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The Webster Reading Cirele wlll elect offlcers Friday evening. Mrs. Amanda P. Judd, died in Ypsianti, Dec. 2Ctli, aged 92. O. Goodin?, of Stony Creek, has a very fine lot of stock on his farm. The Webster Partner Club proposes i series of lectures this winter. Henry Whlpple of Salem, who has )eeu very slck, is convalesciu. Prof. Thompson and wife of Soglnaw, iaa been viailing friends in Dexter. Olías. Kowe, of Sharon, is moving to üalitörnia, where he has u fruit farm. The Ypsi. A. O. U. W's iniüated 14 it'jy members in onn hundí ti. aUuu On Christmas Day Walter Sober snd Miss Ada Brokaw, both of Salem, were narried. The Baptist Aid Society is to meet at Allen Skidmore's at Lyndon, on Tlnirslay, Jan. 5th. Geo. W. Hayes, of Detroit, has been vlsiting friends in Dexter, where he was once a merchant. Rev. S. Iïird, of Whitmore Lake, will conduct services at the Lapuam Church, Salem, during the week of prayer. E. Snell, of Whitmore Lake, has removed to Aun Arbor, and taken the posltion of engineer at the capsule factory. So. liyon youngsters have converted - ïot the editor of the Plcket- but the old elevator bridge into a toboggan slide. Misses May and Maud Reynolds of Mian recelved a handsome piano Christmas, )ut the supervisor of York will never hear of it. Fred Steinkohl got a Christmas present tbat will grow Iarger the older it grows. It is a son. - Manchester Knterjrise. Chas. M. Norton, of Leslie, has bougbt the hardware business of J. H. Sampson, of Ypsilanti, and takes possession at once. Josiah Johnson was struck by a limb of a falling tree on the farm of E. Gorton, near Ypsilanti, Dec. 27, and instantly killed. Miss Millie Hoover started for Colorado Monday iu company with Fred Cook, who is going through to California. - Milán Leader. Those who may deslre to get young flsh for stocking lakes and rivers should address "Secretary Kellogg, State Fish Commlssion, Detroit. Whitmore Lake boasts of a mammoth pie eater. But whether the fellow eats inamtnoth pies, or is a mammoth from eating pies is not stated. Miss Jennle Mclntyre has started the Temperance Bugle at Stockbridge. Well woinen are quite generally capable of tootlng their own bugle. Every member of Christ Church Sunday School, Btockbridge, were presented with a nlcely bound book and a card ou Innocents Day, Dec. 28th. It Is stated that a lady in Manchester has just recelved a love letter wliich was written and sent 40 years ago. Too late ! too late! those tidings come. The question of local prohibitlon in Ingham County will take place on Jan. 24, the requisite nurnber ot nanies ha ving been secured on the petitions. It is a poor rule that does not work both ways. Tuesday men were blowing about the snow; yesterday the snow blew about them. - Enterprise. The teachers and members of the Presbyterian Sunday School at Ypsilanti, called on Hon. E. P. Allen the other nijfht and made it pleasaut for him. Geo. English, of Lima, has gone down In Branch county near Farmer Luce and bought farm, jiiat thls side of the Indiaai line. He didn't care to get out of Michigan. Sensible George. The editor of the Dexter Leader announces that he has sold hts llambeltcmian colt " Frank" to Mr. Ward, of Lima, for $225. (Jood for him. That pays better than pulling people gratis. Miss Emma Kempf, of Chelíea, has (rlven moh satisfaction in teaching school in Dist. No. 8, Ptttoflald, that the school board not only retaiued her for the next term, but raised her salary $3 per month voluntarily. Tlie board of supervisors have directed the county treasurer to pay a bounty of one cent for each sparrow slaughteied in the county. Boys here's an opportunity to obtain your money for the next circus. - Dundee Reporter. Clematis Lodge, Daughtersof Rebekah, I. O. O. F., elected offlcers at their last meeting as follows: N. G., Mrs. II C Sill; V. G., Mrs. C. M. Blackraer; fee, Mrs. Aaron Sa n ford ; t reas , Mrs. II. M. Dexter.- MIlan Leader. The Webster Farmer's Club lias chosen the following offleers: President, Ir;i Backus; Vice-Presidents. K. A. Xordman, Geo. Phelps; Cor. Sec'y, C. M. Starks; Ree. Sec'y, Miss Ida Kenny; Treasurer, Adin Cushing. Christmas day was a sad one to many in Lima, who attened the funeral of Miss Lizzie Dancer. lier Midden death cast a. gloom over the conimuuity. Tlio attendftnee to the funeral was large. ltev. Jl. Palmer conducted the services.- Chelsea Herald. It is now gravely announced that Anti boom?- Dexter Leader. The company, however, is for the purpose of mauufaeturing a ladder and truck, (without any liook) that wtll bc wanted by every vülage and city in the country. There was some talk that Vpsllanti would lose the lluurishiug business collejre of Prof. Cleary, butshewill not. Toledo capitalists stepped in and ngreed to erect the new building, plans for whieh have been recently procured, but tliey didn't catch the prize and Y'psi. wfll have the new building. Oood for Ypsi. Clias. Miirray. Geo. Boyd, Bert and Harry Hayward and Clias. Rider were out hunttog near Salem Moüday. Their dog pointed some birds, the boys made a circle and when the dog put thein np Boyd made a quick shot misscd tlic binl and the charge peppered Murray'a log causing a palnful but not serious wound. - So. Lyon Picket. Tlie lires of the past few weuks show plainly that we have a person or persous in our midst who for pure cussedness has no match this side of shot-1. What excuse a man could devsie fordestrojin Bo valuable a piece of property is more thuii man can teil, but so sure as there is a God in heaven so sure such man w i 11 bc brought to justice, and may it be but a very short time. - So. Lyon Picket. Enterprise ; At a regular communication of Manchester Lodge, No. 14S, F. & A. M.,held at masonic hall on Monday evening, Dec. 26, 1887, the following oiUcers were elected: W. M.-John F. Nestel 1. S. W.- Mat D. Blosser. J. W.- Frank Spafanl. Treas.- Qeo. J. Haeussler. Sec'y- Ed. E. Root. 8. D.- A. F. Freeman. J. D.- A. G. Case. lst Steward- M. Brennor. 2d Steward-J. C. Oordanier. Organist- Clarence C'ur. Tyler- E. Q. Carr. The new Methodist oburch at h: Creek was dedicated lust Wedoeaday, by the pastor, Rev. M. II. MtMalion. Rev. Dr. Ramsay, putor at Au : Arbor, preached the dedicatorv eriiion. Rev. Dr. Washbiirn of Monroe had charge of the (inance?, and realized from the congregaUon about S300, whlch left a debt of about $1,000. The pastor then surprised and delighted the congregation by announcing that Mrs. Iliram Thompson, sr., of Ypsilanti, would assurae the balance, and thus the house was dedicated free from debt. Her son, Hiram 'i'hompson of this place, though not a member of the churcli, had already subscribed about $200, and given mueh of his time as chairman of the building committee. The subscriptions up to the date of dedication had amounted to $1,000, and the shrinkage will not reach $10. The lious ¦ is s handsome brick ediüce, furnlshed wlth improved hardwood seats and warmed with a íurnace. The young people's society have contributc.ï over $200, c;irpeting the whole auditorium and buying handsotne pulpit furniture. - Ypsilautian.