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Summary Of The Week

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V ¦ ¦ m " - -r - Til:: l'iitiiMli i 'ongress assembled at noon on tho Slh. In Mr. Iualls, of Kitiisus, presided. No objeetinu was mado to the admisíion 0( Mr. Tnrpie, Of Indiana, but Mr. Kaulknor, of West Virginia, would not bo parmitteit to take hls Beat untll certaln Questlon were iettled cdboernlng the valldity of uls eleotloo.... In the House Mr. Carllsle, of Kentuoky, uas re rifitrii sir;iivcr, the vote, whlch Indloatea the relativa trength of the two parties, staiidnic: ('uil -sie, M8; Keed (of Maino), MS. Both bouaea appotnted commlttoc to notlfy the President of their organizatlon, and Ihen adjourncd for the day. The session of the Benate on the 6th was devoted to ltsteiitni? to thfi read ng of th PrcidcTifs mesiofce . ín the House tureral amendments to the ifêfe -uiimitted, ulso a resolution for the fcppolntment of acommltte on the elcviMith oenaua. Th I'resideufs meseage was thea read, after whloh the House adjourned. A KR801 rrio was ndopted in the Senate on the 7th to uscertain whethor any patent had been laaued for the manufacture of sugar from sorghum. No other business was transacted Tile Houa rtt not in session. A Tf.vy' department conirnunieations werereftd in the Senate on the. Ktli, urier whlch an adjourimu'iit was taken to tlie láth - In the House i lew reaolutiona wave lntroduced relatlag to iiiiieniliiii'iit of the rulos, and then the ioiiy .1.1 ourned to the r.'th. DOMESTIC. Tm: Ohio erop report on tho (th say the yield of n!l the cercáis is mucli belovthe average, and it wis cstimateil that the wlicMt hairest would f.dl short about thlrteen million Imshels. O. J. Wkst, a retired merctaCnt of lüngbauiton, N V., was burncd to tleath ou the tiih in lil reaidence near that citr. At ThoiiKiMville, (la., the oollapse oí a water towBZ ot the üt!i kilte 1 fOM tnen and i aiised serious iniiiry to tour othera From the annual report on the (!th of the Si c i.iiirv of Vfarlt tppearethat the expendlturen of the depaii nt for the last fiscal year anionn eil to .f 1 1 ,:!sri, I .").", while the aclimate for the next Baoal year ag-gregate $53,338,710, njiiiinsi nn nppropriation for the ojirreni vu ol j81,0.")3,:W2. l'i.EL'iio i'nei ¦jiuma had on ihe (th lMjcome epidemie atuong the cattle in Bcrks County, Pa. A roimoN of th" bank of Howan creek at n point naai Kanton, Ky , was inhed away on the (!th, earn ;ir_' wltb it a cibin containiiiLT tive persons, who were drow-ned. . At Wlehlta, Kan , J. B. Johnson, a wealthy n, killed his wit'u on tho tith with a l.ullet and Uien shot hiinse.lf. The cause of the doublé tragedy was insanlty. The uiiuiial maaaafa of President Cleveland, sent to Oongrsai on the Oth, is devoted entirely to the linanclal condltlon of the country and the tariff questioa He recommen3 a redaottoa or abolltion of customs dutic3 on wool, ou such articles as do not compete with our own manufactures, and on raw material a is a íueans of stopping the collectlon of an excessive reveuue. James Wii.son uid ïadd Wolcott, uotorlous countert etters, were urre.stcd on the üth at WiUcasbaite, Pa. Three negjroea were killed on tho 6th by a boiler explosión at . Hngausville, (la. Pi.antkkvi ï.i.i , a niw Eown in M Issls8lppi, ws burned on the (th by an ineendiary flre. As illicit on Sund mountaln, near Gadsden, Ala , was ralded by Uniled Statee oflicers on the(ith, and George Kirk, a moonhiner, was killed As a precantion against dynauiiters the New York steamshlp cornpanies passed an order on the (ith refusing persons without passes ndnilsMon to the piers. Both the Sioux City (Ia ) brewcries closed their doors on the 7;h, :.nd anuonnced that in view of the decisión of the Supreme Court of the United Btataa thy would manufacture no more beer. It was decideJ on the 7th to lócate the Paoitic branoh of the National Home for Dlsabled VoluuteerSoldiersat Santa Monica, Los Angeles Conuty, Cal Bowekmax Bkos.' atable at Lexlngton, Ky. , was burned