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The Pioneers

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Tlit' regular meetlugj of the I'iotieers occur 011 SVednesday, which is quite unfortunate for tlie CoriiiKll, as it precludes ttiiy possibility of eilher attendiii;; or lecuring a report of the meeting umil tlie foüowlng reek. The meeting at Chelsea last Wednes(lay was one Of unusu:il eujoymcnt to those present. Every one had completad the fall work, liad care off thelr miiids, and were ready for a tip-top good time. And the CbelleN people know as well as any people in Hie world how to entertain their guests and canse lliem to enjoy themselves, whether they are in the niood or not. After the cugtom&ry business meeting, Mr. W. K. Chikls, of tbls c ty, read a pioneer poent, partraylitg tho lile ot early-day pionpers, whieh was well received. The Hon. A. J. Sawyer got on one of liis hnppy veins and kept the audiencein the very best of jfnojl nature until il. was time Hu tlliiner. TIlis was an ehL':mt and bountiful and delicious event, and not a soul present but is reiy enthusiastic over it. After dlnuer E. I). Lay, of Ypjllantl, read an eiitertaiiiing uaper descriptive of that city, being fo'.lowed by Ex Gov. Felcli, of Anu Arbor, who gave personal recollections of some of the ;reat men (f the niition wheu he v:ls in mblic life at Washington. The association passed resolutions of t!iank9 to the Chelsea people for their generous hospitaüty, and thcn sdjourned. The necrologists furuished tho followinf list of pioneen who had passed away since the last report: NamtA"- c&L Gen. Edwin Clark, Ann Arbor ... so 6 i Mrs. Francés Brasa, Ueiter 77 5-i C. Wallbrldge, Manchester 7S 4 Mirara Carmer. Augusta 78 40 Mis. Mnrgaret Harria, Center Valley 8.5 4 wm. Parker, Ann Arbor 70 40 Mre. R. Sherwood, Superior 8U 50 Mrs.Marttia fiïerthaminer. Aun Arta r 72 FrankJSIiepurd, Dexter (üi 4'J I.ymiin LaKe, York ... 70 Joseph BleRlorcl. Ypsllauli 7.1 John Havenport, York m Rev. ,los. C'. Lemon, Ann Arbor... ta) Chas. Almendlnger, I,odl ti H Emanuel Mnnn, Aim Arbor 75 V Mrs. T. Wood. Chelsea KlIJaB. Benton, Lima 78 39 Charles OrUwold 58 Frosl St. John 74 Mrs. lreue Reynolds 72 Hugh Diury, Ann Arbor 9) IK) Rachel Ammertnan, Ypsllanti... 71 27 Frederlck Kim, Üexter 67 M Mrs. Mary Ualley 77 Mrs. Cyntlila Perry, Ypsllanti. ... 83 6) Miss Eva Freese, wholiag been eng.iged il ilrt'os iiKiking, witli cuttlng and fitting asa speclalty, tor some time with Mis Otnnon iu the Opera QnoM block, has found it neeessaiy to procure more commodious ([iiarters on account of rapiüly innra-m;: business, and lias taken the larjre plwuant room in the Ut. James block known as the reception room, No, IS on the right hand side ot the hall as you ascend the stairs from the front entraoce, wbere the would be pleased to greetherold frlendl und the lady public generally. Dec. 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 The Two öains will have tl e greatest bai'i: un sale ever held on all Suits and Ovc-foats where there are one and two left. A nan eless soniethin; ia always


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News