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J . J. Goodyear and wife visited Detroit last Monday. Chas. Ludlow and wife were in the city Christmas. Frank Loomia is home with his family for a few days. Miss Bessie Dunster has returned home from New York. Miss Ada Freer, of Detroit, Is visiting friends in the city. Hudson T. Ellls is home froin Detroit for the holiday season. Samuel Weil, of Chicigo, is visiting old friends in the city. Theo. Iteyer, of Detroit, is spending a few days with his motlier. E. B. Gidley spends the holidays with his family In Grand Rapids. Miss Hattie Ailes is home from Coldwater for the vacation weeks. Dr. C. H. Hand and wife are visiting Mrs. H's father Win. Merrithew. Miss Ornie Williams, of Mila, is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Capt. J. II. Palmer is spending the Christmas.holidays with his family. Harry Joss Is home from the Orchard Lake military academy for a few days. üilhert Bliss and family will visit J. D. Clark and family at Jackson,New Years. E. L. McAllastcr, of Detroit, spent Christmas with his parents on Miller ave. Mrs. S. C. Eastman, of Chicago, is visiting at the home of her father, Israel Hall. Geo. E. Bliss and wife of Jackson, are in the city visiting his father W. W. BI SS. Miss Bessie Bartlit, of St. Clair, is visiting her sister Mrs. Southmayd, for a few days. Sam. Langsdorf has gone to St. Louis, Mo., to visit his pareuU for a couple or three weeks. D. F. Schairer is spending the week with relatives and iriends in Bay City and Saginaw. Fred Weir, the former leader of the Chcqnamcgons, has been in the city during the week. I. El. and Allen B. Pond, of Chicago, Christmas-ed at the home of their parents on State st. Mrs. Eugene Bulkley, of Monroe, will spend New Years with her daughter Al - T n TA MTS. J. J. WOOÜ. Mrs. J. I. Cutler, of Ftoher, Kent Co., is visïtinr her children who aie pursuin their studies here. Mr. and Mrs. Jolinstcm nee Ilendrick8on, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs. J's parents, on S. State st. Tom Craig, who is attending a military school near Syracuse, N. Y., is home for the vacation season. Geo. W. Palmer of N. Main st., is benig visited by his brother Mr. John Palmer, of Utica, N. Y. Geo. Grossman has been home froja Detroit for the past three days. He is looking hale and happy. Fred Kuhn, one of Fowlervlllu's hardware dealers, is Bpending Christmas willi his mother on W. Liberty st. Supervisor Gilbert, of Sylvan, was In town Saturday, anti bought a prayer book. So there are hopes ytf. Miss Frances Waldron, who has been attending school at Syracuse, N. Y., is home for the holiday vacation. Chris. Heinzmann, of Bay City, has been visiting his father and friends in this city duiing the past few days. Dr. W. V. Baanden, dent. 'S7, now of M.mistci', i-i pntlhlg tlio holiday senson with bil parents, on E. Catharine st. Mr. and Mrs. H. WoodwarJ and Miss Ouida Fiench have been spending the holidays with friends at Rochester, Mich. Mrs. James M. Stafford was called to the home of her parents in Akron, Ohio, yesterday, by the serious illness of her sister. M. O. Graves, superintendent of the Wyandotte s-1mi1s, Ht. class of '8C, is in the city for ¦ week'i stay, greeting old friends. Dr. E. L. Drake, of Marqaette, is in the city visiting his wife and baby, who will probulily return wltli liim ulicn le goes bnck. Mis Fiiiiiic Head, of Owoho, is expected in Aun Arbor to-!ay to remato aorne iluys witli the Mlstet Ladd, on Kast Catharine st. .1. ü. Baad, ol the East Sagiaaw Schools, accomp:micil by Mra. Reed, w;is in the city to atteml Miss Bailey's wedding Momliiy. Mr. ainl Mr. Portel Lathrop and Frank Thompson spent ChrUtnias nt John W Thompson's. Mrs. Lathrop remains In re for a few daya. Mis. H. M. Barker and son George, of Flint, in: in tlio city this week, visiting relatives and friends. C:ipt. B.irkcr Is expected to-day. Mr?. W. II. Jumes, of Oil City, Pa., and Mr. ;. T. Elliott, of East Saginaw, are viUüng Mrs. Win. P. Balllic, 71 Washington st., E. Capt. J. F. Schuh is not able to be out yet, but is recoveilng slowly frora his fall from a BCaffoldlog at the mw boiler house at the university. Edgar White and wife, Mr?. Minnie and two sons, of Port Huron, and John Crowell, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs. Jus. Jones, in the 5th ward. About SO neiijlibors and friends surprised Mrs. Mullican, of the Oth ward one day lust week, and '.ïelped her observe her 69th birthday in a very pleasurable m.nncr. Miij. Win. C. Stevens and J. E. Beal are in Lnnsing to day, attending a meeting of the Old Mission Resort Association, ín which many of our citizens are interested. Hon. Thos. M. Cooley is at home from Washington, where he will remain until after New Years. He says he thinks the Ann Albor atmosphera healthier than that of Washington. Miss Mary and Miss Pauline Schmid left Saturday evening for Chicajto, where they will spend the holidays with friends and relatives. Mary will also go to Milraukee for a few days. Rev. Wm. Penlield, of Dundee, aiul Lorenzo Penlield, a prominent attorney of Auburn, Ind., father and brother, respectively, of the late Mrs. Stayt, attended her funeral yesterday.