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Literary Notes

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Our Llttle Ones and the Nursery for December gives its usual quota of good tliingg, and something more In happy glimpses of liolidays, to wliich the little people are looking fonvard witu graat expectations. These stories and pictures will go straight to the juvenile heart, and set young ears listening for the lirst tinkle of bells dennting the approach of beloved Santa Claus. This beautiful monthly has its corps of epecial writers nd iirtists; and all it contains is frcshly gotten np with care to piense and cultívate the class for whoni it is desisriied. Rufsell Publishing Co., 3G Broomfiekl street, Boston, Mass. Alirernon Charles Swiuburne's great muterpteoo "Locrine," has been printed by Worthington Company, 747 Broadway, N. Y., from advanced copy by special arrangements with the English publishers. It is a tragedy In verse, and of it the London Times says: "In the majeetyand melody of its diction it will be agreed that the new tragedy is fully worthy of its author. Thcre Is in it a noble austerity that recalls the 'Atlanta,' by wbich twenty years ago Mr. Swiu burne made such emphatic announcemeut tlmt a new EnglUh poet had arrivpd." The New York Times pairt over $2,000 to have tliis poem cabled througn for its columns, and then it was vt'iy imperfect. Cloth, $1.50. For fale by Andrews & Co., Ann Arbor. CltriltmM Wide Awake is made üp of thirty-five poems, slorie?, sketches, papers of all sorts long and short, and jiclurcs fifty-scveu. Both writers and irli-lsare such as stand for timely help along the highway of life with rood cheer in the bargaln. If such an amount of suoli work of pen and pencil was made lato Christmas book?, they would cost as many dollars as cents in Wide Awake. Think of it, $20-worth of the stuit' that ChrUttau hc)ks are made of for 20 (¦ciil ' üe.-iilcs is a part not rcckoned 1 j n t whicli is fuil of laterast, 88 pages of pictures of Cliristiiüis things to be got for a üttle work There is many a boy nd tfirl wlio will find in those M paget not only Chrlttmal dellght but hints [oward wider fortune. liy all meana have the Christmas Wide Awake. II' your bookseller hasn't got it send to the publishers, D. Lothrop Company, Boston. Wortliiiigton Co. annouiice "Worthington's Animal for 1888." A Series of Original Interesting Stories. Biographiat, Natural History, Sketches, Poems, etc., etc, for the young. Illustrated with uDw&rd of 500 original engrartngt, printed Ia colon and seveial chmmo litho graphle lUottrationa, encloscd in u beautiful cover of original and unique design, printed in rich colors. 4to, boards $150. The "AnnuaPfor this j-ear s a great improveraenton the precedlng vols. of this popular favorito, aud will bear a fivorable comparison with any jnyenile book published. It has kept up its reoord by givinw entirely new engravings, and the letterpraa is ritten by some of tlie most popular witten fnr Ibe roung, The engr.iver and printer have lent theïr assistance to make this the most delihtful volume for the young published in America. Altogether of remarkalle pxcellence and variety and is throu;lioiit most jirliciously, and tastefnlly edlted, and the United States patent office has Uñad a patent for the tint printing in wliich it is printcd. Tht December (holiday) number of tlie Englisb Illustrated agazine promises to be au unusually attractlve one. The full-page illustrationg, of whicli tbere will be no less thau fourteen, comise: Portrait of KembMndt, by Ii1mself ; Potato Planting; Study of a Head, trom a drawinir by Sir Frederick Leiorbton, P. R. A ; Herons, from a drawing by Mand M. Clarke; St. Senen Cove, Cornwull; Mrs. Yates as Medea; Peg Woffiojrton as Mrs. Ford; Mrs. Abington, from the picture by Sir Joshua Heynolds; David Garrick as Abel Drugger, from the picture byZoffuny; The Post Boys, from a drawing by Hiigh Thomson; Tlie Meet at an Inn, from a drawlnj{ by Hugh Thomson; C'ourtyard of tlie Cburch House, Salisbury; Crane Bridge, S illsbury Oíd Lady, from u jiainting by Uembrandt. The illustrated articles include, The Sea of Galilee, by Laureoce Oliphant; Ornithology at South Eensington, by K. Bowdler Sliare; What Playera are They V by J. Fitzgerald l'iy, and Óoncblng D.iys and Coacbing Wiys, liy W. Outram Tnistram. In licÜoo, the stories by Professor Minto, and the iiiithor of "Juini Herring," wlll be coiitlnucd, and thcre will also be the lust eliApter of a new one by Mva. Molesvortfa, under the title of "Tiiat üirl in" The niimber will ilso be encicbed by pdcins from Qeorge Mcruiliih and Sidney A. Alexander, and a contriliuiioiiíir' II. D. Train! clever inonthly unies "Kt Castera."


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