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'Now winter has come with lts cold chllly broa.10. And tlie venlure lias droppcd froin the t iv s ; All Nature seems touched by the flnger of ilt'uth, And the streams arebeglnnlng to freezi'. Wüeii wanton young lad.i o'er Cue river doth Bilde, And F. ora attends us no more; When In plenty we Bit by a warm flre-slde, Then's the time to remembtr the mor." - OLD SONG. Ought not the tlriiikiug founiaiu to be cooped up also? Etectlon at Fruternity lodge, F. & A. M., tliis evening. Tued.iysto the Holidays :ire now being countuü by the little folks. Miss Wlllard 11 be at the Methodist church fair toinorrovv evening. Mary Kitredge U in Grand Knpids vlsiting her sister, Mrs. I. D. Muir. The Cliancel society of St. Andrew's church holü ;i social to-night at Hobart Hall. The November city wamntl will be ready for dclivery Thursiliy, toinorrow mornlng. Tliere is to be n social in the pnrlors of the Conffregational chiirch on Tliuiidiy eveniiiK next. Annual election of ofHccrs of Welch Post, G. A. H., next Friday evininji. He on hand at roll cali. The regular iconthly meeting of the pustors of the cityenurches will heieafter be hrld at Hobart Hall. The jury was discharged this raorning, without trying a case, everythiiijí beiug put over to the next term of court. New towns are springing up on the line of the T. & A. A. 1!. ff. as f by magie. The lalest is called Pompeii, in Gratroit county. Last Sunday at the Ist Biptist church theri were seven recvived iuto menibership by li.i [siu in theforenoon, and three in the eveninjj. A large nuuber of our old pioneers are gatlieied at Chelwa, to-duy, aud we will Mrager a big apple that they are having a good time. The pleasant fice of Milo Pulclphet is agaiu at the desk of the Western Union, much to the pleasure of the public who use the telegraph. The dry good stores of the city will be open erelilngg durinj the h) i'lay season, eorauieacing with next Monday, and lasting two weeks. Mrs. Prof. Henry W. Koersattended a meeting ot Woman's Home Mis-ionary Society of the Detroit conference of the M. E. church, at Flint last week. .. There will be a joint installation of ofllcers of the Fratarnity and Golden Rule lodgt's F. and A. M. to uiorrow evening, a 1 uil attendance is desired. Some of the tax payen of the 5th ward are iitdlnjrfaalt with supportiiifr families Uiere ure memben t tint same brhijriiig in the siim of $32 per uioutli. There was a üvely "erlmraage" at the P. O. Monday evetiing at the time of the 6 o'clock muil. It wasn't fiich a vrry fnnny tliiug for some of the participant. It is rumored tliat the company forined here for the purpose of boring for gas or ¦ iil has been imrcd ti) death. Juttice Frneauff Is confideut tliat the rumor is a false one. The cae nf Elmira 1. Ilowe vs. KM i North, in which the plaintifl'was awarded some $4,000, has been appealed tó the circuit court by Bawyer & Knowlton, plaiutiffs altorneys. To-morrow is observed in Catholic churclics as being the Feast of the Irumaculale ConceptloD of tlie Hlessed Virgin Mary, and a dáy of great devotioa by Catholics every where. Albert S. IVttit, nf Denver, Cel., will marry Sara Young, of'Poit Hudsnn, La., next Wednesday. Air. P'i friends in this county wil! alio lie plrMed to learn tliat he is prosperinjr in business. The dynamo of the Edison electric light was chaiigt-d from the CoCRIBB office to the Thompson-IIouston woiks, last Sunday and Monday, and on Mondny ni-ht the llghb wera running all o. k. from tlie new station. The Jubilee Pair at the M E. church opened up ;la-t evening with a large nttendanctt and ;i inerry rrowd. The qu.intity and quallty of -Hts on tale made by tb ladu-s was a wonder to all who were present. Register of Deeds Kearoi has opene.l a new "Reception Book," for deeds and also for mortgages. Tlie number of deed8, good mul evil, recordcd in this old b'iok, and eopied by every local scnbe in town, is wouderful. . Ttie statement that the jury in the case of the Farmei's & Slechanic's Bank vs Wm. Aprill stood ten for Aprill and two for the bank may be misleading. WC understand at lirst there were seven for the bank and fi?e for Aprill. A gentleman of respectability, one who ha reared a family, and who belleyes tne anarchists were served right when tUey were Innig, hands us the followinc terrible one: "What is the difference between a false set of teeth and a falsetto voice ?" The Couuiub office lias just received -,000 lbs. of new type, consisting of revier, Long Prlmmer, and job fonts. i his, in addition to tbc already immense SHpply of material, puts the office in most excellent shape for book work and job printing of any spe:ies or kinds. Two years ago Dr. Ramsay dclivered two unnsually excellent and brilliant discourses apon "The Life and Services of Martin Luther." Upon the request of the membership of the Cocker League these discourses will be repeated at the