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Lamar And Chisholm

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No one whosc mcinory of our politics runs lrnck ten yoars can have forgotten the niaesucrc of the Chlsbolm fainily in Kemper oounty, MUsliíippl, by a brutal Democratie mob. There ia no more pathetie. and beautiful figure In hlstory th'in tbat of Cornelia Chisholm clasping bar dying fatlier in her arm, whlle the repiesenlatives of Southern chivalry riddled hor fair body with buckahot. Fatrler, daughter and son wcre murdeied ineold blood, without cause or provocatlon, because the f at her wantcd to be allowed to eierclse his rights as a clti.en- to speak and to vote as his conscience tauglit him. "I have been miinleral," said he in his last tnoments, "becausc I am a republican, and would live a free man." This murdcr was the outcome of a determinaÜOD " the part of the White democrats of Mississippi tliat tlie negroea should not have the moral support and encouragement of any white man in politics. Ones deprived of this co-operation, the negroes, inexperienced and timid, could easily be terrlged lnto submlsslon. Tlie sequel has proved thst the caleulation was correct. White men wcre to be periuaded or bullied into standing with [luir race, and ifthey coukl not be persundcd or bullied, they were to be killed. Ilundreds of pages of testlmony before Congress, dripping with blood, prove h at 'this is not an exaggented statement. WbowM the mouthpicce and leader o I this movement in Mississippi? We will let the Vlckiburjt Herald, good democratie authority, answer: At Aberdeon last Sato rday Colonel Lamar uade aa eloqneat speech. A better democratie speech we do not care to listen to; and In inanly and rlnglng tone lie declared tlmt lliu oootest iQVOlved the supremacy of tlie uncouciiii'rod and unconquerableSuxon race. We are glad to heur thls bold and manly avowal, nnd lt was greeted with deafenlng plaudlts We have never seeu men more ferrlbly in earnest, and the democratie whlte-Une speech mado to them by Colouel Lámar aroused them to a white heat. Does anybody say, "O, bilt this was a peaceful movement. Mr. Lamar could not liave countenanced any violence?" Wcll, read this frora the same paper : If the kllllng of anybody la necessary, we repeat what we have neretofore sald - Let the poor neuro pass, and let the white scouudrels who liavu flred hls heart with evll passlons be the ouly suirerers. These were the senilmente openly expressed In the campaijrn In which Mr. Lamar was the acknowledged leader. Can any one imagine James G. Blaine or John Shernian taking part in a campalgn in whtoll tlie loading newspapers of hia party advocated the murder of political opponents? Mr. Lamar spoke in Kemper county at a meeting at which Judge ChUholm was mentloned as the man wlio stood in the way of victory. Professor D. S. Garthriglit spoke at De Kalb, within sight of Judge Chisholui's home, and said : Gentlemen, lf you ever eipect to have peace and harmony In your oouuty you must got rld of thls mau. I wil I nol undertake to teil you how toget rldof hlm- that you know as well as I ; but you must uet rld of hlm. Then followed a gesture imitativo of hangiiifr, and the crowd laughed and Cheered. These wcre Mr. Luuiar's frionda and supporters ten years ago in Mississippi. These were the sentimeiits he counteuanced, agalnst whicl he never protestad. William E. Chandler, now Senator, said of this at tlie time: Sui'h men as Lamar and Qarthrlght and Money, more than the lgnorant Southern white mish of Keinper couuty, are respon¦lblefor ihr cii UI ml in tragedy and the fallure topnnlsh the murderers, to our everlastlug natloual dlsgrace. Every man knows this to be the truth. Yet it is now pioposed to make the leader and associate of this rcd-handed crew t judge of thesupreme court of the United States. If you talk about a free ballot and a fair count, you are "waving tlic bloody ghlrt." Tlie Holly Advertiser will not pay tliat $5,000 to Mr. Watrou9. The Judge consiiUred that nothlng llbellous had been publishtd. Ex Secretary Daniel Manning is iigain critically 1 1 1 at his home in Albany, N. Y. The peoplu of this natiou would legrettlie ileatli of so able a man as he Is, and they hopo for his recovery. The Masonic home to be erectcd at RceU's Lak e, Grand Rápida, wlll be a beautiful structure, if the cut publishcd In the Detroit Journal Is a correct one. It is to cost $60,000, and the loealion was purchascd last year for $10,000. C. C. Chamberlain, of Muskegon, has invi'iitcd a wonderful lire arm that he calis the "Congress Lun," and Gen. Ctitcheon is endeavoiing to help him jret a $100,000 nppropriation for constructing a trial piece. Great ifiui?, what a blowout a fellow couid have on $100,000, couldn'r lic? It is a thlng to bc regreted, bltterly so, that a man so extremely disloyal as Mr. Limar lias been, should be placed upon the U. S. 6uprcme court bench. It is not exactly the thing to place men of his ilk uhere (lieir opinions may bccome law. He ia a lover of .Teff Davis and the cause Jcff Davis represent?. No repnblican senator voting for his conflrmation can retain a great deal of self-respect.


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