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Our Sunday Schools

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A dellgbtfal Christmat festival waa held at tlio M. Ê. charol) last evening for the mombersof tho M. E. cliurch Sunday School. Evcry one present reporta a real old-fasliioiuil, happy, jolly, social time. Oíd Santa Claus hiinselí distributed bags of candy and pop-corn to tlic little ones ; supper was served, and glad henrts went to tlielr homes after all was over. The membert of St. Andrew's Sunday School were treated to a happy time at Hobart Huil Monday afternoon. The Oongregatlonal Stindny School children were Christmasel Monday evening at the church, and the customury aniount of bapplneu indnlged In. The Zion's Lutheran Sunday School acholara bad a Christmas tree last Saturday evening at thechureb, and the beaming fuces of the little ones is they emerged from the cburch with pockets, hands and niouths fiill, gave ampie evidence of tho generosity and kiudness of old Kriss Knngle. The Fifth Ward M. E. Sunday School indulges in quite au extensive entertiiinmont to-m irrow evenlng, at the chimh. Thcy will have brooni drill, singing, etc. The membeis of Bctlilehem Evangelical Lutherao Sunday School were entertaincd Saturday, at the church, and it took two Cliriotmas trees to holt) nll the presenta. It is needless to add that bappiness relfned. The Presbyterians are to have a social Thursday evening to which the Sunday Scliool children are invittd, and will be entertaincd. The Geddes Mission Suuday School, can ed on by St. Andrew's congregation, held :i dellghtfü] entertainment last evening, including a tree. A large niunber attended. The Baptists gave their cbildren a social and supper a week or so ago, having special services Sunday.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News