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Witfa January lst a change occurred in tbis judicial circuit, Hon. Chauncey Joslyn, wlio has for tbe past eix years presided tliercin, stepping down from the bench, aud Ilon. Edward D. Kinne ascending tliereto. EDWAKD D. KINNE, is also one of our well known citizens. He is a imtive of New York State, havinr been bom in Oiiondnga county in 1S42. He grnduated from the literary departinent of the University in 1864, and two years later from the Columbia Law School at Washington, D. C. Returning to Ann Arbor he bagan the practice of law, entering into partnership with the late Olney Hawkins. Mr. Kinne's brlfht intellect, thoroughness and prompt altentioo to business at once Won him a fine practice, and bis genial ways made hlni, popular. Ho was elected recorder of this city two terms, aiul ttieu servcd two terms as mayor, (Hing eacli posiüon with honor. Still later he went to the state legislature, and served bis constituents with nbility. For several years jmst lie has served the city as its altorncy, benig elected cach time by the nearly unanimous vote of the council. This oflice he reeigned as he took 1 1 is sent upon the bonch. Mr. Kinne's popularity can best be show n by the handsome majority by which he was elected over George M. Landon, of Monroe, polling 2,375 nors voti's in this and Monroe counties tiian did bis competitor, though there Í9 a democratie niüjority in the two counties of about 2,500. There is very mach expected from Judge Kinnc, and no one doubts but that the expectations will be more tlian realzt'd, tor he is a well-poised, calm, levelheaded man, who will do right. And so we ' groet the cominsr, and speedinj: tbe partinr." The Aun Arbor Argus In commentlng on the failure of the booming finid, blds the city be of good cheer as there is to be a S'JO.000 church, and a 330,000 student's chrlstlan associutlon building put up in the spring. The ( in kii k -mi'its ut iliis sort of a boom; hut guess the Argus knows what alls the town. H'b In- rank sin that bothcro nu Arbor and a splrltual)boom is the thing flrst needed. Let the church and the christian assoeiation bulldlngRgo up. Let Ann Arbor "seek flrst the klngdom of heaven and lts rlghteou?nrss " and the temporal boom wlll come of llself.- Adrián rress. The Press man appcars to be a sort of a prencher; one of the firey, red-hot shoel sort, who bathes bis pen in the blue blazps of purgatory and writes in words of devouring llame that scorch and seer their way into the epidermis of the poor mortals at whom they are directed. Come over and help us along with our boom, Bro. Smit - Stearns, we mean. There is much nctd of your terrorizing qualities. DakoU's and Minnesota's wlieat erop, combined, for the past year, makes a total of 95,000,000 bushels. Montana this year paid out almost fGO.OOO iu bounties on wild and olher animáis, including 709,942 squirrels, 165,27G prairie dogs, 2,507 coyotes, 1,581 wol ves, 294 bean, and 164 lions. John Wanamaker, of Phüadelphi, tlie greatest storekeepcr in America, began lifp as a laborer In liis fatlier's brickyard. But it does not follow that all brickyard laborers can beconie great store keepers. Free trade isa mighty fine thing, that's true(?) But wouldn't old England rejoice if she liad a surplus in the treasury ? Free trade seems to keep lier piling up an enormous debt instead of reducing it. Ob, yes, free trade is a nice thing - for '8molher country. Perhaps dogs were not made in vain. A Maine man as an experiment clipped the lleece from a pet Newfoundland dog and had it carded and spun into yarn. It yielded four skiens of jet black yarn, weigbing two and one-quarter pounds, and was as soft as wool. It is statecl that V. K. Vandeibilt will take up his permanent abode in Europe, probably in EngUnd, visiting America only at occasional periods, as his interests or pleasure muy díctate. Well, the country wlll not tip over into the Pacific ocean by his gitting off of the Atlantic side. We invite the especial attention of every reader of the Coukier to an article upon the ñrst page of this paper, entitled 'Our Protectlve System.1' It is the clearest expo8ition of the question we have seen for a long time. It is a keen, sensible showing up of the free trade fallacy. Read