by Incendiarles on the 7th, and flve vamable trotting horses were destroyed. It was reported on the 7th that a number of faith cures had stonished the people of Toledo, ü., dtiring the Christlan conference of believers in that mode of treating disA woman had her hjaring restored, men rcovered the use of their limbs and a dumb lady apoke. The annual report on the 7th of the Chlef of the Seoret Serviee división of the Treasury shows that then: wm '¦''' persous arrested by the oScers of the service dnrtng the year for violatlon of the laws against oounterfeit ng, etc. oí this number seventy were oomrtoted. ('onnterfeiters at present aeeme i to be devoting their áttention alinost exclusively to silver ooln. The aiinuul report on the 7th of the Secretary of the Treasury shows that the reoj the 'lorernmcnt for the last fiscal year were $371,403,277, and the expendi'tures $1 15,835, 128, There was an increase in the receipts of 934,963,650 over those of tbe precedingyear, and the expenditures were increased bv .'J.") lil.041. The revenues for the present year are estimited at $383,000,000 and the expenditures at #316,817,785 At the annual meeting of the wool-growers and wool-dealers in Washington on the 7th a vtiforous protest wae made against that portion of the President's message which recommendR a reduction in the enstoms duties on wooL A genkiím. C'tiristian conference oommenced at Washington on the 7th under theauspices of the Evangelical Alliance of the United States. Is New York City on the 7th W. A H. Chalmera, dealers in inen, failed for $100,000, and Isaac Hayes, Wholesale llquor dealer, failed for $125, 000 A nu on the 7th in Montgomery, Ala, destroyed sevcral of the best buildings in the city, entailing a loss of $2ÍH,000. The Kchool revenue of Indiana for the last year amounted to .f:. 160,000. The numlier oí rliihirin enrollad -:us 700,529 - an nerease ui 1 .",. I7S over the preeeding year. Tmom ihoi'Saxü passengers frora the l.:Kt arrived in California over th-j various transcontinental roada during the month of November. 'Juk Bank ol Stewardsville. Mo., a private 1 1: - 1 1 ni ion oarrted on by Bnok t'rosby, tuiled on the Tth ïor $200,000 Tak Methodist Church conference of South Carolina, in session on the 7th at Ooluinbla, adopted resolutlons condemnlng in unqualined terms att udance upon dramatic performances of all descriptlOBS. Two men were killed and five others injured by the burning of a flour-mill on the 7th ati'ortsmouth, O. Owrso to the riotous eonduct of the orehandlers at Fairport, O., the sheriff on the 7th called upon the (lovemor for milltla to prevent destruction of iroperty and losa of life. The Goveruor onlereil a hundred men to be held Ho readineaa at Cleveland. Johann Kost, the New York Anarchist convicted of incendiar; speech, was denied a new trial on the 8th and sentenued to lmirisoiiineut in the peniteutiary for one year. Thomas i Eixii, Jb , shot hls wlfo at Kookuk, Ia., on the 8th and Uien killed hluiself. Domestic trouble was tbe causo. At an exhlbltlun performanco In Nevr ïork on the Hth several chtldren oï about nlne yoars old dlnplaved wondarful ablllty at piano players, some alinost equaling Joscph Hotïmmi, the hoy v.ho hns been ereatlng a sensation. Tiik Barnhlll Coal Company of Cleveland, O., Wied on the 8th for #120,000. TaE.typhoid fever aphiemlo continúes to spread In Plttsliurg-h, Pa. Thlrty-four new casos were reportad on the Kilv. Buroi.ars on the 8th entored the store of Martin & Sou at Portia, Ark., and stole ?l,üOO In cash and several thousnnd dollars In securltieB. Meuedith .V, bankers at Silver City, N. M., falled on the 8th for a large amount At a meeting of tbe National Commlttee Of ïhe ünlon veteran Legión on the 8th at Pittsbuigh, Pa, lt wa votcd to hold the next National meeting at Youufijstown, O., Fobruary 'l'l next A bohb was ftound on the Hth at Lojfansport, Ind., In a box of holiday goods sent from Chicago to Al Quaoley, of that city. Heavt raiin wan reporte! throoghout Southern Texas on the Hth, breaklog