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The Sure Thing Of Life

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It is said, and quite nptly so, tliat there are two tliings only in this llfe tliat we are puto of, viz : " Taxes and deatb." Consccjuently those wlio are liviug are intereited in the first half of this draad couplet. All of ourcity treasurers, however, are of onc mind in asserting tliat we are notalwtvys sure of taxes, for there was never a tax roll made in a village or city tliat sorne one upon it did not "slide out" of their obligations. And a planee over the varlous rolls of this city will convincR one thnt there are some assessments tli:it will be pretty hard to collect Uiis year. The list bclow niay not include every penon In the city, who pays 50 taxes and over, but there are few if any omissions, and is as near complete as possible to obtain. The reader will bo surprised not to liiul the names of some men, who have taken onth to being worth $15,000 or $20,000 over and above all encumbranees, on the list ; his surprise will be great, also at findinj; names ot people who are not supposed to be worth yery much, and many whoareconsidi-red quite we.ilthy assessed ata small ainount. lu perusinft these figures you will come to the conclusión that there is not a great deal of justice in direct taxation, as at present carriedon, but you will wrack your brains in vain to lind a method where exact justice is done to every one. The figures ind the length ot' the list will compare favorably with other cities of the size of Ann Arbor. The number of persons, however, whose taxes lack jast a trille of coming within the $50 limit is very jrreat. But here they are, persue and study them at your convenience : Johu Allen 60 ,1. M. Ashley 6 5o H.L.& J. M. Ashley 57 7J Andrews A Wltherby 60 50 Win. Aprlll W Wm. Arnold 14) (Hl Ann Arbor üas Co 402 00 Ann Arbor Water Co 677 50 Anu Arbor Ag. Co '{ Ann Arbor Tannlng Co , ri Chas. K. A.laras M Win. Allttby }' " Allmeudtuger & Schneldor lbi 5) Kat. R. A. Beul U36 3 H.J.Brown 66 25 P.linch 210 52 Hncli Able 150 Est. of P. llrelnu 50 00 Est.ofl'. lienr 187 50 C. Bllss&C. BllsoASou '8 to Blltz A Langsdorf 80 H. Binder 1 43 Dr. W. F, Ureakey 8)97 Jolin Burg 8; Est. Oeo. B. Brusu 71 Ksl. A. nirk 100 0 Mrs. LoulsaBour ... 3310 Wm. Burk 1} 04 Fred Boslmer fil J Cbas. Binder 68 .5 s. Holsford, guardián 107 1). 1!. ISrown M 2j Eugene B. Bt?al 81 89 ilrs.Ann Beldlng 52 41 MariaM.Barker 62 98 Beuj. llrown 87 9 Oeo. W. Cropsey 8' 1' N. W.Cheeves Jjg 6 Jas. elementa 108 0 8. W. Clarkson 60 5o Thos. M. Cooley l u Tlios. M. Cooley, trustee 145 00 Jas. Clancy gj Barton W.Cluiso ¦ E. W. Coddluglon W O. W.Cheevcr 6J 60 Kst. Paul ('hrUtmann Bj 00 Oeo. Clarkeus '" "¦ Mrs. C. and Mrs. Mary A. Curnuui... . 6i 52 Mrs. s. s. Cowles 10 01 Henry Cornwell JJJ ¦ Harvey Coruwell 17i 2' AunuConden " 'u Connectlcut Mutual LI ff Ins. Co 100 P.M. Doty M . A. DeForest UeanACo 258 A. M. Doty Dr. K.S Dunster 75 02 Dr.S. H. Douglas 101 M N. H. Urake M 2 IsaacDuun Sb 27 A.Duun -.. 