IAI. ATTESTION OIVKNTO COLLECTIOS or Rknts and Manaokmknt of Hkai. tTATB INTKRKSTS FOK NuN-UKÜIDKNTS. UI" TIEB SATiarACTION TO OWMKK GUABASI h LD. „ A. DeFORKBT ƒ ClasgoW via Londonderry, Liverpool via Queenstown. ƒ Are Strlctly Flr-la, and amona I tbo larui".t, fwteat Kiid llne-t In the wurld. f Paloon, secortil clai; aml NMnn l"ieci" ƒ A V4'immilil lona l'iiexcelled. Rrery f reaanl for the comfort und cniivenlerice of pasengers atudlously cuusldred and practlce" Steamtjrs every Saturday for Glagow. City of Rome alle for Liverpool October 1. Is the largen and ftnegt paenger gteamer atloat. Ratea of pa0' sage [or all clasi-e aa low aa by any othrr flrtt-f laf line. Saloon excureion tickets at roduced rate. Drafts for any aroount at lowest eurrent ratee. For book of tonr. tickets. orTurthcr Information, aoply to lll'-.lKiNO HltOlllI II-, Ch - cao, or C. "W". MELLOE. ANN ARBOR. ¦ MICH. Estáte of Charles Almeudinger. QTATKOP MICHIGAN, Couni; of Washtenaw Ata ücsslon of the Probate Conrt for the ConntT ot Washtenaw. holden at the Probate ufllce. In tno city of Anu Arbor. on Frtday, the 25ih day of November, i" the year one thousand eijfht hundred and elghty-scven. Present William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the ettate of Charles A men. dli ut, ileceased. On readlPü and flling the [ellUon, duly verlll. -d.of iMnton A'nnndlnger praying that a certaln iiiitriunent BOW on Il!e In thia cour piiriiorllu-' tube the last wllland leelamentof aid deceased. may be adnillted to probate, aml that he und Kebecia Almendlnger msy be apolnted ixecuturs Ihureof. , ,_ . Thereupon it ts ordered.that Tuesday, the 27tb day of December next, at len o'clock in the lorenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said pelition and that the devisece, legateer., and helri at law of said deceaeed, and all other pertou Interested In sald estáte, are reqnlred to appear at a sesilon ol sald court, then to be holden at tm Probate Office. In the City of Ann Arbor. am) how canae, If any there be, why the prayer of 'teP1 tlüoner shonld uot be grauted. And it ie "U" ordered, that said pctltloner give notice lot" peraons inturested in aald eatate, of the pendcncy of aald potltlon, and the hearing thereof, oy cautme a copy of thie order to be publlahed In the Ai Arbor Vourur, a newspaper prlnted and circo ted in naid county, three succösbIvc week pre' ou. .0 said day ojUrlnj. .rnogi Judge of ProbateWK. G. DOTY, Probate RcrlBter. 1U79-1.1W


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News