the drought and saving tue irheat rroi. A fire on the th in Oreat Bend, N. ï., destroyod srvcral oï tho best l)u.slness houses. The loss was hMvy. On the steps of the Refornud (')iureb. at Trvlngton, N. .1 , a dynamite bomb with f use attachment was found on the Hth. An un¦uccessful attempt had been made to explode the Infernal machine. Threk negroes, Adam Charles, Andy Mlller and William Smitb, who had assaulted Mlnnie Mjren, a ten-year-old girl, were psnfhl by ¦ party of wbltes and black on the Kih near RiveH, Tenn., and hanged. John ]!id::r and WllUam Nlchols were killed In mine No. !), near Ashvllle, Ind., on the Htii, mul live others were serlously burneci br nu explosión in tlio Anchor ruine. In bis animal report on tbe Sth Secretary of the Navv Wlittnrv MJI tbo approprlatlon for the dcp.'iit ment for the last fiscal year amountrd to $13, 1 80.000, uucl the balance avatlable at the end of that perlod was $934, hoo, wlilch had been redurod by December 1 to?T164,500. The approprlatlons for the curren t lineal yeaï ainount to $26,182,0(X1, and the estimates for the year endlng .Tune 30, 1889, to !f.':i, l'J7,!)00. On the Hth Brakemen KHne and Holmes were killed in u frelffht-tnln wreek on the Northern Pacific road near Klinberly, Mlnn., and Englneer Travis was fatally sealded. Amoh (1. SIcCampdéll t Ca, bucket-shop brokers, of Louis vil le, Ky., suspended on the Sth. The concern had branches In the principal ritiivs throiiffliout the West and South. C'busk BoDCBIQOU was han(fcd on the 9th at Uvalde, Tex. , for tbe murder of Pancho Oarcia, Ha protested hl innocence to the last At Clnclnnatl on the Oth a Base-Ball Reporters' Associatlon was formed, wlth Ueore Munson, of Ht Louis, as president The l'ishiry Unton held a meeting on the Üth at (loncester, Mass., to oonslder the best conree to dopt in the interest of the lisheries. i"p to the Oth rain had fallen continuously for ten days at Aahmore, 111. , and the highways were impassable and business was vlrtually suspended. A VALUABi.E horse in Chienfro died on the 9th from hydrophobla, caused by the bite of a dog. A oako of horse-ttleves at Bear City, Kan , was attaoked by cltlzens on the !th, and three of the former were killed. The jury ir. the case of John Arensdorf, on trial at Sloux City, Ia. , for the murder of Uev. Dr. Haddock, returned a verdict oï "not KUilty" on the Oth. Alirkd Kl.o ken, book-keeper for 8ecomb, Keliew 4 Co., of Boston, wns urrested on the Kh for embezzling $0,000 of the tii ni'h funds. The tablewareworkmen in nineteen flintglass factories at Fittsburgh, Pa., to the number of fourteen hundred, were on tho 9th ordered to strike because the rules and scale adopted by the manufacturera did not suit them. Dukino the seven days elided on the 9th there were 'ï'.% business fallures In the United States, against 215 the previous eeren days. Off LcweK, Del., on the Oth the steamer Algiers struck and aunk the schooner Nellie S. Jernell, tliree of the latter's -crew being drowned. The regiment sent from Cleveland to Fairport, O., on account of the ore-handlers strike, Hirived there on tbe Oth. Ten of the leaileiH amonfr tho strikere had been arrested and new laborera had gone to work under the protection of the troops. '1 'hk Bed river at Elmwood, Tex.. overttowed its banks on the Oth, destroying a lnrge portion of the cotton erop in that vicinity. Masked men on the Oth dragged Mra üinston-Brown and her eighteen-year-old sou from their home at East Bernnrd, CoL, and murdered them. No cause was known for the crime. The manufacturera of rubber boote and ¦hoes unit 'd in a trust in a meeting at Bos ton on the !:h. The Illinois Rsilroad and Warehouse Commlwioners flled a report with the Governor on the Oth npon the Chatsworth railroad disaster, ceusurlng the Toledo, Peoría & Western railroad management fornotkeeping iteelf hi formed of the condltlon of ite tracks. A cursort examlnation on the Oth of the books of Duhola County, Ind, showed irregularities during the past eight years amouuting to $40,000. Tiik case of Johaiin Most urn beeu appealed to the Xew York Snpretno Court, and the Anarchist was released on the 9th in $5,000 ball The next Xational encampment of th Grand Army of the Repnbllo wlll be held at Columbus, 0., during the second week of Sejitember. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The President on the Otb ent the followiBg nouiinationa to the Henate: Lncius Q. ('. Limar, of Misslsslppl, to be Juntice of the United States Supreine Court; Wllllam F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, Secretary of the Interior; Don M. Dicklnson, of Michigan, Postmaster-((eneral; Charles K. Falrchild, of New York, Heeretary of the Treasury; öeorgc L. Iiives, of New York, Asalstant Secretary of State; Rljfourney Butler, of Massachusetts, Second Comptroller of the Treasury; Jamos W. Hyatt, of Connecticut, Treasurer of the United States. Thomas Pabsons, ajcd oue hundred years, died in New York City on the 6th. He had lived in one house in that city for fiftyeight years. Thk Virginia Legislature convened on the 7th at Rlchmond. Ex-Conobessman N. C. Dberino died on the Hth at hls home in Osage, Ia., aged ilxty years. Thk Prohibitlouists of Connecticut met in State convention on the Hth at New, Haven and adopted a platform which de-! clares that the liquor questlon is the molt' Important polltloal issue of the day and as erts the necosslty of a third National' party. Delegates to the National convenUon were choseu. i ,,.- NatlonaJ llepubUpan Cora iilütee int la Washington on i Im mil id el ot 'i 'hlciii iih the plaoe and the LlHh of June ai the time tor holding (he riex I National RepobUean ooarenMoa ASCII -AlllH'TT RoNIFACE WlMMKU, lolllldcr of tho 1! i" ¦!;¦ irte Order m ene Unltëd StatoB. d'ed at, M Vlnbontfi :.i-l". Weutmorelumi County, l'a., -¦" tha vh, affed aeventy-eiurtit ye ira YlBfUNlA Demunats lu OTIUUUfl on t he 8th ut lüchmond noiítuated Jdbn 8. Barbo for the Ünlted States Neiiat-, to nucoeed Henator Riddleberger, whoso temí xplrns March 4. The Prohibitlou State Central CommMtea metfn Indianapolfs On the th and resolved to cali an early coiiventiim BOSCt yi-ar and nomínate a strnight-out Prohibltlon tata ticket IEV. 1)11. R I'. RUMPHMT, lll eld uní dlRtlnguished Preubyterlan miñiater, dled suddenly on the Hili ai Loutsvllle, Ky., nijed leventy-n'tíh' year,. Chaii-.íun Jones, ot tha Republioan Natlonal ('iiininittcr, on tlie !th iSKned a cali for tha BepubUoan National conven Ion, to be held In Chicago Juna H, l8H8,'tönosU nate candidato Mi Praatdent and VicePrcsldentof tbe United Si - Captain H. s. Blacxfókd, .i malméd veteran of the wnr, a workerin the tempánalo cause and a familiar Qjrnre Ín Washington, dled auddfnly on tha li h Benjamin r.rmi I', one of the early Abolltionists, nnd nn assoclate of Qarrison and rhillips, died at Ualveiton, Tex., on tlic Dth, aped Myanty-Mven yearp. FOREION. A FIRK on the Gth at l'ort Edward, Ont, destroyod thirty thousand tons of coal, property of the Grand Trunk railroad. Kixdon's extensivo floor-cloth factory Ín Bermondsuy, nenr London, was destroyed by üre ou tilo (HIl Loss, .fJ50,()00. Jouv flncSH A ÖOi, wholesnle dry-goods morchants at London, Can., failed on the eth for $180,000. OM hindrbd honse at Baracoa, Cuba, were destroyod by a terrlflc palé on the Oth. It was rumorea on the Oth lu Berlín tho Runsia tarea conoentratlní troops on the AuHtnan froutícr Thk Bteampr Isla de l'unay, bound frora Liverpool to Manilla, went ashore on the 7th on the connt of Portugal, and aeveu of her crew were drown I Mrr. FlLLOWS, an ius;u;c woman living at Toronto, Can , killed lier baby on the 7th by cutlinjr citï tu head, and then cut off ona onn and iMiokcd it for her hostauid'a dlnner. The dim'ovory of iimncnso fluida of gold in Wales was reportel] on the 7th. Germant, Austria nnd Italy on the 7th agroed to raisu tlieir mlnisturs to Sjialn to the rank of ainbassadors, wlth the view of recognizing Spain as ona of the great powera. Edtvadd IlARUixaTON, member of the BrltJsh Parllamcnt, was on the 8th genteneed to a month's