M. E. church, the first one next Öunday evening. Messrs. Mack and Whedon of the school board went to Detroit last Monday to meet Donaldson fc Meier, the architect who liave sued tliem for $2,000. They will report the outcome of tlie conference at the board meeting next Tuesday evening. One thing ig certain the board will uot have to pay $2,000. Nexl Monday evening Prof. II. C. Adama is to read a paper on "The EH'ects f the Invention of Machinery on the Labor (Jlass," before the Cocker League, at the M. E. church. In connection with the above John E. Hodge will render a solo "The Arrow Song,1' of Longfellow, and Mrs. Geo. Lowrey, formerly Miss Anderson, will recite a couple of pieces. The barn which is under construction on the jai 1 lot is now in trlbolatioo. The eaves off the east side will drip into the lleyway next to the opera house, and Mr. Sawyer doesn't propose to have it, so he threatens an injunctmn. - (areat guns! now mimeroMS injiinctions are getting)- Ihe supervisors can clmnze tlieir gables and still have the benefit of the air above that alley, can't they? A gentleman in our city, feeling a little bad, lay down for a short nap a few days Biucc, and upon arising what was lus horror to tind ihe whites af kis eyes had tnrned to a blood red. He feit DO pain or neoiiveiiience, but went iinmeuiately to Dr. Frothingliain, who told hinithat il wastbe result of the buiting of ¦ blood vessel in the eye. His eyes are now slowly remming their former aiiwaranc.', but are yet very red. At the Monday meeting of the Wa-lit'iiaw Co, Bepublicaa Club the followlng delegáis were eleotad to the National Convenlion of the Hepublican Clubs to e held in New Yoik, December lSth, lCth and I7th. W. M. Oiband, Yiisilanti; Andiew Campbell, PltUfleld; Kvart H. eott, Ann Arbor Town; Dr. W. B. omitli, Anu Arbor; M. 0. Lflieau, Ann Arbor; J. E. Beal (ex-offleio). Alter- nates, J. B. Gilbert, of Sylvan; Chas. Ureenman, Augusta; C. A. Sober, Superior; G. H. Mitckell, Lima; K. 8. ushinan, Webster I 'Too rnnny tliero be that you'plalnly see Wllh M i''' id hollow prlde. Who theplowman's lot Ín lila humblecot Wlth a Hcornful look derlde. Yet we'ü ratlier tuke a hearty shake From hls hatul , thnn to wealth we'd bow, Kor the ftleudly grasp of tliat haad'8 rougli clasp Hatli stood by the good oíd plow." The holiday trade is opening up briskly, and the inerchants are pleased over the prospecte. The case against Messrs. Harless and Boyle for assaulting Tony Schiappacassc bat been settled. The rink is being patrontaed again as of oíd. Who said the roller skating fever had played out? Corney McDonald was sent to the counly jalllfor 20 daj s Monday for bein-r drunk last,Friday. James Kitson and bis two sons, Ernest and Harry, expect toj leave for a trip to California this week. The Woman's Eoiployment Bureau lias removed its ofllce to the residence of 51 rs. Parker, No. 24 North Fifth st. The Bophamon Hop oecurs on the 16th, and tbe Checiuaniegoos.will "draw the bow " for tlie attendants to trip the toe. Prof. John Dewey, of the University, will deliver a lecture at Milán, December 16th, on "Spooks," for the benelit of the high school organ. Rev. Dr. Steele, of this city, lectured last Weduesday evening at the Memorial Presbyteriau church, Detroit, on '"The Ethics of Humor." Sunday evening last, Mr. Edwin S. Shaw, of the senior lit class, preached in the pulpit of the Congregational church to the satisfaction of the congregation. Jacob Gwinner, the 1G year oíd son of Albrecht Owtnner, broke bis leg Monday lile scufflinj; with a companion. lie is employed at Luick Bro's planing mili. The animal meeting of tlie Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society is to be held Tuesday, December 20th. Ollicers for the ensuing year are to be elected. Tlie youngladie8of theCongregational church will woik for tlie mlssionary society, Saturday at 2 p. m., with Miss Lizzie Dean, 57 E. Liberty st. At 7:30 the society will meet at Rufus Waple's residence. Au iron tank 33 feet 8 inches long, and about 17 feet in circumference, made at the Ann Arbor boiler works, bas been placed at the gas house for the purpose of holding crude oil to be used at the works in place of coal. An attempt is being made to break the will of Rosilla Kagel, late of Scio, who left all of her large property to her husband, cultlug oft" her children by a fonnir husband. A daughter Cathcrine Reyer briugs the snit. The recognizance of Jolin Johnson, of Mil in, wa declared forfeited this a. ni. Johnsod wasarrested for larceny of lome wheat, sonie weeks since, and his fatherin-law, Martin Bieining, of Freeüom carne over and went his ii.ill in the sum of $ó00. But JoliUïOa dld Dot appear for trial. The Liadies' Charitable Union desire to acknowledge with thanks lite sum of $29.50 from the committee who had clüirii"' of the funds subscribed for the Ith Mich. Infantry Banquet. Also to Blitz & Langadorf for the