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R0Y4I POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThUpowdernerer verlos, a marvel of mi rliy,strengtli mul wbolesomeneH. More (¦¦ Domioal Llia.ii the ordlnary klnd,and canuo be sokl In coinpelltlon willi tb e muIUlQde ,, low test, siiori. vrelght, liim or phoiphati pnwilcr. Sold onlyln oana. ltn al HakliM runllcr Co.. 1OO Wall it., N. Y. INFANTULE Skin Biseases. onr iiMcvt child, nmv Mr yenrs of pge, when an infnnt s i m ntln old. was attatked bv a vírulent malignant skin diseafc. All ordinary r medies faillne, u cal led onr Hmily physician, who at temnted tn cu'e il ; bul ii spread ith nlmost Incredlble rnpidity, uutil the lown porüon of the little fellow'a person, ín m the m'ddle of hiê back down tu hi? km ¦¦, waa oue íolid rash, utrly, painl'ul, hlotcbert, and mallclous. we hen uo rett at nlgbt, no i race by duy. Flnally we ere aduisi-d tour UwCDncUM RniIDin, The dieet was simply marveluui. In three or four weeks a com píele cure w wrong'Jt, leavim; the linie fellow's person a winie and bealthyaj monh he had never heen atiacki d. In niy opinión yonr valuable remedies taved hl ilre, andio dy he isastronp, healtln child.p rfecllywall, no repetltion of the discaiè hav ri; ever occurrod. OKO. li.SVITII, Att'y t Uw and Bz-Prot. Att'y, Aabland, O. Rkferkkck: J. Q.Weltt, Drupgii'. Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are tiorn into the world every day ithfom niitcus ail'ectioii pech ae m'lk cniBt, ecn.l heafl, fcurf, or dandrufl'. snre lo develop into an ¦ in: ecz ml, the ltcblojr, boriiiiiL' aud dlafigantlon oí wliích Ufe a proluoged lorture BnleM preperly treated. A warm batli i Ith CunOURA SoAl'.an exquisito Sklu Beautitter. and h sli u ¦ app ication of Cutí ci-ka. the Graat ekln Core, wltb a Mttle CuTinua Kkokdiv, the Niw Bluod l'uriili r, is oflen Bnfficient to arrest tlie pr u'reec of the diBta e, aud point to a specdv and penn iner.t enre. Hei.ce. no innlhcr wlio luve? her cbildren, who takes pride In thelr beaat , purity, ind lua ih, and In tMl . wil l' uiiiin tin ni a chll l'a ireatent Inherltanee,- a skin wilhoni a bleml.-h. and a hody noiiriihcd by pure blood,- ühmild lai! to m .ke trial of ihcC'DTiciRA Kxmi Sold everywhere. Prlce: CrnrVRA, K) r Soap, 25 c; ItKsui.vKM, ?I.OÜ.Prcpared by the PoTTKS Dauo & Cbbmkul Co., lloston. Mass. t#"Send for "Huw to Oure Skin DUenscg," Gl pages, 50 llltistratiunj, and 100 testimoniáis. RA RY'Q Ski" "rllls"l"lri-rri-d "! beantiUnü I O led hy CuticuraMkdiatkdSoap Constitutional Catarrh No single discaac ha cntalled more sufferlngor hastened the breakinj; up of the constitutlon than Catarrh. The seuse of snull, of taste, of iight, of heannp, the huniin voice, the mind- one or more and sometlmes all.yield to lts destructive Ir.fluence. The poisnn it distribntcs thrnuxhoat the syttem attarks every vital forcé, and brtaks up the muit ruimst of COPatltotluoa'. Iiitiored, becauee b it little understood, by most pbyilelanf, Inipotently assalled by quaks and charlatans. Ihoae nfferlna fnun it have little hope to bc reiterad ol It Ihfs side ofthesrave. h ia time, then, that ti e popular treaiment of this terrible diaease hy remedies within the renen of all paseed into hinds at once competent and tmstwurthy. The new and hithetto untri'd metbod adoptcd iy Dr. Sardlord in the pnparation of hls RADICAL has won the heai ty anproval of thousands. It is inftantaneotu In arTurdln); relief in uil head cuida, ineestDg. siiutlllníj and obstructed brt-atlilng, and rnpidly ri-moves !he oppretfalTe syiuptoms. clearinf,' the head, sweetenfii); the breith, rnetorinf; the senses of mell, taste and hearln;;, and ueutralizinj; the cunstliuiional tendencyofthe disease tuwards the lungs, liver aud kidneys. BxnroRD't Radical Cure consiste of one bottle of the Radical ('uhe, one box of ('ataiiriial BOI.VENT, and an Inruovcu; pric fl. Porren Dui and Cukmiual Co., Boston. KIDNEY PAINS, Strains and iVcaliiiPsses, A-, Kelievcd in oi e m'ntl e b? that marvel. ¦H i ous Antidote to l'.iin. IiJl uiimatiouïand jTt Wetknm, Ihe 4'iiUrurit AntiT #¦ fiiin PluMlcr. 'II,. iïr-t and only i %L piiiH-küiint.' atreofftheiüuff pláiter. Esi "" penally adapted to ius'antly relieve ai d ipaadll} enra Kldney and UterlnePainsand Weakiivh. ' ,"d vn-tly snpcrlor to uil other plas ers. At all drocslat, 2i cents ; fivc for (1,00; ar, pos'atfe free, of I'oTTKR Du l u A ChicscicaI. ., liufliin. Mass. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Fesd Store. Y keep conetantly on hnnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shall also keep a eupply of SWIFT & UEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! 4biiii" .1I t)l-l rioiir, Bucku lical Flour, Corn tl-al. lei il, FAv., At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock of &ROCERIES and PROYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, whlch wlll be sold on as reasonalile tirms h? atany othcr house in the city. Cash pald for BUTTER, EGOS, and COUNTRY PKODUC'K generally, (oods dellvercd to any )art of the city wlthont eïtra Oharge, RINSEY & SEABOLT. HfUWIM K'varii'i ara thoaa who raad U inUT nn.1 tben BOt tliey wlll flml illyllU i employraent that win - - - "not take tbem from tiielr homes irnl families. Tb proflta are larga and rare 'or every lndUHtrlous person, inany have iimh' aii'i ara now making leveral bnndrad lollar a monlh. It is tasy lor atiy one to nake t' and upwarda per day, wlio II wiiiint; .owork. Kltli.r si'x, jroung or old; vnpital lot net'dcil ; wc start yon. EvarytblDg new Mo special ubllity reiiulreil, you, reailer, can lo It as well as any One. Wlite to il at on,-.'or full partlculiu'K, whlch vu mail free. AüIraaa Buuaoo .v I ., Portland, Uataa. The Aun Arbor Courier. $1.00 PER TE AR IN ADVANCB.


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