1 1' W. W. Douglas ?S n M.L.D'Ooge 60 E.DulTy 7bS0 Dully AMason M ia Jas. D. Duucmii „ i? C. Kberbaoh Ï'J 85 C.Eberbachi bon 100 00 O. Eberuach 77 44 Est. J. J.Ellis 48260 Mrs. CurrleEllls 6 to NeUon Eastwood Mre. Elta Ferdon W Fasqucllo, Ksl 188 ib Oeo. E. Krotlilnghain Ho 20 Mrs. Lucy Frotulngham 74 60 Chus. Fautlo '51 Mrs. M.FUclier 2:0 M Samuel P. Koster 0 75 Est. h. Fritz 71 25 Est. Mrs. Dora Frey 30 00 Alpheus Felcli 577 50 Prof. 11 8. Frlezo 57 75 Prof. C. L. Ford ÍW1 81 Prof.C E.üreeue Maltby Oelsion 59 29 John Ooetz& Sons 117 si Est. Jas. B. Ootl '81 41 Wm. P. Urores 179 tw I,. Cruner, trustee, etc 127 65 L. Oruner 74 87 Est. D. Qodfrey 58 50 Mrs. E. N. Oreen 103 5 Est. C. Goodrich 80 85 Mrs. Mary L. Oay 173 25 ' ' guardlau 57 75 Est. J. T. Hallock 1 38 Est. L. 1). Hale 99 24 Aguiballelber 9196 A. W. & Mary E. Hamllton 6171 A. W. Hamllton 251 21 Hamllton LU. Society J34 00 F.H. Hamllton lü 90 W. D. Harrlman Hutchlnson Egt SUS 70 Est. Mrs. A. P. Huut 66 55 8. Hendrlckson 62 92 John O. Hoflstetter 71 80 Prof. Wm. J. Herdmau 144 TO Rebccca Henrlques 181 Sí Wesley Hlcks 60 H Johu ü. Herter 58 75 JoUn&Oeo. Halier W! 60 Est. J. HangHterfur 227 31 Helnzmnnu & Bon 9!) 50 Ooo. M. Henion 55 60 Joan W. Huut 52 50 Hutzel&Co 11000 Daniel Hlscock 214 13 Frank lioward, guardián 92 40 Aug. Herz 65 66 W. Hardlnghaus 5162 Israel Hall 233 20 Mrs. Wm.llulburl ."7 CJ Est. J. D. Irlsli TO ! Mrs.C A. Jaycox 102 85 J. A. Jaycox 150 15 L. D. Jumes .Ing 20 Luther James Hj 02 Prof. E. Jones 'M S0 J.T.Jacobs 2-J7 4S &Co 108 90 W. H. Jackson 7o is S. P. Jewett 130 78 Mary .1. Johnson 64 97 Otls C. JohiiHon 61 S4 R.Kompf 233 53 A. Kearney 150 93 Mtk. Mtiry K. Keariicy 77 3!) Miss M. Kearuey 12126 J. W. Knlght 301 93 Dr.J.Kapp 67 50 Z. P. Klng, trustee, etc 08 25 Jobn Cíe. Kuch 129 47 Koch ft II al Ier 50 00 E. 1). Klnne li 0 K.Klttreüge 9147 H.Klttiedge 59 70 Jas. Kltson 68 55 Catharlne Krause 55 00 Henry Krause 75 00 H. Krapf 5? 75 E. J. Knowlton Ki 0"J E. and U. Lutcfc 192 38 J. F. Lawreiicw lxo Ki E. B. Lewls 54 45 J. Laubengayer 06 80 Mrs. Celia Lucea 54 45 L. M. Lyon B7 50 Mrs. C. M. Lxiiils 94 71 Spencer Lenuou 70 80 H. Lovell 96 48 Mrs. M. Lukeus sisters 16U 81 A. Muehllg 88 33 (i. l. Martin aud Est.. 81 07 Mack&Schmld B 78 C. Mack 171 50 E. Mann 155 88 McCreery & Knlght 60 50 Wm. McCreery 16 98 Wm. H Molntyre 74 54 Oeo.W.Moore 74 60 Qeo. L. Moore 60 5) JohnMoore 98 80 Prof.Oeo.S. Morris 84 70 Jcanetle McMlllau 60 50 F. J. Mlner 99 14 Est. Lucy W. Morgan 814 12 üeo. C. Mahon 121 00 Heury Matthews 82 50 Mr. Mary Maynard 12(i 95 Mich. Furnlture Co aio 75 H.T. Morton 66 08 D. Mclutyre 390 61 Mre. Anna E. Mclulyre 175 60 Miss Ellen Morse..... 173 '26 8 O.MlIler 174 20 C. E. McMannus 57 62 A. L. Njble :t', 25 Est. Wm. Noble 64 2a J.ll.NlckclH 70 18 Prof. W. H. Pettee 69 29 W. S. Perry 50 82 F. L. Parker 201 07 E. 1!. Pond B2 OS M. O. Peterson 70 18 John Pflsterer 87 75 J. A. Polhemus & Son 79 57 J. A.. Polhemus 62 Í5 Dr. A. B. Palmer 202 l.i Prof. A. n. Pattenglll 88 94 Prof. A. B. Prescott 9tt 4B Edwin Packard 107 24 Emery lUchardsou 55 66 D. KliiHey 98 01 Rlnsey &Seabolt 14157 Allee M. KlNdon 259 44 Est. L. C. Rlsdon 78 05 Moses Hogers.... 