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The Oft Told Story Of tho peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is iully confirmed by tho voluotary testlmony of thousands who havo trled it. Peculiar In tho comblnatlon, proportlon, and preparatlon of lts lngrcdlents, peculiar la tho extremo caro wlth whlch It Is put up, IIcxxl's Sarsaparilla accompTlshcs cures whero other prcparatlons entlrely fall. Peculiar in tho uncqualled good name it has made at home, whlch Is a "tower of strength abroaü," peculiar ln tiro phcnomenal sales it has attained, Hood's Sarsaparilla 19 tho most popular and successfu'. medicine beforo tho public today for purlfylng tho blood, giving strength, croating an appctlto. "I sullered irom ivakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on tbo back of my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took ono bottlo of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I havo reccivcd so ïmieh bcncQt that I am vcry grateful, and 1 am always glad to spcak a good word íor thls medicine." Mns. J. 8. Sntdeb, Pottsvillo, Penn. Purifies the Blooo Ilenry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, had scrofulous sores all over hls body for Uiteen years. Ilood's Sarsaparilla completely cured him. Wallaco Buck, of North Bloomfleld, N. Y, suffered eleven years wlth a terrible varicoso ulcer on his leg, 80 bad that he had to glv up business. He was cured of tho ulcer, and also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparilla gold by all drugRlsts. fl ; alx foritt. Prcpareionly by C. I. 2I00D & CO.. Apothecariei, Lowell, lima. IOO Doses One Dollar DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE S3' 9 contnius no Opium or danHCjL9 (rerous dru. Can be taken Lt4ÊrLm ''y any oue at any time ¦HMbKM The lateM mul best DisJnriVf tri '"r '¦" hkadache, flnKBW NURVOI SXE88, 8PASMS. Sl,Kl:i'I,KSSXKSS. F1T8, E SEXl'AL WKAKNESS, am VjWinmp7 XEUVOIS D1SEASKS. SoJd by Druggists. Sample Bottlcs Fru O" $5,000 REWARD -m Will be freely given fot Ê ;-Js. o better remedy for Iliad irjt H aclie, Nervousness, Sleep23ï, l'ssniss&c.thanDr. Milei' "¦ I(.'(()ratlvt rrlni, a ftJrM' Drain uil Nerve food. gr Contaius uo Opium or Mor. phine. Sold by Oruggisls. Sample Botlles Free FOREST HILL CEMETERY CÖMPANyT The nnniinl mai-tlng of tho BtookholdcrH or tic Poresl llill Cemetery Compuny wlll be it thelr olllco on tho grouuds on Tuesduy, lanuary 3, 188, at 10 : :ltt n. ra. for the purpove f ulevIlUK three truNtuuK for full term imd hik trustee In plnce of Emauuul Muun de¦riisrii ; and the tiansactlon of sucli other juHlnetw na niay properly come beforo tho oeetloK. W. W. Wink, 9ec. Vnn Arlr, Mlob , Deo. ï, 1887.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News