lmprisonment for publlshlng report of meetings of suppressed branches of the National league. Teers wlll be no winter carnival this season at Montroal. Onb of tho military forts at Halifax, 1Í. Fl , was pnrtly wrecked by an explosión on the Sth, j)lanned by unknown persons. The Boldlers were greatly exclted. Advices of the 9th say that the town of Bavlspe, Mex., was entirely destroyed by the recent carthquakes, and the people wera wild wlth fear and were starvlug. Two bons and a daughtcr of N. Lcdoux, a carriage-inaker at Beleoil, Can., feil throutrh tho Ice whilo skating on the rlver on the Oth and were drowned. A bakd of Mexicans on the !)th lynched Cecilio Barrea and Vivían Diez near Rio Grande City, Mex., íor kiduaping Señor Barrea last Aug-unt Advices of tbe 9th from tho Orkney Islands report the loss of tweuty smacks in a hurricaue. The delearates of the Scotch Home Rule Union, who have been nuiktng a tour of Ireland, (leclared on the ilch thnt the coerción measnres of the Government were ineffectlve, and reported themselves as more than ever in favor of the domands of the Natlonalisti Armstrono Beothers A Co. , of Glasgow, the largest iron operators in Scotland, failed on the Oth. LATER NEWS. At tweuty s'x leading clearln? houses In the United States tho excluuies during the week ended on the lOth ar)fregated (1,029,212,111, agninst .fl. 1 i:t.L'77,109 the previouK week. As comparod wlth the correspondini; week of ISSl! úhe decrease unount.-d to IS :! ]er cent Ernest H. ASAMa, of New York, on the lOth disappeared, havin robbe 1 hls employer, Mathew Üvrnes, of over !)IO,OOO. ÜN the llth two freight-trains colllded on the ('hesapcake k Ohlo ratlroad near CHfton Forge, Va., and three men wera killed. It was tnnounoefl on the lOth that Henry George had deflnltely dao da 1 not to be a candidate for the Praaldenoy next year, and not to put the Labor party iuto the campaign. Hev. .Toseiiii Parser and wife, of London, Balled from Newïork for home on the lOth. The death was snnounoed on the llth at Whatcom, W.T.,ofI S.Killoch, whoseijviarrelB with Charles 1) ; Young, editor of the San Francisco Vhro iteUy led to the shooting of the latter by Kalloch's son. FrE stores nnd s von dwelllngrs at Salt Rlver, Mich , were duntroyed by üre on the lOth. Rev. Chaü Beiíky, of London, on the lOth declinod the cali to Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, alleglng as his reason for so doIng the opportunity that is opened to hlru of doing national work in England. Seven ot' the leaders of the Ohlo tallyBheet forgeries ot L8BB were indicted on the lOth at Cincinnati. In the lobby ot tho ('hamber of Deputles on the lOth a would-be assassln named Aubertlne made au atltmpt upon the life of JuleR Ferry, ex-Prime Minister and one of the inostlnnuentlal politiclansln France. Tho man flred turee shots from a revolver at M. l'trrv, Iwo of whkh took effect, Inflictinfi Miiona wounda The house of Michael Harria, a Dakota farmer, near Wessiiiirton, was burned on the lOth, and Mis Sarria and six children perished in the Samea Judok Hobqan L MvüTis, of Green Bay, Wis., th ïoundcr of the city ot Milwaukee, dled on the lOth, agcil H.venty twoyeara W. G.'s barrel factory at Plriladtlplilu van deïtroyed by flre ou the lOth. Laa, 1100,000. A train on tho St Louis, Arkansas t Texas railroad waa Rtopped by robbers near Texarkaua, Ark., on tlie 10. h, and the express car, muil and pasu'iiers were relieved of over ilO,(K)O In mol Two nawnon at Dm Mo'non, Ia., valued at IJWO.OOO, were eiosed on the lOth by the authoritles. The authorities of the States of Sonora nnd Sinaloa, Mex., are making strenuous efforts to rld the country of the famoua bandit Bernal and his desperate followera Several conflicts resulting in loss on both si des have oucurred recjutly betweon the troops aml the outlaws. It was estimated on the lOth that Bernal'B band had killed nearly two thousand peopie durlng the laai year nnd destroyed more than two thousand towm.


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