76 23 A. V. &.I. V. Kolilsuu 74 60 F. Rettlcli 326 09 C. II. Kiclimond 199 28 Anna II. Hli'limoiul 50 82 Est. W. C. Rlchardsou ; ... 54 45 Prof. H. W. Hogers (12 112 Est. II. W. Hogers 868 73 Mrs. E. A. Rathbone ... ia io Mrs.E.Royer j Mrs. Heury Koyuolds "j (;. Romiuger g Mr, CatherlneUayer Dr. W. B.8mitb g ;'! KÜ7.a8raitU ' JÍJ lv SylvlnSmlth 1 . S.-Hrolá.Jr Mis. UmsiaSchmld " " Geo. Slzer :'!.',,' Mrs. 8. E. Sager Mrs.H. L.Sackett J-{ J¦ " trustee Mtr. M. Sheehan ' H.Sesslons 25 schuil Muehllg ?' ' J.T.Bulllvau 2L Q. F. Steln & Co. .2 " A. D. Seyler }L Chas. Spoor , -l H. M. spniciinK, troatee M '" 10st. 1-r.MliTlrk Sorg gf L Albert Borg A. J. Sawyer " ? N.Sutlierfand D. F.Schalrer 1 " Goo. stollsteimer M S (In. M. Sheeley J7 50 Mlchaol Staebler JW 5 Mr-;. K.s.hade lg g T. 8. Saiulfonl W Swailicl, Kyer& Petereoa jb Win. N. Steveua ' Wra.N. Stevens W ¦ MosesSeabolt W 40 Sigma Phi Soolely 75 J.M.Swlft&Co 3.1 ,S, E.Steele ¦ J. Austln Scott 1W49 W. B. sil.-kney '} I Mary E. Soule g A. A.Torry John W. Thompson „1 ? , Thorason-Houston Elec. Co. JS' } E. Trcadwell J Mrs. AilaZ. Treadwell 77 Jas. Tolbert ,J Mrs. Msrtha Taylor l.j ;; Sarah Vandowarker Í- - S Krank Vandewarker g Dr. V. C. Vaughan 8arah L. Vnughan ¦ W. W. WatU JJ Mis. II. Win UJ ¦':', Mrs. M.L. White Wm. M. White 3}1' Mlcliacl Welnmauu - ¦' Wm. Wagner J M Wagner&Co i0 Klam S. Worden J Est. John West 1 J 1 W.W.Wlnes 52 0.) Wlnes & Worden -,ï' C.H. Worden Mary L. Welles I J0 Mrs. John A. Welles 2 50 John Wagner.Sr ) C. Walker J H. C. WalUron ¦ Mary E. 4 Ralph Wliltlng W Mrs. Wm. Waldron A.Wluchell J1"1 4'J Mrs. M.H. Wells 11 M S.Wood&Son 5' '5 It miglit be wcll to stutc tliat the ilor tnx whicli iiinonnts to betwecn ?200 and $300 is not included u tlie abovc list. The priathlK ollkes ia tliis city ure taxecl as followg : Argus Office Í -:i Iteulstrr Üffloe 5J W OofrietOdloa " The Arpus, in glorying over tlic failure of the booming tuiul, aska Ihe friends of Unit propo9ition to Beek consolation in the fact that "next year a m-w $20,000 church is going up and a $30,000 Student's Christain Association building, and more campus improvements. AU of wliieh are very ood as far as thev go, out how many families wil) the $20,000 chiueh or the $30,000 (slightly exasrgeratcd) S. C. A. building brliifi the city ? Il is the faniily of the brcad-winner that builds up ¦ city. The MU who hew the wood and pound the ironand build the mauhinery and manufiietured material that supplies tbew rKl. Thcy carrydinner pailssometimee as they go to and from their labor, and not as polished as some people, perhaps, but they are a iinn and sure foundation to the prosperity of auy community, and Ann Arbor might well feel proud to have thein swarm into her precincts even if the "constitooshnal" lav - yer of the Argus does declare H Ulegitl. It is not the $2,500, brolher Argus, but it Is the