suni of $7 39, tlii being oin-lialf of per cent. of their sales on tiatmday, Nov. 2üth. i ut: AxuiHiyviiuuu; vjiuu ineeis on Toeaday evenlng of next weck at Miss Ella B 'Hill's, Xo. 83 Liberty st. In the program will ba ¦ "History of Massaclnisetts" ly Miss Einimt Hayley; A "HlStoiy Of the l'il-rrirns" by Miss Carrie Watts-; the reading of a ioem, entitled "Our Foremothers,1 by Miss .luliu Rnya, and so forth and so on. BeV. 8. Ilaskell bas llgnifled adesire tlial li is been crowing upon lilmfor some time, f realgnlng tbe pastorale of the B;iptist churcli in thll city, :in 1 at a m"eIng of the deaeons of the churcli list Wednesday cvenimr, oomman ICHted the fact to them. Dr. Haskell has been nn efficiënt and greatly Uonored pastor, and will be niissed if he insists upon leaving his pulpit. The Ilons. A. J. Sawvcr and C. R. Wkttman have eonaented to glve addresses before tlie Cocker League in the near future upon Protection and Free Trade. Prof. Demmon will discuss the Shakspeare Baconian question sometime during the year. Judtrins; from the above the class of entertainments to be given by the League are to be of gre it interest. The cliimney at the Foreat HUI cemetery house, occupied by J. II. Stark?, burned out last Tucsday, and heated the walls po hot that acord bolding a picture was burned In two. And linally a header and juist caught fire in the erenlng which was fortunately discovered by the family, and with the assistance of A. B. Wines was put out before any serious damage was done. Allee and R..bert Barnes were pald S3.W last week by the lïenefielary Assoclatlon of Weslfleld, Mass., for the certifícate held by the late LambertA. Barnes The claim was not due. luit the company pulil in full, a fact speaking well for theorgamzatlon- Ypsllantfan Commercial. As there bas been some talk about this organization by an agent for a rival association, the above action inay serve to answer some of bis assertions. The Bay State is considered one of the best in its line. Particularly so as it has an emergency fund to draw upon in case an epidemie 8hould sweep oñ' a huge nuiubcr of its members. Geo. W. Ilalford, editor of the Detroit Trade Journal, but at one time the editor, proprictor, and general business manarer of a daily paper in Ann Arbor, has rot into serious trouble. He was not 8atielied with one wife so lie married anotlier. The two got together last week, compared notes, and concluded to have bim prosecuted. He has been taken to Newcastle, Pa., where he married wife No. 2 Feb. 6, 1880. Oh ! Qeorge, George, you ought to have knowu better. A. M. Doty, of this city has received the Brookings Co. Press, which glves illustrailons and a lona; description of the Dakota Agricultural College, of which Prof. McLouth is president. The l'ress speaks of him as follows: The6e several departments are under the personal supervisión of Louis McLouth, the president of the college, and "the noblest Roman of them all." He is a man who has poseed tbe zenith of lite and has devoted his lif'e to educational work. As a scholarhe hasn't a superior in the wide west, and as a man he Is the embodiment of honor. "Talk about assessm;'iits," sald Ex-Supervisor Geo. H. Khodes, "you ought to write np the 5th ward assessments. I have a strip of land that I laveoffered for $15, and it is on the rolls at $50, and a not her assefsed at $300 that I have oflered at $200; stil! another lot that I have deslred to sell and never could get offered over $150 for, that is down for $200." And yet the supervisors raijed the valuation in this ward! Isn't it an outrage? Where is therea township in Washtenaw county that can show any sucli over-valuation. And tbll is but a specimen ; plenty more can be íound if deslred. Attoruey John J. Hobison tricd bis flrst case yesterday. It was not a very excitiug case, belng proceedings in foreclosure, but it was made interesting. It II quite OMial for attorneys to cite cases and decisions to prove their sideof the argument, and inuch tbougbt and study had evidently been given this case by Mr. liobison, who rung up County Clerk Howlett and had his authorities brotlKht up 10 him. It took some time to do this for wlicn the Clerk and his Deputy had ciniiplctiil the extraordinary task there was found upou the table of the new attorney, 10 volumes of the Report of the State Board of A{riculture; 25 vols. Joint Document; 7 vols. of Vital Statistics; 14 vols. State Board of Health Rep. ; 1 vol. Greeu's Township Laws, and the State Gazeteer as a digest lor the above. It will be seen tbat hU authorities were all healthy. The array was ponderous, and ittcr two cbapten of the Ist vol. of Joint Documenta had been read the Judge retired on a full hand, and Geo. W. Turn Buil, the opposing attorney threw up the game and subsided. Robison won his first case, but lost tbc clgars. N. B - One box due this oillce.


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