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pRPRicrs CREAM AKlNg ftpWoE JSjgT PERFECT MSS [M il bj iho rjDttad statos gorermnent. En(idisi'd'b.v tbbeadol the u real Unlversitlea as the Strongeet, l'imst. mul most Hcallhful. Dr. Prloe's the on I y Baking Powderthal doe not oonlaln Ammonia, Linie or Aluin. Bolfl ouly in cana. PIUCE BAKINfi POWDER CO., NEW YORK. CHICAOO. ST. I.OÜIB. Ia Tr Greatest Blood Pitrifieri KNOWN. # I TMsGreat Germán Medicine U tbeJa,, III chonpest anti best. 188 doses of SITL-M II rui i: 1:1 i i i:i;íoi-íl.(Hi,lL'.-stliai)# III one ccut a dose. It 111 cure thcM Qunr.-i caees of skin discaso, trotoM tn ;v oommon pimple on the íavi'M ï Itlto that vful dlwnsc Scrofuln. [Isi l.i'lll I! BITTEI18 Is Hm'# Iliii-i medicine to dm in Mm ¦ li '¦' Buch Btnbboro anl'ot]r Kld-lll III l" r scatcd üiscusto. l)"#ii..siirooutlll Uliioi ovi-r takc #ofonkT.l m-IU blue pills i1.;,1.;1;"1 ,'!Q Hlormrrriin-.tlii'vari'iliMil ' ,' „In feS58is&afeKffia II pureat and liot#J ou us0 Ij medicine ever nmde. #SU]p1Ur BitUrS ! UI ö witli a yellowstickyDon't walt nntll ycu CJ 8nl)sta'ncp? i -vonr#nreunnl'letv:ilk,orlH breatb foul aad Jfare flat on yonr lai'k,l offenslve? roiuwuntgetsome at once, lilll stomach Is dhi# UI cure you. i-iili'lmil II ÜBcírBitters U Tili';i ' i:'i;sThe Invalid's Frlcnd.S (miDcdiatelyrheyfHing.theagedand i"t-5S 8 aro ""'i uiailc m el] by Ijl ne Ulfk,Mt n-c. licnicniber wliat y-n Ijl opy , JTread bere, it ni.iy nave yourlll ui.Vi orWKtv, It haa saved lmmlreds. III WUim'l alt untl] tü-iuorruw, F Try a Bottle To-day! E3 1%" M Avi1 yon low-.-piritt'iI ftad w f Til;, III Z Wov BUiTeVitur from tbe c.xsaca m l S#yoiith3 II bo, 3ULTUUB BlTTLRáH 'Vwlll euro you. Send 3 'J 'i'pi i'i a. P. Onhrar A Coi ttostuu.M;: medical vrork puúlirihcu? AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH IéTtWTWTSSI frcm CHICAGO, müiï 1 peoría ye isTLOU.SgjONb #illl WITH 'I tVill' CHOICEOF IMfcflMfcflaMMl ry routes; via PAiimRfPDENVER' llALIrUlllCOUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, STJOSEPH,ATCHIS0N or KAN SAS CITY. For dates, rates, tickets or further Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting Unes, ¦ ie or address Paul Morton, Gen, Pass. 4Jkt.Agt.,Clilcago1!ll. wWMJJJgMFI Alï Druggiita, i"ic., 50c.. and Í1JÍ0. Prpptred or]y bj Dr. Seth Arnold, Mcd. CorpTwooniockct, R. I. ARBUCKLES' name on a paokage of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all flrst-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Tutt'sPl FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpld 1 1 ver d erangs tbO whole yi -'in, mul pruiluccs Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. ritere ts no bctter rcincdy for these oininoil llseuses lliun Tutt'x Liter i'ilN, us a triul wilt prove. Price,33c. Sold Every wliere. This is the Top of the Genuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. JttThis exact Label i3 mA is on each Pcarl fjÊ wA Top Chimney. ¦fll S-J A dealer may say ?¦ BïlF fJ an(l think he has Wy olhcrs as good, "3! f BUT HE HAS NOT. Insistupontbe Exact Labeland Top. Fsd Sale Everywhere. Mace only by CEO. A. MAC3ETH&C0., Pittsburgh, Pa. unaUBiail has revolutlonlzed the world T (U 7P W TTllIJ 'lurliiK tbe hist half ceutury. all I Uil i Uil Not least iimuii; the wonder in imi ¦¦¦¦ Qf ,oventlve progresa U a method :n:il ss1tti of work thatcun be performed all ovat tbe country without separ'Dg the workers from tliclr homes. Pay liberal ; any one eau do the work ; elthersex, young or old ; no special ablllty requireii. ('ipitiil not uei'ded; you are Ktartcd tree. Cut this out and return to us and we wlll end you In-.', somethliiK of great valne and lmportanoe to yon, tbat wlll Htart you In busl iiiss. wliich wlll brliiï you In more raoney rlgbt nway than knytblog else lu the world. ' (ree. Address Trae & Co,, Augusta, Manir. fttaniii Itrivardrd are those who read UU Vlliis and tlien act; Ihey wlll flnd ¦ IIMtaU I ' Miployment that wlll taka tlK-fii from their homen and faniiüí's. The proíits are large and sure iry Indiutrloui persou, niany have made and aiv nmv making gevernl hundred dolían a fnonth. It is eaay for any one to maki: Si umi upwarda per day, who Is wllllnx lo work. Bither sex, young or old; capital not QMded; w start you. ËverythliiK new ÜOlpeolal ahlllty requlred, you, reader, can do It as well us any one. Wrlte to us at once for full particular, whlch we mail (ree. Addres- i o.. Portland, Malne. I


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