check to progrese that its killini; off lias caused, that hurts. It is the publishingto the world the fact that Ann Arbor can ouly progresa by linviug progress foreed upon her, Ihat huiniliatcs. There are BOme tliings that eau not be valued by dollars and cents In acommuuity. It is altogetber probable that gas in the Argus' ;as well will be struck about the time the Argus gives up the old granny expression of saylna when any thing happens: "Well, I told you so." There are pi'ople who can get their eyes off the campus when lookiug about tbem for methods to build up the city, whether the Argus can or not. The Ypailanti Sentinel snivels over what it calis gerrymaaderlng by the reuuhlicans of New York in apportloiilng the legislative distiïcts. It is awful! I3ut just turn your eyes southward, brothcr, and see the course pursued by your own pure pwrtyl Thafa all riht is it not? It is bonest nd honorable to suppress republlcun votes in the south to such an extent that ín North and South Caroiinn, (eorgia, AMib -uu i, Mississippi, Louisiana and other southeiu States it takes only about one halt' as many votes toelect a congressman as i t does in Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois and other norlhern states? Tlie demócrata niay gerrymaiHier the nattoo with perfect impunity, but if the republieans carry a legislatura of i northern state a howl goes up imtuetliately, of wrong dofaw. The republicana are not guilty of the oiïence claimed. The Sentinel bas been looking iu ¦ iniiror and has seeu the redectfOD of his own party, that's all. Marshall bas Struck a rich vein of sou ooal, only "O feet below the surt:irr Ann Albor has stiuek nothlng - but her little boom. Cannon is on the new cimimittce on rules ippointed by Speaker Carlisle. He oiight to ihoot 'om. Jolm 1. Sullivan and Albert Edw&rd, Prince ot' Wales, 'Ileir 'bapparont to tlie throne of "Ilenlainl lmve been admiring each other tor tlie past k-w dnys. John says "Alhert s a respectable soit of ¦ chap, that hc wouldn't be ashamed to invite home with bim." Tbs Detroit Evening News Mates, and the News is authority, that Rtv. Dr. John S. Foley, of Baltimore will be the ncu 1 ! ï - ] i I of Detroit. He is an American Irlshin m, and said to possess much personal BMgneÜsm. A terrible blizzard liaa been raglán " the western states for a few diys pMt, and some cominiinities ai e sullrriiii; for want of fuel, the coal conilnnation and the railroad companles refusing to sliip enough to inpply necessltle. The manoer in which the coal business of tliis country is run now 's outrageou?, and congress onght to flnd some remedy. Nearly evcry western railroad bas been built by landt granted by the general government, aud that tlie goveriiment can compcl them to transport the necess ities for the peojile ftlong their line, is quite {renerally believed. The accursed greed that will allow people to freeze to dealh that the price of coal may be udranced, is despicable.


Ann Arbor Courier
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