it, and you will be the better for it. The Methodists of Greenville are practical soit of people. They wanted a $20,000 brick choren, 90 they went to work and rabed the $20,000, and now they are soing to have the churcli. ïhat's a pretty safe way to do, and how pleasing t will be to set in that choren and not be teased for contributions. There is springing up over the country a demand for the reissue of the old fractioinil currency used during and after the rebellion. It would be extremely convenient In sendiug small sums tlirough the mails, but for general circulation in place of 8inall coin soon becomes wor and torn. And ttien again there is no The great ïnining booms of the century have occurred just ten years apart - 1849 saw the California excitenient; 1859 was the Pike's Peak, or Colorado boom 1869 was the Nevada boom, when tli great Comstock bonanza was discovered 1879 was the Leadville boom. If hixtor repeats itgelf, then 1889 will see anothe arpat miningr pxo.itpnieiit. L1CUL IlJlllUlX C.l H Hl' H l. The Gratiot Journal fairly out-did tself in its holiday edition. It was eer tainly tlie neatest and most artistic newspaper that lias ever fallen under our gaze. The mechanica! portion was a wonder and must have taken much time and patience. And the press work is perfect. But few papers equal the Journal n point of excellence in any edition. A new railroad is contemplated from Battle Creek to Bay City, and a bu-iness coinraittee appointed for the preliniinary work. lf Battle Creek is to back this enterprlse some faith may be put in it, but if Bay City is the backer look out for a dead failure. Bay City once attempted a road from Port Huron via Caro, but flatted out, which 9 only one nstance. Tliey haven't got the sand up there wben money is wanted. The Caro Jefl'ersonian has chinged ts name to the Caro Democrat - which isnot n goort taste - and celebrated the event with a 10 page edition that is not only a credit to the publishers but an honor to the entire county of Tnsoola. Tliis mammotil edition did not profesa to be a "trade edition," but simply a bona flde specimen of energy and enterprise. The new flrm of Keith & Slocum are not only hustlers, but have other great ele ments of success: youtb and strength - both in head and hands - and the determination to win by liard day's work and merit. And they'U do it too. Just watch the in. The threats have already como welling up from the outh, on thecontirmation of Mr. Lamar. The southern newspaper and speakers now say that if he Is not conlirmed the south will remain solid to the day of judgment, or longer if possible, Strange ! but some way it seems as if we had lieard that remark before. When Zach. Chandler set down on a bilí to pension Jeff Davis, there were like tlireats, aud from the very man who now seeks conlirmation to the highest judicial position in the nation. People sometimes laugh because the owl is spoken of as a wlse bird, and deern him very stupid. If a dispatch does not err, we may have reason to believe the old adaee "as wise as an owl:" The telegraph tells us tliat for several nights large flocks of screech owls have been hovering around the cornices of high buildings in Columbus, Ind. Investigation was instituted, and the uiscovery made that "the owis are catching and devouriug hundreds of English sparrows. Tliey drag them from their nests or restini places, beneath tlie cornices, carry thern away and devour them." One of the largest woolen milis In Ireland eniploys seven hundred and iifty hands and has a pay roll of about L400 per week. Girls receive from six to eight sbillings and the highest wages pald the skilied laborer is twenty-three shillings per week. Thlnk of that, American workinginaii, tliis is the kind of labor that the free traders wish you to compete witb. The majority ol our laboring people would not enjoy the style ol living that they would be compelled to adopt by sucb ftarvation wages. Free trade will give you all this, and hardships that you little dream of, and it behooves you to investígate the quesliou well before assisting with your ballot, in bringlng yourselves in competition with foreign labor. Free trade means low wages or no manufacturing, and in conleqaenoe no employment. The averafre rtorkineman will be willing to let